Maybe I Misjudged You

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As Alex and Jack walked into their hotel room, they took a moment to take in the luxurious surroundings. The room was spacious, with a stunning view of the ocean and a king-sized bed dominating the space.

"Shit...there is only one bed." Alex muttered.

Jack nodded.

"I know- normally on trips like this Dean and I would share a room, but since he got married, I get a room to myself. Zack still shares a double room with his little sister Maya." Jack explained.

"I bet he was excited you had a room to yourself on this trip... you two were going to fuck in here weren't you?" Alex teased.

Jack blushed out of embarrassment.

"Yeah... that was the plan until... he well.. ruined that." Jack said with an awkward laugh.

Alex laughed a little. Amused At Jack's embarrassment.

"Well, sorry to ruin that- even if you asked me too. If you decide to hook up with him while you're here. Or anybody else really. Just warn me and I'll leave." Alex said simply, trying to make it less awkward.

"Since I told my parents I was bringing you last minute- they didn't rebook a room. They trust me. Besides, my parents aren't prudes like that, they don't care if couples bed-share. Besides, I think the couch is a pullout. If not I will just take the couch as it is. You deserve the bed. For putting up with me." Jack said with a laugh, trying desperately to make the vibe in the room less awkward.

Alex was a bit surprised Jack was being so accommodating. Maybe Jack will be less of a jerk on this trip than Alex thought.

Jack dropped the bags on the bed, and turned to Alex.

"We need to spend some more time getting to know each other." Jack sighed.

Alex looked at him-puzzled.

"I thought we did pretty well greeting everybody, and on the trip here though. I mean, everyone seemed impressed."Alex asked a bit confused.

Jack shook his head.

"You don't know my brother Dean. I can tell he's skeptical and suspicious that something is off. Him and his wife Jen already asked me why you and I are dating when they knew I was sleeping with Zack 3 days ago." Jack explained.

Alex sighed, realizing the truth in Jack's words.

"I guess that makes sense. Damn it Jack! We should get to know each other better since we're fake dating anyway." Alex shrugged.

Alex paused, then smiled genuinely.

"Actually, I'm happy to get to know you better. Maybe I misjudged you."Alex concluded.

Jack looked at Alex, surprised but pleased by his openness. Alex and Jack sat on the bed next to each other, cross legged and facing each other, making conversation.

"You really mean that?" Jack asked a bit skeptically.

Jack would love to be able to "start over" with Alex. They got off on the wrong foot from the moment they met- they had preconceived judgments of each other and never really changed their minds. Jack was slowly starting to see Alex in a more genuine way.

"This trip has made me realize that there's more to you than I thought. Maybe we both need to see past our assumptions." Alex admitted.

Jack nodded thoughtfully.

"Fair enough. Let's start now. Tell me something about yourself that I don't know." Jack asked genuinely.

Alex laughed lightly at Jack's directness.

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