In Case You Didn't Know: Part 3 of Songs Through The Years

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The OG author: BlindLesbianLexie on ao3


Lauren has something very special for her and Camila's one-year anniversary!


Lots of fluff
Song - In Case You Didn't Know

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, it's a bit of a stressful week. But after this week I'm basically done with school and will be updating a lot more. Hope you enjoy, cheers mates :)))

Work Text:

Lauren and Camila have been going out for almost a year now, and Lauren can't remember being happier. It sounds kinda lame and dorky but it's true. Camila brings out a gentler, kinder, softer side of her. She makes Lauren feel loved and safe in a way she hasn't ever really, truly been able to feel.

Lauren Jauregui is not known for being romantic and sappy and doing grand gestures and all that shit, but she knows she has to for Camila. Camila is different. She's special and she's all Lauren's, and Lauren has to show Camila how much she loves her. Camila has sung for her lots of times, so Lauren decides to take a page out of the younger girl's book.


Dinah sits up and blinks at her clock, which displays 1 A.M. in bright red letters. She isn't sure at first what woke her up, at least until she hears the banging on her door. It sounds like someone is trying to get in with a freaking baseball bat or something!

Dinah picks up the bat she keeps in case of intruders or something and makes her way, bleary-eyed to the door, throwing it open to reveal Lauren Jauregui. Since dating Camila, Lauren has softened some around the rest of the group, but Dinah has never seen Lauren look like this. It's a mixture of soft and a little nervous.

"Hey, Lauren," she greets. Lauren scowls, an expression a little more familiar on her face. "I need your help," she says curtly, not looking at Dinah.

They spend lots of time together working on the giant anniversary present. Camila is amused. "I love that you two are hanging out more," she says as she closes her locker one morning about a week after Dinah and Lauren start working together.

"Whatever," Lauren shrugs, but she's still nervous. Even if Camila doesn't know why, she can tell Lauren is anxious. She tries to ask Lauren, but Lauren won't tell her. It's a little disconcerting to Camila, since she and Lauren tell each other everything. Early on in their relationship, Lauren was pretty closed off when it came to her feelings and the like, but Camila made it clear she wanted to hear everything Lauren had to say. It was something they put a lot of work into, and it was definitely paying off. There was a lot less pointless arguing.

Camila tries to put it out of her mind. She'll ask Lauren about it later if it continues.

The morning of their anniversary is bright and clear and the weather is perfect, which delights Camila. It's Miami, but still. She makes a special breakfast for Lauren and herself, and they linger over their coffee and juice, talking as they always do. Suddenly, Lauren's nervousness returns in force, and Camila can't take it anymore.

"Lo, what's going on with you?" She asks bluntly, getting a confused look from her partner.

"What do you mean?" Camila sighs.

"You've been on edge and stuff for a while. Is everything okay?"

Lauren sips her coffee and sets down her cup.

"Camz, come with me, please." Her voice is serious, but there is a spark of warmth in her eyes, the same spark that makes Camila trust her every time.

Without hesitation, she takes Lauren's offered hand.

Lauren walks over to her MacBook and types for a second. Music begins, and Lauren stands before Camila, her face vulnerable and her eyes sparkling with fondness as she begins.

"I can't count the times,"
"Almost said what's on my mind,"
"But I didn't."

"Just the other day, I wrote down all the things I'd say,"
"But I couldn't, I just couldn't."

"Baby I know that you've been wondering,"
"So here goes nothing."

"In case you didn't know,"
"Baby I'm crazy about you."
"I would be lying if I said that I could" "live this life without you."

"Even though, I don't tell you all the time,"
"You had my heart a long, long time ago,"
"In case you didn't know."

Lauren feels her heart flutter as she continues singing. She can see tears in Camila's eyes, and she knows her eyes are watering, too.

As the song winds down, Camila rushes forward and wraps her arms around Lauren, enveloping her in those arms that are Lauren's favorite place, her home, her safe place.

"Oh, you," Camila chokes out, dabbing at her eyes and smiling all at once. Lauren smiles, a little shyly.

"Did you like it?" Her voice is soft and uncertain, and her eyes are focused only on Camila's face.

Camila makes a face as she gently smacks Lauren's arm. "You are impossible, Lauren Michelle Jauregui!" She's grinning from ear to ear, and Lauren can't help but return the expression.

"I loved it. It's from you, how could I not?" Camila says this as if it's one of the essential truisms of the world. The earth is round, oranges are orange, and Lauren Jauregui will always delight and amaze Camila Cabello.

Lauren internally sighs. How the hell is she gonna top this next year? Well, she'll just have to think.

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