I hate you

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"You should take it as a compliment that I'm talking to everyone here but you"


Aurora POV

We entered the great hall and sat at the Gryffindor table. Hogwarts feels like a second home at this point. After six years, I knew the school inside out, I doubt there's a place in the school that I didn't know about. We watched the nervous first years make their way to the front of the great hall to be sorted into their house. I remember in my first year I was really nervous and shy, but thankfully Hermione approached me and we became friends right away.

After Dumbledore's dreadfully boring repetitive speech, the feast began. Everyone at the Gryffindor table hungrily grabbed for food. Especially Ron, who held two chicken legs, one in each hand. Which made me laugh hysterically.

I watch a blush creep up Hermione's cheek after glancing at Ron. Ron and Hermione are both ignorant of each other's feelings. Harry and I have been watching the two deny their feeling for each other since our second year. I've decided this year I will no longer sit here and watch them, I will intervene and make them confess to each other.

Suddenly, I felt there were eyes on me. I glanced around the room to shockingly find Mattheo Riddle's dark brown eyes staring deeply into mine.

What's his problem?

He smirks before shooting me a wink from across the room and returns to converse with his annoying friends. Leaving me in utter confusion.

I lean over to Hermione whispering in her ear "Mattheo Riddle just winked at me across the room"

She widened her eyes "What? That's so odd, what's wrong with him?"

I shrug "That's what I was wondering"

She gasps "Does he like you? No! I won't let that jerk like you!"

I shook my head laughing "Nah, I'm sure it's nothing, why would he like me?"

"You're pretty, nice and smart! Who wouldn't like you!" Hermione replies, glancing over at the Slytherin table with a weary expression.

"Aw thanks, Mione. But that guy has every single girl on their knees for him, he would never like me."

"I sure hope so." Hermione shoots them an intimidating glare.

[Time skip]

The next day we had our first lesson of the year. Charms with the Slytherins. Urgh just great, we'll have to see those annoying boys and their thirsty fan girls. Before we could enter the classroom, Professor Flickwick told us we had arranged seats this year. Everyone groaned in frustration.

He called the students in one by one. I was called after Harry. I sat in my seat nervously, wondering who my new seatmate would be. Hermione's seatmate was Pansy Parkinson, she used to be annoying but after Malfoy dumped her last year her whole personality changed. I guess heartbreak changes people.

Whilst I was lost in my thoughts, someone dropped into the seat next to mine. I glance over to find Mattheo Riddle smirking at me.

What the heck? Is he my seatmate?

I stare at him in shock. He scoffs "Is there someone on my face? Perhaps...Handsomeness?"

I blink trying to comprehend what just happened. I shake my head ignoring his flirty remarks.

"Ignoring me huh? Nice try princess, but you're stuck with me for the year." He places his chin on his palm, sitting sideways to face me.

I roll my eyes still ignoring him. My gaze meets Hermione from across the room, who has a worried expression on her face.

Thankfully, Professor Flickwick started the lesson before Riddle could talk to me again. The lesson was mostly note-taking and didn't require any interaction with our seatmates, which I was relieved to have.

When class was dismissed, I threw everything in my bag and was about to sprint out of class. That's when a strong hand gripped my wrist and pulled me back. Mattheo bent down to match my height. An annoying smug smile was displayed on his face.

"Thought you could avoid me? Not happening."

I shoot him a glare "What is it, Mattheo Riddle?"

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to get to know you." He smirks.

I roll my eyes "Right, after five years, you suddenly want to talk to me, that makes complete sense" Sarcasm filled my sentence.

He tugs me closer towards him "You're wrong, I've always wanted to talk to you. It's just your friends keep guarding you like bodyguards."

I grit my teeth in anger "That's because I don't want to be involved with you and your stupid friends"

"Get away from her Riddle!" Harry shouts as the three of them approach us.

Mattheo chuckles, clearly not intimidated by Harry.

He whispers into my ear, his lips grazing the side of my face ever so lightly. "Don't avoid me, Princess".

He stands up straight, staring at me with a smirk before leaving the room, brushing past Harry's shoulder.

I was still confused about what happened, but I know one thing for sure:

I hate Mattheo Riddle.

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