Demon and his human

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*The Demon Princess Returns**

**Summary:** After their marriage, everything was going smoothly for Jungkook, the demon king, and Taehyung, the newly crowned queen. But when the demon princess Lia, unaware of their union, returns from another world and starts showing affection toward Jungkook, Taehyung's jealousy threatens to disrupt their harmony.


Taehyung adjusted his crown, admiring his reflection in the ornate mirror. The delicate balance of being both a human and a queen in the demon realm was challenging, but with Jungkook by his side, he felt invincible.

Just as he was about to leave their chambers, a commotion echoed through the hallways. Taehyung stepped out to see what the fuss was about, his curiosity piqued.

The sight that greeted him in the grand hall made his heart drop. Jungkook stood at the center, a soft smile playing on his lips as he talked with a beautiful demoness. Her long, flowing hair and striking features marked her as someone of high status. Taehyung recognized her immediately—Princess Lia, Jungkook's cousin, who had been away in another world.

"Lia," Taehyung murmured under his breath.

Lia's eyes sparkled with joy as she threw her arms around Jungkook, who did not pull away. Instead, he chuckled softly, a sound that made Taehyung's chest tighten with an unfamiliar feeling—jealousy.

"Jungkook! It's been ages!" Lia exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine delight. "I've missed you so much."

Jungkook gently patted her back, his gaze warm. "It's good to see you too, Lia. You've been gone for too long."

Taehyung forced a smile as he approached them, his heart pounding. "Welcome back, Princess Lia," he greeted, trying to keep his tone even.

Lia turned to him, her eyes widening with surprise. "Taehyung? You're here?" She looked between him and Jungkook, confusion marring her features. "Wait, why are you wearing a crown?"

Jungkook stepped forward, wrapping an arm around Taehyung's waist. "Lia, meet my husband, Taehyung. He's the new queen."

The princess's eyes widened even more. "Husband? Queen?" She looked at Jungkook, then back at Taehyung, her expression a mix of shock and curiosity. "I had no idea! When did this happen?"

Taehyung smiled, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "A few months ago. It was a grand ceremony. We missed you."

Lia blinked, seemingly processing the news. "I can't believe it," she finally said, her tone softer. "Congratulations, both of you."

"Thank you," Jungkook replied, pulling Taehyung closer. "We're very happy."

Over the next few days, Lia's presence became a constant in their lives. She was affectionate and playful with Jungkook, often clinging to him in ways that made Taehyung's jealousy flare. Despite knowing that Jungkook was his, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity each time Lia touched him.

One evening, after another day of watching Lia drape herself over Jungkook, Taehyung couldn't hold back any longer. They were in their chambers, preparing for bed, when he finally spoke up.

"Jungkook, we need to talk."

Jungkook looked up, concern etched on his face. "What's wrong, Taehyung?"

Taehyung took a deep breath. "It's Lia. She's... she's very affectionate with you. And you don't seem to mind."

Jungkook's eyes softened as he reached out to cup Taehyung's cheek. "Are you feeling jealous, my love?"

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