Just a bet

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"Baby, I'm a train wreck, too. I lose my mind when it comes to you"


Mattheo POV

The next morning, I woke up from the light shining through the curtains. I turn over, thinking Aurora would be there, just to find the spot empty. I smirk in amusement.

Did she just sneak out of my room after keeping me up all night? This girl is definitely something.

I carefully stepped over my clothes that were all over my bedroom floor and walked to the bathroom. I quickly jump into the shower before cleaning up my room. That's when I spotted a red tie under my bed. I crouch to pick it up and examine it.

Wait a red tie, is it her's?

I smirk as I shove the tie into my pocket, before throwing open the door and slowly walking to the class I'm already late for.

I casually walk into my transfiguration classroom. My eyes wander around the room searching for a certain brunette girl amongst my classmates. I stride across the classroom, walking to the very front where she sat with Granger.

Without a glance, I threw her tie onto her desk. Her head turns to face me, her round doe eyes land on mine as her expressions become surprised. She glances between the tie in her hands and me.

I smirk "You left it under my bed, Princess, as much as I appreciate the souvenir I think you'll need this" I gesture at her tieless neck.

Her cheeks burn up immediately, I catch students staring at us and eavesdropping on our conversation. I roll my eyes at their nosey behavior.

Oh well, at least they all know she's off-limits because she's mine.

"Um, thanks" She stutters.

"You're welcome, next time don't sneak out before I wake up" I wink at her before returning to my seat next to Theodore.

He was grinning in shock and amusement as I slid into my chair.

"You slept with her? Dang bro, you've gotta teach me some skills." Theodore throws an arm over my shoulder.

I push his arm off "Stop making me seem like a manwhore, I don't sleep around as you do"

He laughs "You're making it sound like you care about her"

I immediately froze upon hearing his words.

Wait, why did I want to have sex with her?

Why was I disappointed when she sneaked out of my room?

Why did I want to claim her in front of others?

A million thoughts went through my head before they were disrupted by Theodore waving his hand before me.

"Matt, you good?" He smacks my face to catch my attention.

I slap his palm away "Fuck off dude. I'm fine, why wouldn't I be"

Suddenly, I could sense the presence of someone behind us, before I could turn around two books landed on our heads.

I wince in pain before turning around to see Professor Mcgonagall holding books in her hands, which were most definitely the weapons she used to hit us.

"Enough with the chit-chatting boys, focus on reading the textbooks, or else I will throw you out of my class" She glares down at us.

I bite back a laugh before burying my head in my textbook to hide my smile. Theodore was stupid enough to let out a chuckle and earned another smack on the head.

Well deserved, asshole.

However, no matter how hard I tried, I could not focus in class. My eyes kept wandering to where my princess sat. I found myself staring at her focused face, which was absolutely adorable.

The class was dreadfully long, throughout the lesson, my eyes kept roaming towards the clock waiting for it to finally end. Eventually, Professor McGonagall finished her lesson and I immediately ditched Theodore to find Aurora.

I watch her drop a few of her textbooks onto the ground. I chuckle as she scrambles to pick them up. I drop to my knees to help her gather her belongings. Her brown doe eyes stare up at mine, slightly widening as if she was surprised by my actions. Our fingers brush against each other as we both reach to grab the last book. I could feel my body heat up from the touch of her hand.

I stand up quickly, rubbing the nape of my neck with my palm. She can't seem to look at me in the eyes. I reach out my hand and slightly lift her chin to meet my gaze.

"Up for a date later, princess?" I smirk.

Even though I tried to make it sound casual, my heart was beating hard against my chest. I was nervous since this was the first time I was asking someone on a date. With the other girls I've dated, they would always make the first move and ask me out because they were desperate enough to do so. But with Aurora, it felt like I was the desperate guy, chasing her, and begging her to reciprocate my feelings.

I nervously swallow, waiting for her answer. After a moment of hesitation, she slowly nods her head.

"Yeah, that would be nice," She says as her cheeks flush red.

I grinned and leaned in closer, brushing my lips against the shell of her ear "Alright, see you at 1 o'clock" I whispered.

I stepped back and gave her a wink before turning to leave the room. My heart was racing as I let out a sigh of relief while I walked back to my dorm.

This is just pretend

This is all for a bet

This is-

Wait, is this just a bet?

Or am I falling for Aurora Black?

The Bet (Fatal Desire) | Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now