First date

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"So it's gonna be forever, or it's gonna go down in flames"

-Blank Space

Aurora POV

"Oh my god, Oh my god, what do I do?" I frantically yell as I dig through my closet.

Hermione chuckles "Calm down Rora, it's just a date."

I throw my dress across the room onto my bed "I know, but I can't but be nervous about it. It's been ages since I've been on a date. Not to mention this is only my second first date with a guy"

I dig further into my closet to find a pair of black-heeled boots, which I have not touched since last year.

"Speaking of first dates, I'm glad you're finally over Fred. Maybe Mattheo isn't so bad after all" Hermione hands me my dress as I take off my clothes.

I peel off my uniform before stepping into the off-the-shoulder knitted black dress. I quickly fixed my makeup and sprayed perfume before grabbing my coat and stepping into those dusty boots.

"Yeah, even I couldn't see this happening in the past." I smiled before running out of our dorm.

"Have fun!" Hermione yells as I close the door.

I excitedly and eagerly sprint out of the common room. Just as I opened the front door, a figure was already standing at the spot. I look up to see the corner of his lips tilting up.

"Look who's early" Mattheo smirks.

I glance at my watch displaying 12:50.

I grin "Says you, you're earlier than me"

He leans in to plant a kiss on my forehead "Just eager to see you, princess"

We slowly walk down the stairs and head towards Hogsmeade. The back of our hands brush against one another as we walk. I desperately try to hold myself back from grabbing his hand.

No, don't make yourself look too desperate.

I clear my throat before asking "So, what's your favorite color?"

Mattheo looks over at me in confusion "What kind of question is that?"

I shrug "Just trying to get to know you"

His eyes hover over me for a moment before replying "Red"

I raise my eyebrows in surprise "A Slytherin liking red? That's unexpected"

"What can I say, I'm full of surprises." He smirks "What about you? What's your favorite color?"

I ponder for a second "Probably pink"

He smiles "Suits you"

I slowly feel his fingers wrap around my palm, I glance down to see our hands intertwined. I blush at the contact of our hands. I try to hide my flushed cheeks by looking away from him. But the growing smirk on his face tells me he already noticed the effect he has on me.

"Let's play a game of two truths and a lie" He suggests.

I nod "Sure, you wanna go first?"

Mattheo tightens his grip on my hand "Alright, so I have a pet cat back at home, I have never asked a girl on a date and I was forced into joining quidditch"

"Hmm, let's see, I think the second one is the lie, you have asked a girl on a date before, haven't you?" I ask

He shook his head "That was the truth, the lie is the last one, I've always loved quidditch, I wasn't forced onto the team"

My eyes widen in shock "Wait you're saying this is the first time you've ever asked someone on a date?"

Mattheo nodded "Yeah, don't get me wrong, I've been on many dates before but this is the first time I initiated it."

I take a moment to take in everything "Wow, seriously? And you also have a cat? You don't look like a cat person" I laugh.

He lets out a low chuckle "To be honest, I love cats because my mom loved cats."

I smile "That's sweet."

He looks towards me with a sad smile and slightly nods.

I notice the shift in his mood so I change the topic immediately "Alright, it's my turn. So, I'm afraid of spiders, sometimes I feel like I'm closer to my uncle than my dad, and I'm still in contact with my ex"

His eyes darken upon hearing my sentence, and he tightens the grip on my hand "I'm gonna assume the last one was a lie, right princess?"

I smirk "Maybe? I think I'll just keep you guessing if you act like this"

I let out a small gasp as he pulled me towards him. I stared up at his eyes, they were burning with anger and jealousy "I advise you to tell me the truth, or you'll be invited to his funeral tomorrow"

I reach up to pat his soft hair with my palm "Alright, alright, no I haven't talked to him since our break up. Happy?"

He loosened his grip on my hand "More like relieved." He grumbles.

We soon reached Hogsmeade. The streets were buzzing with excitement. So many couples were on dates, just like we were. We head to Madam Puddifoot's tea shop. As soon as we were seated, I excitedly browsed through the menu. Mattheo on the other hand was unusually quiet.

I glanced in his direction and noticed his nervous expressions.

"What's wrong?" I asked

He laughed awkwardly "Nothing, it's just I've never been here before"

I tilted my head "What? Seriously? Then where do you normally go?"

"Quidditch practice because I'm usually forced to go on dates with girls I don't actually like, so I make them watch me practice quidditch with the guys hoping they'll get bored soon and leave me alone" He explains.

I laugh in amusement "Well I'm guessing that doesn't always work? I've overheard some girls talk about how hot you are while playing quidditch"

Mattheo smirks and places his elbows on the tabletop, leaning in "You agree with them?" He speaks in a low tone.

I swallow hard "You're just trying to make me boost your ego, aren't you?"

He scoffs "Maybe? But do you think I'm hot?"

I stare into his eyes, a playful expression displayed across his face. I sigh before saying quietly "I guess so"

His insufferable smirk grows as he leans back against the back of his chair, placing his hands behind his neck. "I want to hear you say it loud and clear, princess"

It was obvious what he was trying to do. I bite the bottom of my lip before muttering "I think you're hot"

He chuckles "What? I can't hear you"

"I think you're hot!" I say louder with my eyes closed.

He smiles and leans across the table to stroke my hair "Good girl, that's more like it"

I roll my eyes in annoyance "You're such a narcissist"

"But you like it" He grins like a Cheshire cat.

I couldn't help but slip out a smile.

And that's when I realize, I am completely and utterly in love with the man sitting across the table.

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