Friendly Neighborhood Lesbian

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The OG Author: sun_les on ao3


Camila dresses up as spiderman on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and Lauren is cheeky and hella gay.


• Gay as hell

• Short oneshot

• Pretty much pure fluff

• Spiderman!Camila

• Lesbian!Camila

• Queer!Lauren

Cheesy af

Work Text:

It's not Camila's fault, really, that she slept through the busiest time on her turf. She just didn't manage to go to bed until 3:00 AM. She had other priorities, like showering, moisturizing, masturbating, showering once again, and in the midst of all that tough work, she may or may not have forgotten to set her alarm. But alas, she still managed to sprint out of bed, piss at the speed of light, and throw on some sweats and a loose tank top before skating through the streets of LA to her dream job; posing for pictures in a spandex body suit on a very populated street. In simpler terms, she dresses as Spiderman for a living.

In theory, it sounds like a fun job. In reality, all you do is stand in the same spot in sunny LA from dawn 'til dusk while getting the suspiciously moist hands of toddlers all over your body. There is one perk to the job though. Camila is able to stare at gorgeous women without anybody knowing; you can't get rejected by straight girls if they don't know you're checking them out in the first place.

Camila has always been pretty vocal about her sexuality, on the streets and especially in the sheets. So when her half-conscious brain finally noticed the gorgeous woman standing only a couple feet in front of her, she may or may not have accidentally let a gasp slip out. The nameless woman tilted her head in confusion with a small pout and asked "Are you okay?" This stunningly beautiful woman had to be the goddess of at least one religion, Camila was sure of it, and if her ass cheeks don't separate to reveal Heaven then Camila might just have to give up on religion altogether.

Once Camila snapped out of her ass-induced trance, she realized she hadn't responded yet. "Yup! I'm absolutely amazing! Tip-top shape! Howdy there!" 'Howdy?!', thought Camila. "You sure? You look a bit red to me," replied the girl with a grin. Yup, Camila is definitely in love. "Fuck, you're cute." Apparently exhaustion makes Camila's already poor brain-to-mouth filter ten times worse. "Oh-um thank you...I'm Lauren." Apparently Camila's poor brain-to-mouth filter also ups her pull game, judging by the blush that the girl-Lauren-is sporting. "I'm Camila- I mean, I'm Spiderman! Definitely Spiderman," Camila replied, immediately correcting herself when she spots a toddler gaping at her confession.

"Well, Spiderman, may I have a picture please," Lauren giggled out in response.

"Yeah! Yeah, um how do you want to pose?"

"I'm not sure. What would you recommend?"

"Well people usually go with the classic web-shooting pose, the occasional piece sign,"

"I was thinking more along the lines of doing the iconic upside-down kiss somewhere a bit more private, if you don't mind," Lauren says confidently with a suggestive smirk.

"My spidey senses are tingling so fucking hard right now"

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