Coffee and Confetti

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The OG author: TheWritingBeaver on ao3


They say the girl didn't mean to do it, but it's already too late

Nobody messes with her Cabello.



Work Text:

"Lauren please, can you just-"

It's Luis' annoying voice breaking the silence that was up until now comfortable. The group hade come here to eat lunch, not whine and complain which seems to be the only thing her ex is in the mood for.

His complaints stem from her coffee cup, that was placed in front of his papers (who even studies at lunch?) disturbing his work in the process. She doesn't bother moving the cup or turning around to look at him, in fact she refuses to.

Instead her eyes take in a gorgeous sight of a girl with skinny ripped jeans with a brown leather jacket and white shirt underneath, Lauren lightly makes out some name of a band on it but turns her gaze towards the girl's face to fully appreciate the beauty.

Both eyes and hair, the colour of coffee, something which said girl was holding in her grasp when another teen. Also a girl, seemingly one in their grade, bumps into her. The beverage spills onto the pavement but luckily misses the band T-shirt.

Either way, it puts Lauren Jauregui into an unexplainable rage. A rage she never thought she would experience because of Camila Cabello.

Except this time, it wasn't her she was mad at; It was the girl who bumped into her, telling the sad-faced Cabello to "watch where you're going" and gives her a light shove for good measure.

This time the rage is fueled by Camila trying to convince the group that it's nothing and that she will ask Ariana for extra change (which Lauren knows she will never in a million years get) to get a new one. The tone of voice she so desperately tries to make normal and convincing instead sounds strained.

Lauren knows it's not just because of all the singing.

Sometimes she wonders if she caused Camila's self esteem to crash over the last couple of years, or if it's simply their school's students finally getting to her. Either way, Lauren knows the next course of action...


Finding the girl's locker was tricky, but chasing down Austin and intimidating him into finding it for her was as easy as breathing: and so here she was standing in front of it, bucket of confetti (it was his cousin's birthday the day prior) in hand.

"Lauren are you sure?" Austin's nervous voice questions but Lauren's too far gone to even think about consequences. Not that she would care either way.

"Open it."

Those two words were all it took, they resulted in the girl's entire locker being filled to the brim with confetti, and not just any kind. Glittery confetti.

By the time next period was about to start, Lauren returned to the group. She could sense Camila's inquisitive eyes on her, but she didn't ask for her whereabouts up until now.

All eyes eventually shifted towards the girl crying in front of her locker. Her identity recognized immediately. Luis looks over at Lauren, his eyes burning with accusations. This time, though, unlike for the majority of their relationship these ones would be accurate.

Camila is the first to stop looking, out of kindness and as to not cause a poor scene for the girl (She is too kind, Lauren's mind repeats as a mantra. First time she sort of likes that kind of thing) She makes her way to her locker just as Lauren walks over to hers, being ruthlessly interrogated by her friend.

Soon, a breathy laugh is heard from Camila's locker. The cause? A new, freshly brewed coffee in a plastic cup. A little letter was attached to it:

This kind is easy to open and close. Prevents spilling. Was so close to glitter-confetti bombing your locker too, you know?

Listen, you can call me a psycho, overprotective girlfriend but I don't regret one messes with my girl. Just making sure the crowd knows that.

- Lo <3

Had anyone else seen that letter, they would have eaten them alive for keeping the relationship a secret. But as Lauren notices Camila's happiness and looks past Luis' shoulder to search for the coffee eyes she so desperately craves contact with. Camila knows that the group's scolding would totally be worth it.

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