Sin Wagon Part 2: There Will Mainly Be Mattress Dancin'

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When Lauren shows up on Camila's doorstep with all her things, having finally left her shitty boyfriend, Camila's determined to try to put her feelings for her best friend aside and help her start living her own life. A wild night out might be the new start they both need.


• Friends to Lovers

• Song: Sin Wagon

• Queer Lauren Jauregui

• No Smut

• Smutty things definitely happen they're just not actually written out sadly

• Teasing

• Bar

• Dance club

• Alcohol

• Drinking, but no one gets overly drunk, like alcohol is not affecting consent or anything

• Sexual tension

Work Text:

Fucking hell.

It's far too reasonable an hour for someone to be banging so insistently on Camila's front door. This is drunken 2:00 a.m. pounding. It's barely half eight.

"Ease up, eh? I'm coming! Christ," Camila shouts to God knows who.

She swings the door open to reveal her best friend, looking an absolute disaster.

"Lauren! Are you alright?"

"Don't I look it?" Lauren asks, her eyes wild, her smile a bit deranged, but beautiful as ever.

Camila has to laugh, because Lauren knows she looks well past alright, and she knows Camila knows it.

She's carrying a duffel bag in each hand, her chest criss-crossed by leather and nylon straps attached to several cross-body bags of various sizes, their respective zippers straining against the bulk of what's inside. She's wearing at least two hats, balanced precariously on her head, a few errant curls having escaped to fall stubbornly in her face.

"Camz? Can I come in? Bit heavy, all this."

"Fuck, sorry, Lo, yes, of course," Camila shakes her head to pull herself out of her daze and steps aside to let Lauren in. "Come in, come in." She grabs the duffel bag closest to her from Lauren and Lauren drops the other just inside the door with a dramatic groan.

"What's going on, then? What's all this? You alright, love?"

Lauren shrugs and exhales a huge sigh. Of relief, Camila thinks.

"Finally left him."

The fact that Camila doesn't faint, but instead merely grips the duffel bag she's holding tightly enough to send a spark of pain from her palms shooting up her arms is maybe the most impressive thing Camila has ever accomplished.

"What?" she replies, barely above a whisper. "Lauren..."

"I'm done letting him push me around, Camz. To hell with him."

Several choice phrases dance on the tip of Camila's tongue while another hundred or so fire around in her brain, but they can wait. As Lauren looks at Camila, a hint of a smile on her otherwise nerve-wracked face, Camila forgets every single thing she's ever wanted to scream at the utter prat Lauren's allowed to run (ruin, as far as Camila's concerned) her life for the better part of three years. She drops the duffel and jogs the few steps between them, throwing her arms around Lauren and pulling her into a fierce hug.

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