Like Safety and Home

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The OG Author: glitterlarries on ao3


Camila pulls Lauren into a tight tight hug once the cameras have gone away. Lauren holds on for longer than she needs to. Camila doesn't let go either. She smells like sunscreen and saltwater and strawberry body spray and Lauren doesn't think she's ever loved someone's smell more.


• The X Factor Era

• The X Factor Bungalow

• Coming Out

• Fluff

• First Kiss

Work Text:

It's half past three in the morning and Lauren is having a crisis. As quietly and gently as she can, Lauren wriggles out of her sleeping bag and hops down off the trampoline where the others all remain asleep.

The cool grass feels good on her bare feet, soothing. For a moment she just stands there, wriggling her toes and looking up at the stars. She listens to the steady breathing and occasional snores coming from the trampoline beside her and smiles affectionately as she looks at these girls, her girls, in the moonlight. They really are something special.

Something so very special.

That's what pulls her away from this almost hazy happy daze and back to the panic that had prevented her from falling asleep with the rest of them. One of them is far more special to Lauren than the others. One of them shines so brightly that Lauren sometimes feels almost blinded by her light. One of them is making Lauren feel things she thought she just wasn't made to feel.

That one of them is Camila Cabello, and Lauren knows she's already fallen past the point of no return.

Camila glows, is the thing. She's mesmerizing and beautiful and there's just this, this thing about her that enthrals you. That has enthralled Lauren in particular from that very first day.

Lauren sighs. This really wasn't supposed to happen. It really wasn't. She was supposed to just make good friends with these girls and they were supposed to be getting good at singing together before becoming the first Girlband to win The X Factor and then hopefully take over the world.


Falling for one of the other girls in the band just wasn't meant to have happened.

And yet at the same time it feels to Lauren like it was always supposed to happen. Always, Lauren has said she's a big believer in fate. There's just something that feels almost fated about Camila, about loving Camila. Because as much as it scares Lauren, and as much as she's scared and lost and questioning everything, there's this part of her that says it all makes perfect sense. There's this part of her that knows this is how it was always supposed to be. Falling in love with Camila Cabello feels like something Lauren Jauregui was always supposed to do.

Falling in love. In love.


This is the first time Lauren's ever let herself think that word. The first time she's ever let herself think it about anyone. And it's strange because for so many years she'd been convinced that maybe she just wasn't capable of falling in love, that maybe she was just not all that fussed about relationships in general. She'd been so sure that this was who she was. It had only been late at night sometimes that she'd made herself dig deeper, that she'd let herself question if it was maybe more, that she wasn't just interested in boys. It was only sometimes late at night that Lauren had let herself truly think over the fact that she might possibly be queer.

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