𝐢𝐱. 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭

202 8 0


February 4, 2016

Brooklyn was aboard her private jet, flying to Houston, Texas. The singer had been invited to perform at Super Saturday Night, a high-profile pre-Super Bowl event, and she couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and excitement. This would be her first big show since the tumultuous incidents of last year, which had rocked her career and personal life.

As the plane soared through the skies, Brooklyn connected to a video call with Alex, who was now living in Lyon after signing with the club late last year. The singer had spent the first few days of the year helping Alex settle into her new home, and although the distance was difficult, they were both committed to making their relationship work.

The iPad screen showed Alex's smiling face, who waved enthusiastically from her apartment in Lyon. "Hey, love!" Alex said with a smile that lit up Brooklyn's face. "How are you feeling?"

Brooklyn relaxed at the sight of Alex, feeling her nerves dissipate a little. "Hey, babe. I'm a little nervous, actually. I's my first big performance since... you know. But I know I have to do it. How are you? How's training going?"

Alex settled on the couch, showing a brief glimpse of the beautiful apartment Brooklyn had helped her decorate. "Training is going well, the crew is amazing. I'd love for you to be here to see it, but I know you have to shine on stage. And you can do it, Brooklyn. You're the best. What happened last year was horrible, but that doesn't define who you are or what you can do. Tonight, you're going to remind the world why they love you. Trust yourself, like I trust you."

Brooklyn felt comforted by Alex's words. She remembered all the hard times they'd been through together and how Alex's unconditional support had always been her anchor.

"Thank you, Alex. Your support means the world to me. I wish you could be here tonight." Brooklyn sighed, wishing she could hug her fiancée.

"I'm with you in spirit, always. And as soon as your performance is over, we'll celebrate in our own way." Alex winked, trying to lift Brooklyn's spirits.

Brooklyn laughed softly, feeling a warmth in her heart that only Alex could provide. "That sounds perfect. I love you, Alex. Thank you for always being there."

"I love you, Brooke. Tear up the stage tonight. Remember, all of Lyon and I will be watching and cheering you on."

On the private jet, besides Brooklyn, were Tree and William, who had resumed his duties at the beginning of the year after a well-deserved break. Tree was reviewing some documents and messages on her tablet, while William remained attentive, as always, to any eventuality.

Brooklyn had just finished her video call with Alex and felt a little calmer, although anxiety was still present in her mind. Tree, always perceptive, noticed the tension on her face.

"How are you feeling?" Tree asked, looking up from her tablet.

"Better, after I talk to Alex." Brooklyn replied, offering a small smile. "But I'm still nervous. This is a big event, and it's my first performance since... you know."

"I get it." Tree said empathetically. "But remember that you've worked really hard for this. Everyone's looking forward to seeing you on stage again. Trust yourself."

William, who had been silent until now, walked over and sat down in front of Brooklyn. "Whatever happens, we're here for you. Just focus on your music and doing what you do best."

Brooklyn nodded, feeling warmed by the support of her team. These two had been with her through thick and thin, and their loyalty was unwavering.

"Thanks, guys. Seriously, I don't know what I'd do without you." Brooklyn said, her voice heavy with gratitude.

Tree smiled and gave her hand a light squeeze. "That's what we do, Brooklyn. Now, let's talk a little about the event. You have an interview before the performance, nothing too complicated, just a few quick questions to calm things down."

"Okay, I can handle that." Brooklyn said, trying to instill confidence in her words.

William, always thinking about safety, stepped in. "We've already checked the event's security. It will be well covered and we've taken all the necessary precautions to avoid any inconvenience. You just worry about shining on stage."

Brooklyn took a deep breath and nodded. She knew her team had done everything they could to make her feel comfortable and safe. She remembered Alex's words, about how she had overcome harder things before. This was a new opportunity to prove her talent and resilience.


The Houston airport was bustling with activity as Brooklyn, wearing a US Women's Team cap and sunglasses, stepped out of the private jet accompanied by William and her team ofsecurity. As they walked to the black car waiting for them at the entrance, camera flashes and reporters' voices filled the air, unleashing a flurry of questions that followed Brooklyn along the way.

"Brooklyn, how do you feel about returning to the stage after so long?"

"Can you tell us something about your relationship with Alex Morgan? Are there wedding plans?"

"Are you working on a new album? Your fans are eager for new music."

However, Brooklyn maintained a calm and silent posture, looking down at the ground as she was guided by William. Her expression hid any emotion or thought behind the dark glasses, showing a calm determination to maintain her privacy. Although the questions kept coming, she chose not to answer, shielding her personal life from the constant media scrutiny.

The black car opened in front of them and William opened the back door, allowing Brooklyn to enter gracefully. Security guards maintained a steady, watchful presence around the vehicle as they prepared to depart for the event venue.

Inside the car, the quiet of the space offered a brief respite from the chaos outside. Brooklyn leaned back slightly in the seat, letting out a relieved sigh. Despite the barrage of questions and constant attention, she knew this was the price of fame she had chosen.

"Thank you for handling that, William." she said sincerely. "It's always a little overwhelming."

William nodded with a calm smile. "It's part of the job, Ms. Williams. I'm just here to make sure everything is okay."


Entering the dressing room, Brooklyn was instantly comforted to see her younger brother, Tom Williams, waiting for her with a warm smile. Tom was known not only for his acting talent, but also for his tender heart and ability to make those around him smile. In his hands he held Walker's favorite teddy bear, Brooklyn's little brother, a gesture that did not go unnoticed by her.

"Tom!" Brooklyn exclaimed happily as she walked over and hugged him tightly. "How is Walker? Did he send you here with his bear to bring me luck?"

Tom nodded with a soft laugh. "Yes, exactly. Walker said that this bear is magical and that it will bring you luck in your performance tonight. And he also told me that if you feel nervous, you can hug it like he does."

Brooklyn took the bear in her hands and looked at it tenderly. It was a weathered stuffed animal, but her little brother's love for it made it special. "Thank you, Tom. Tell Walker that this means a lot to me. It gives me strength to have something of his with me."

Tom smiled warmly. "I knew it would make you feel better. I'm sure you're going to shine tonight, Brooky. You always do."

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