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Jack sat at the kitchen table, his fingers nervously tapping the edge of his laptop. The afternoon sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room.

Down the hall, Alex was napping peacefully, enjoying his day off from work. Alex had recently started a full-time job as a musical talent manager at Crestview Management, a high-profile firm in LA, and the long hours were beginning to take a toll.

Jack's eyes drifted back to his laptop screen. His heart raced as he opened the email from UCLA School of Law. He had applied after graduation- and he nearly missed the deadline, but the wait had been agonizing. Taking a deep breath, he clicked the email open.

Jack read the first line and saw:

**Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you...**

Jack's eyes widened.

"Oh my God... I got in. I GOT IN!" he yelled, barely able to contain his excitement.

Jack leaped out of his chair, leaving the email open in his laptop as he sprinted toward their shared bedroom.

"Alex! Baby! Alex!" Jack said excitedly as he burst through the door, his voice cracking with excitement.

Alex jolted upright, startled by the sudden commotion.

"Baby- are you ok? What's going on?!" Alex asked, his eyes wide and his hair mussed from sleep.

Jack didn't waste a second. He jumped onto the bed, nearly knocking Alex over as he landed next to him.

"I GOT INTO LAW SCHOOL, BABY!" Jack squealed delightfully.

Alex's face immediately lit up, and he let out an excited cheer.

"What? Oh my God! Baby, that's amazing!" Alex said excitedly as he hugged Jack tightly, kissing him on the cheek as they both laughed with joy.

"I'm so proud of you!" Alex exclaimed.

He pulled back, his face glowing with happiness.

"Go get your laptop—I wanna see the email myself!" Alex insisted.

Jack grinned and kissed Alex in the lips before he leaped off the bed.

"I'll be right back!" Jack said excitedly.

It was an excuse. Alex needed Jack out of the room for a moment-

As soon as Jack disappeared from the room, Alex sat up, heart pounding. He had been waiting for the perfect moment, and this felt like it. Quickly, he reached over to his bedside table and slid open the drawer. Inside an empty box of condoms was the small ring box he had been hiding for weeks- Alex spent his first "real job" paycheck on the ring he had been saving up for.

Alex fumbled with it for a second before tucking it discreetly beneath the pillow behind him. He took a deep breath, preparing himself.

Jack returned, holding the laptop with the email pulled up on the screen.

"Look!" Jack said as handed it over to Alex, his face still glowing with excitement.

Alex read through the email, grinning ear to ear.

"Wow, it's official. You're going to UCLA Law!" Alex said with a glowing grin.

"Like I always said I would." Jack said confidently.

"Like you always said you would."Alex confirmed warmly.

They paused for a minute as Jack opened the Welcome Packet PDF attached to the email. Since Jack was an alumni- enrollment was slightly different.

"I'm so proud of you, my love. You've worked so hard for this." Alex said softly.

Jack nodded.

"You helped. All the late night studying, the ridiculous amount of time you spend watching C-SPAN with me so I can observe proper proceedings." Jack added.

Alex smiled softly at his boyfriend.

"And I will do it again and again if you ask me too." Alex said softly.

The air was charged with delight and bliss.

Alex reached over and set Jack's laptop aside.

"Alex what are you doing I need-" Jack protested.

Without saying a word- Alex leaned in, pressing a slow, sweet kiss to Jack's lips.

"I love you." Alex whispered.

"I love you too," Jack whispered, his eyes softening as he pulled Alex closer.

They kissed again, a little more passionately this time, losing themselves in the moment. But before things went any further, Alex gently pulled back, grinning.

"To celebrate," Alex began, his tone playful, "I wanna do something special for you."

Jack cocked an eyebrow, mischief flickering in his eyes.

"Oh? Something special, huh?" Jack said in a flirty tone- his mind immediately drifting to more intimate celebrations.

Alex smiled, reaching behind him.

"Not exactly what you're thinking." Alex said shakily.

He knew he wanted to marry Jack... but he was nervous as hell.

Alex pulled the ring box from under the pillow, turning fully to Jack.

His heart raced, but his voice remained steady as it could be.

"Alex what are you?" Jack tried to interrupt.

"Jack... will you marry me?" Alex blurted out.

Jack froze, eyes widening in shock as he saw the small box in Alex's hand.

Alex opened it, revealing a simple yet elegant ring inside.

"I know this might not be the most traditional proposal," Alex continued, his voice soft, "but it feels like the perfect moment. We're celebrating your happy ending, the one you fought so hard for- And I want us to do this together. I'm so lucky you chose me as your fake boyfriend all those years ago... and now, being your real one has brought me more joy than I ever thought possible." Alex paused, his eyes filled with love.

"I'd still choose you every time." Jack admitted warmly.

"Can I be your real husband?" Alex asked, a blush on his cheeks.

Tears welled up in Jack's eyes as he looked at Alex, his heart full. He nodded, barely able to speak.

"Yes. Yes, of course, I'll marry you." Jack whimpered through his tears.

Alex slid the ring onto Jack's finger- it fit perfectly- and Alex wept tears of joy.

"I love you," Alex whispered, his voice trembling with emotion.

"I love you too," Jack replied, his voice thick.

He wiped his eyes and chuckled, looking down at the ring.

"I can't wait to take on the world with you. We're gonna be unstoppable." Jack said proudly.

Alex grinned, leaning in to kiss him again.

"And I can't wait to be the hot trophy husband of a hotshot LA lawyer." Alex said with a wink.

Jack laughed, pulling Alex close as their foreheads touched. "Deal."

Jack kissed Alex again, deeper this time, filled with the certainty that they were on the cusp of something incredible.

"I love you," Jack murmured between kisses.

"I love you too," Alex replied softly.

Jack, overwhelmed with happiness, pushed Alex gently onto the bed, their lips meeting again as they embraced the life they were building together—the love that had grown stronger with every step of their journey.

I've Never Told A Lie...And That Makes Me a Liar.Where stories live. Discover now