Don't spill my Secrets Part 1: Hoodies and Haircuts

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The OG Author: TsukiTsundere on ao3


It all started over a Wahoo Punch accident and a hoodie with Camila's name on the back. Camila's in love with Lauren. She has been for a while but they're finally getting along as friends and Camila doesn't want to ruin what they have. Her feelings are shared for her though and now she doesn't know what to do.


Secrets revealed

• Ariana is Camila's older sister in this fic

• Secretly in love

• Fluff

School AU

Work Text:

Nobody moved a muscle. Austin hadn't even gotten up off the ground. Austin had tripped and spilled an entire can of Wahoo Punch on Lauren. She had only wore a tank top today and no jacket. She was livid, wet, and sticky. Camila knew Lauren hated being sticky. This was going to end very badly. People were staring and Camila knew this was going to get bad quick. She didn't want Lauren to get in trouble.

She turned to face the hallway and mustered the best Lauren voice she could, "Everyone move, now! Quit staring!" Students started moving quickly to class. Camila Cabello never yelled like that, it was best to move now before Lauren started yelling.

Camila turned back to her friends that were still standing around dumbstruck, "Dinah please take Ally before she does something to make this worse. Normani, please drag Austin away. Austin don't say a damn thing."

Camila turned and didn't even wait for her friends to move. She grabbed Lauren by the hand and dragged her to the nearest girls room. "Everyone out, now!" She waited and nobody left so she was sure they were alone.

Camila ran some warm water and got some paper towels ready. Lauren hadn't even said a word yet and that was honestly quite terrifying. Camila didn't even think about it. She just started to wipe the Wahoo Punch off of Lauren's neck, her shoulders and arms, she was about wipe a little drop, that had splattered on Lauren's face but Lauren grabbed Camila's arm right before she touched her face. Camila and Lauren were very close to each other, Camila could feel Lauren's breath on her cheek.

Camila could see so many emotions swimming behind Lauren's eyes. "Cabello, what are you doing?" It had finally dawned on Camila to what she had been doing. She was so worried about taking care of Lauren that she didn't realize she was literally wiping Lauren off in the bathroom. "I'm so sorry Lauren! I didn't think. I just acted. I didn't want you to attack Austin because I didn't want you to get in trouble. I yelled at everyone because I know you hate attention and I was just on autopilot. I was just trying to help. I should have asked if it was okay before I touched you. I wasn't...."

Camila stopped rambling when Lauren sighed and dropped Camila's arm, "Cabello. I mean Camila. It's okay. Thank you. I can take it from here but, thank you."

Camila beamed with happiness. She loved getting to see this side of Lauren. She hated that it had to be under bad circumstances or when they were hanging out alone or doing a project together but she would take it for now. Her and Lauren had finally hit a good spot. They argued less. Even with the group there was less malice behind the comments and insults Lauren did throw at Camila and they were few and far between. Camila knew Lauren would never admit it but they were friends. The smiles she gave Camila when nobody was looking was proof enough.

Lauren looked down at her soaked tank top and sighed, "Camila, why are you the one to always jump in when I need someone. You're the one who always checks on me. After everything I did when you got here. Why?"

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