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The OG Author: chicken_and_chilipew on ao3


The two stared at each other, rain dripping down their hair and soaked clothes clinging to their bodies, Camila's sleeve still pulled up and Lauren's hands still shaking slightly from the revelations of the night.


• Hurt/Comfort

• Self-Harm

• Implied/Referenced Self-Harm

• Depression

• Self-Hatred

• Implied/Referenced Homophobia

• Late Night Conversations

Guys don't read if you get triggered by anything in the tags and let me know if i forgot something, since I'm honestly still tipsy, anyways cheers mates, thanks for reading, appreciate it a lot :)))

Work Text:

The door creaked open, catching Lauren, who hadn't expected anyone else to be up at this hour, by surprise.

Framed in the doorway was Camila, tear-stained face and bloodshot eyes begging with Lauren for something. She immediately got out of bed, assessing the situation and grabbed boots and a jacket.

The past few times Camila had shown up in this state, she'd needed to go for a drive, regardless of it being 12 at night.

Lauren glanced quickly out the window as they passed and seeing the pouring rain, quickly grabbed an extra rain jackets as well. Stopping and turning to Camila behind them, she tucked the dark green one around her shoulders and pulled the hood over her head with gentle touches, leaving her to put the arms in.

After pulling her own raincoat on, they both stepped out into the rain, which mercifully seemed to be slowing down.

In the car a few minutes later, Lauren in the drivers seat and Camila at shotgun, the two were driving down the empty country road probably faster then they should've been but fuck it, it was 12:30 and no one else was out.

Glancing worriedly over at Camila, Lauren could see fresh tears sliding down her face and mixing with the raindrops she hadn't wiped off. The last few times this had happened, Camila hadn't said anything about what was wrong, simply sat there in a silence Lauren tried to fill with jokes and random stories. It seemed to work okay. At least, Camila's tears always dried up by the time they got back and she didn't seem quite so depressed.

Today though, Camila was acting different. More scrunched up, defeated, her dark hair flopping against her forehead as if it too had given up. The instant she sat down she had pulled her legs to her chest, wrapping her arms around her knees and resting her chin on the pretzeled clump of arms and legs. Despite only being in the rain for a few minutes, they were both soaked but only Lauren had bothered to wipe her face off.

Lauren didn't try to talk this time, so she drove in only occasionally broken by the windshield wipers and the random soft sniffle of Camila.

After ten minutes of this, Lauren grew tired and too worried over Camila's state and pulled over, parking the car in an empty parking lot. Camila glanced up, her bloodshot brown eyes narrowed in confusion.

"What're you doing?" She questioned in a hoarse voice.

"Finding out what's wrong. I can't keep doing this, driving here in silence while you suffer so clearly next to me."

Camila winced and gave a noncommittal shrug. "M'fine."

"No you're fucking not, so we can sit here until you tell me or I get it out of you or you can just tell me straight up."

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