Let's Play A Game

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The OG Author: StakeTheHeart on ao3


Lauren Jauregui thought she had it all, doing what she pleased with whoever she wanted until she got bored and tossed them aside. That is, until she was challenged by the new girl, Camila Cabello. She accepted, confident she would win, but Camila wasn't what she expected. This may be the first time she lost but Lauren soon realized that she really didn't give a damn.



• Player Lauren

• A bet

• Fake lovers

Work Text:

I stood by my locker watching the new chick fumble with all her books, trying to shove them in a locker that was equally positive as she was; which was a sickening amount. Who put such a message on their locker in bright lights anyway? Oh, that's right, Camila Cabello. I sipped my coffee and smirked when she got all the books in but dropped her bag. She cursed, censored of course, and picked it back up. My entertainment came to an end when Dinah came up to her and instantly brought a smile to her face. I rolled my eyes, finished my coffee, and chucked the cup across the hall to a trashcan. It sailed in perfectly. I got up from the lockers and shouldered my bag, ready to leave for my first class of the day. I passed her, catching her eye since she had been looking at me as subtly as she could the whole time. I hoped she ignored Dinah while she was at it. I winked at her and kept going. It was a matter of time before I got to her too. No one said no once I was interested in them.

I spent the first period thinking of trying out my magic of persuasion on Cabello. She had only been here for five months so far and all she's done is gather everyone's attention in one fell swoop and pissing me off while she's at it. The girl never listens, and I hate it when someone ignores me or downright disobeys me. Second period came around and I was still debating whether I should or shouldn't mess with her. Knowing her she would think I actually liked her only to get tossed aside like most people who got too close to me. I wanted to say it's insecurity problems but screw that. I really think I'm just a gank like that. Plus, it's fun to jump from person to person. I never get bored that way...or they never see how horrible or nice I can be. I really had to stop getting lost in thought. Third period came and went then we were let out on break. I told myself not to second guess anything else and go right for Cabello. I caught her by her locker, parting ways with Dinah. Good, she was out of the way and I had her all to myself.

"Hey Cabello," I greeted as I walked up and slammed her locker shut just as she opened it. She growled under her breath, a sound that excited me. I bet I could bring out the animal in her under all that projected innocence; if I could just get her in bed.

"What do you want Lauren?" she asked, already agitated by me just being there. Wow, I was on a roll. I leaned my right hand on her locker, taking me closer to her than I was before. She took a step back and stupidly trapped herself against the wall of lockers behind her. I smirked triumphantly and raised my left hand to hold her by the chin.

"Oh, nothing. Just wanted to stop by, see how you were doing, maybe offer any...help," I answered nonchalantly, bringing my voice down with the last word. Her eyes widened and she pulled her face out of my hand.

"I don't need any help, thank you," she muttered, still turned away from me. Oh no you don't Cabello. No resisting. I made a disappointed sound and turned her face back to me.

"Are you sure? I spent most of today thinking how rude I've been to you and all I want to do is make it up to you. What do you say?" I offered, letting my hand run over her jaw and down her neck. She shivered under my touch but her face remained upset while her eyes said it all. She wanted me, all right, but she was a fighter.

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