Writer boyfriend

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The bustling streets of New York buzzed with an electric energy that Tae always found invigorating. As an acclaimed writer, his latest book had taken the literary world by storm, and his publisher had organized a week-long book signing event in the city that never sleeps. The schedule was packed with appearances, interviews, and signings, leaving little room for anything else. Despite the excitement surrounding his visit, a shadow of melancholy loomed over Tae's heart.

Back in Seoul, Jungkook, or JK as Tae affectionately called him, was preparing for a birthday that would be markedly different from all the others they'd celebrated together. The two had been inseparable since their college days, where Tae's passion for words and stories found its perfect counterpoint in Jungkook's relentless drive for business excellence. Now, while Tae was making waves in the literary world, Jungkook had carved out a niche for himself as a successful CEO, leading his company with the same determination that had first drawn Tae to him.

However, the timing of Tae's book tour couldn't have been worse. Jungkook's birthday was just around the corner, and for the first time in their relationship, they would be apart on this special day. Tae hadn't mentioned to Jungkook that he planned to return earlier than scheduled, hoping to surprise him. Yet, the anticipation of Jungkook's disappointment tugged at Tae's heartstrings. Jungkook had already expressed his sadness at the prospect of celebrating alone, voicing his concerns in late-night phone calls and text messages.

"Are you sure you can't come back, even just for the day?" Jungkook had asked, his voice tinged with a vulnerability that was rare for the usually composed CEO.

"I'm really sorry, Kook. The schedule is just so tight," Tae had replied, trying to mask the guilt in his voice.

"It's okay, really. I know how important this is for you. I'll just miss you, that's all," Jungkook had said, though the underlying sadness was palpable.

As the week progressed, Tae immersed himself in his events, but thoughts of Jungkook were never far from his mind. Each book signing and interview was tinged with the bittersweet knowledge that he couldn't be with his boyfriend on such an important day. The city lights, the applause of fans, and the thrill of success couldn't completely overshadow the ache in his heart.

Tae had meticulously planned his return, coordinating with Jungkook's assistant to ensure everything would be perfect. He envisioned the surprise on Jungkook's face, the joy that would replace the sadness when he saw Tae walk through the door. The thought of it kept Tae going through the hectic schedule, giving him a sense of purpose beyond the immediate demands of his book tour.

Finally, the day of Jungkook's birthday arrived. Tae's events in New York were drawing to a close, and he was more than ready to board the flight back home. He could hardly contain his excitement as he thought about the reunion. He imagined the warmth of Jungkook's embrace, the sparkle in his eyes, and the love that had always been the cornerstone of their relationship.

**Tae's POV:**

I can't wait to reach Jungkook and make my baby's day a little better. My flight is scheduled to land in Seoul at 11 PM, and I've already coordinated with Jungkook's assistant to have his favorite dinner ordered. I just need to get home on time to celebrate his birthday with him. We've never missed each other's birthdays, and there's no way we'll start now. He's already sad about me not being there, and I can't bear the thought of him being alone.

As the plane ascends, I think about all the birthdays we've spent together—the laughter, the joy, and the love that has always filled our special days. Jungkook deserves the world, and I'm determined to make this birthday unforgettable, even if I have to move mountains to get there.

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