We Work So Well, And We Don't Even Know Why: Part 4 of Songs Through The Years

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The OG author: BlindLesbianLexie on ao3


Lauren writes another song for Camila, plus a little domestic fun with our favorite couple. Based on the song Why by Sabrina Carpenter.


Domestic fluff
Inspired by a Sabrina Carpenter Song

Work Text:

Camila's P.O.V.

I sigh as I slam my book shut, annoyed. The object of my annoyance: my usually amazing partner, Lauren. I love Lauren with all my heart and body and soul, but she's being annoying on purpose, and I know it. "For the love of," I start, then bite down on my words. I shouldn't give Lauren the satisfaction of knowing she's getting to me. Then, she'll never relent.

See, I have to study for my English test that's coming up, and Lauren really wants my attention. She doesn't take being ignored well. She's sitting on my bed next to me, loudly chewing gum right in my ear and smacking it on purpose to distract me! She's not usually the quietest person who chews gum, but she's taking it up a couple of notches to get under my skin. Suddenly, she stops. I inwardly sigh with relief, thinking she's being nice. Oh, am I wrong!

Lauren leans toward me, laying her hand on my thigh. "Camziii," she singsongs into my ear, her breath brushing my ear. I gently pull away, and she laughs softly. I turn my head so I'm looking right into her eyes.

"Lauren, I promise I'll give you all my attention in about twenty minutes," I say firmly. Surprisingly, she listens, even pretending to look sorry, though I know she'd not.

Just as I'm getting back into the confusingly worded book I'm supposed to read for our ancient but whip-smart English teacher, I hear Lauren's rock music issuing from her phone speakers, but at a low volume to be considerate of me. Aww, I think to myself as I flip a page. I hate hard rock music, but I love Lauren. Go figure.

We're getting settled in bed that night when Lauren reaches over to our bedside table. Picking up the tiny remote there, she aims it and turns our AC unit on. I shiver, instinctively tucking myself into the circle of her arm, which always seems to be waiting for me. She chuckles in that low, throaty way that does all kinds of things too me and pulls me even closer, affectionately kissing me on top of the head. "Is Camzi getting cold?" She playfully mocks, earning a smack on the arm from me. "Lauren, you have it at like 60," I complain, but I'm smiling. I hate the AC on during the night, but it's an excuse to be ultra-close to Lauren, so I can't find it in myself to protest too much.

We're curled up together on the couch and we're having the age-old fight that every couple across the USA has probably had at least once in their relationship.

"No, I wanna watch Meg Ryan," I insist, grabbing the remote from Lauren. Lauren knows my weaknesses, though, and she goes for the most obvious one. She stretches out her hand and begins tickling me mercilessly on my sides, under my arms, anywhere she can reach, until I'm practically shrieking with all the laughter.

"Laureeeen, that's cheating!" I complain, but I'm laughing, so It's not too serious. She smirks that signature smirk that shouldn't affect me but does, and then she goes for my second weakness.

"You know how heteronormative those movies are?" She observes casually, and I have to admit she has a point. I have a soft spot for a woman who can make an intellectually sound point, which Lauren is very good at when she wants to be.

"Okay, you have a point, but they're so happy," I object. Lauren rolls her eyes, then her expression softens. Finally, she pulls out the last weapon she has against me.

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