chapter 27

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Vampire Aves

Katie's POV.
We walked for hours ,my feet was aching,since he made us disappear earlier why can he not just do it again? I thought

We arrived at the inn ,an old looking man was there. Alex gave him some coins .
I can tell by the look on the man's face that he gave him more than he is supposed to the man was staring at me in a very suspicious way.

It made me uncomfortable

He showed Alex and I to our room. Which we had to share it was not odd....I did not think he would let me stay in a different room anyways

The room was medium sized not as big as Alex's room. But it was cozy.

I was left alone when Alex went into the bathroom probably to take a shower .

I sat down on the bed swinging my leg slightly. I wondered why he brought me along with him.

I sighed closing my eyes a bit and I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is there"

"The inn worker" I heard the man's voice.

I looked at the bathroom door before getting up I could hear water running ,I opened the door slightly and I peeped out there stood the man holding a tray.

"Hello,young lady are you enjoying your stay? I brought your food" he said holding out the tray.

"Oh...I did not request for food" I replied.

"Yes, the young master requested it for you earlier"

I frowned a bit.

"I do not think he did ,you must have gotten it wrong" something felt off with the man.

"If you don't take it then just have a sip of the drink" he said .

"No, I am alright I think I'll-" I was about to close the door but he held it with his hand I was surprised by the strength.

"I said drink it" he said in a calm but harsh tone

"I do not want a drink" I said trying to close the door,he swung it open forcefully I ran inside only to be pulled back. By the man.

I was now out of the room , facing the weird looking man. "Whatever do you think you are doing?! " I yelled .

He stared at me before his body started to morph into that of a woman with grey skin,pitch black eyes and also scaly skin.

I took several steps back.
'A witch?'

"Alex!!" I yelled immediately and the scary looking woman launched at me grabbing my hand but she lets go quickly as if she touched something hot.

My eyes brimmed with tears. "Alex!" I called again feeling trapped as the woman stared down at my necklace it was glowing dimly but noticable. She moved again snarling as the reached for the necklace.

I shielded my face with my hand waiting for whatever was coming,but came nothing.

I slowly put down my hand and I saw Alex standing wearing only pants his body dripping water and the witch on the floor ,I ran to his side.

His eyes were glowing crimson again,it was scary, I held his arm and he stared down at me. "Are you alright" I almost could not recognize his voice.

I nodded

A loud cackle snapped me out of my daze," stay out of this ,young vampire" she already got up.

He only pulled me behind him ,"go into the room" he mumbled "but-" "GO, Katherine" he said sternly and I ran into the room closing the door slightly while watching him.

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