Jeon's prince

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In the vast and magnificent Jeon Empire, a tragic story unfolded with the birth of Prince Taehyung. The queen died during childbirth, leaving the emperor, Jeon Hyun, consumed by grief. He had loved his wife deeply, and her death left a void in his heart. Blinded by sorrow, he blamed the newborn Taehyung for her demise, forgetting that the child was a part of their love and their long-awaited happiness.

For the first few years, Taehyung grew up in the palace without the warmth of a mother or the affection of a father. The emperor avoided him, unable to look at the child who reminded him of his loss. The palace staff cared for Taehyung, but their pity couldn't replace the love he yearned for.

As time passed, whispers among the courtiers and subjects grew louder. They believed the emperor should remarry for Taehyung's sake, that the young prince needed a motherly figure. Reluctantly, Emperor Jeon agreed and married again, hoping to provide what he thought was best for his son.

The new queen, however, was not the loving mother Taehyung needed. She had entered the marriage with dreams of happiness and prestige, but those dreams were shattered when the emperor made it clear that she was chosen solely to be a mother to Taehyung, not his wife. Resentful and bitter, she directed her anger at the young prince. She beat him for every small mistake, and the palace staff pitied the boy, though they were powerless to intervene. The emperor, feeling relieved of his responsibility, turned a blind eye to the situation.

As a result, Taehyung grew up silent and introverted, a fearful child whose beauty became legendary even in distant kingdoms. The queen, consumed by her hatred, filled the emperor's ears with lies about Taehyung's behavior, convincing him that the boy was a brat and needed to be married off.

On the other side of the empire was Jeon Jungkook, the head commander of the emperor's forces. Jungkook was a formidable warrior, never having lost a battle. The emperor trusted him completely and was proud of his achievements. Despite his fearsome reputation, Jungkook was a soft-hearted man, a side known only to his best friend, Jimin, who was the palace chauffeur.

Jimin was one of the few people Taehyung felt comfortable around. He often took the prince out of the palace to see the world beyond its walls. Taehyung loved painting and nature, finding solace in their beauty. Jimin shared everything about Taehyung with Jungkook, painting a vivid picture of the prince's gentle nature and unmatched beauty. Through these stories, Jungkook felt as though he knew Taehyung personally.

When the queen convinced the emperor to send a marriage proposal to a neighboring kingdom, she included a cruel clause. The suitors would have to participate in a dangerous game, hunting Taehyung in a forest filled with wild animals. The first to bring him back would marry him. No one asked Taehyung for his opinion. He was simply told to be there, a pawn in their game.

Taehyung cried that night, longing for his dead mother and the father who had never loved him. He wished desperately for someone to care for him, someone who would love him unconditionally.

Jimin, determined to save Taehyung from his cruel fate, devised a plan. He knew that Jungkook would be the perfect match for Taehyung—someone strong enough to protect him and gentle enough to cherish him. Manipulating Jungkook into participating in the game, Jimin ensured that his friend would win and marry Taehyung.

The day of the game arrived, and Taehyung was sent into the forest, trembling with fear. Warriors from neighboring kingdoms entered the forest, eager to capture him. Jungkook, driven by Jimin's words and his own growing affection for the prince he had never met, also joined the hunt.

As Taehyung ran through the forest, he stumbled and fell, his heart pounding with terror. Suddenly, strong hands pulled him up. It was Jungkook, his eyes filled with a mix of determination and unexpected kindness.

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