The chase

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"I've always liked to play with fire"

-Play with fire

Mattheo POV:

"I-I-I like you!" A Slytherin girl shoves a box of chocolate into my hands before running away with a flushed face.

I didn't even need to reject her, she just left. That makes it easier for me to enjoy the chocolates without feeling bad about rejecting a girl. I didn't even know who she was but I knew the chocolates would taste good.

When I walked into the Slytherin common room, all eyes were on me. I ignored them and opened the door that led to our hiding spot. In our first year, me and the guys found this hidden corridor, which led to a secret room. We turned the room into our hangout spot.

I threw the door open to reveal all three of them already sitting inside. I jump onto the couch sitting beside Blaise. I throw the box of chocolates onto the table. Theodore smirks before grabbing the chocolates.

"Who gave you those this time?" Draco asked also eating a chocolate.

I shrug "Some Slytherin girl, she ran away before I could say anything"

"Mm, these are good!" Theodore exclaims.

"So how's it going with Aurora Black?" Blaise asks.

"Lucky you, Flickwick put you two together" Draco adds.

They all turn their heads anticipating my response.

I lean back on the couch "Well I talked to her. But I need to get rid of Potter, Weasley, and Granger first. They keep getting in the way."

Draco chuckles "That won't be easy, Granger is stuck to her like glue."

"Potter gets all defensive whenever we talk to them" Blaise smirks.

Theodore munches on the chocolates "Weasley's the easiest to take care of."

I nod in agreement "Yeah, he barely interferes."

Draco leans in clasping his hands together "So what's your plan?"

I run my fingers through my messy curls "We're having a quidditch match with Gryffindor soon, and I'm sure Aurora will be there to watch Potter and Weasley, so I'll try talking to her when her bodyguards aren't around"

Draco pats my shoulder "Good luck bro"

"You guys chose a good target. She's hard to get but I like the chase" I smirk

[Time skip to the Quidditch match]

The next day we gathered at the Quidditch pitch early in the morning to practice before the actual match later in the afternoon. Blaise and I are chasers, Draco is our seeker, and Theodore is the keeper and captain of the team.

Our team has great skills and is led by Theodore's amazing leadership. Theodore and Draco have been playing since the second year, while Blaise and I only joined last year. Last year we won the Quidditch Cup by a landslide, and we're determined to win again this year.

Soon the match was about to begin. We do our team chat before walking out to the pitch in confident strides. The crowds went wild as we exited the tents. The Gryffindor team was walking over to us from the opposite side. We shake hands in the middle before beginning the match as usual.

Potter was noticeably glaring at Draco. He and Draco have been rivals since joining the team due to both of them being seekers. When I shook his hand, his grip tightened around mine, as if to threaten me.

I smirk "Potter if you hold my hand tighter I would assume you liked me"

He glared at me "Stay away from Aurora"

I scoff "Why should I? It's not like she's your girlfriend"

Before he could reply the match was about to begin. I pulled his hand off mine before launching up into the air finding my starting position. Blaise and I exchanged encouraging smiles before focusing again. I glance at the stands trying to find a certain brunette with round big brown eyes. I grinned as I saw her smiling excitedly along with Granger while waving to someone. I glance over seeing Weasley waving back with a stupid smile on his face.

Suddenly, Aurora's gaze shifted and met mine. Her smile dropped but her eyes widened. I fixed my gaze at her, waiting for her to look away. But she just kept staring at me until I winked at her, making her look away in panic.

"Beep!" The sound of the whistle makes me snap away from the stands and focus on the pitch.

I quickly dive to grab the quaffle, zooming through the air before passing to Blaise who was positioned in front of the goalpost, ready to receive and score a goal. Blaise smoothly caught the quaffle and scored the first goal of the match. The Slytherin stands roar in excitement.

The rest of the match continued, it was highly competitive as expected when playing against Gryffindor. The other two houses were barely a competition for us. Hufflepuff was a strong competitor until Cedric Diggory graduated, their team lost a skillful player and is no longer a competition to us.

Theodore did great blocking the quaffles and Draco was focused and had his eyes fixed on the field awaiting the arrival of the golden snitch.

There are only twenty minutes until the end of the match. And the scores were 90:70. We were only 20 points ahead of Gryffindor so Draco had to catch the snitch in order for us to win.

As I scored another goal, I noticed Draco and Potter diving toward the stands. They must have spotted the golden snitch.

"Come on Draco catch that damn snitch," I muttered under my breath.

Noticing a Bludger flying towards me I flew out of the way just in time. Just then the two seekers disappear into the clouds. I curse under my breath before intercepting the quaffle and going for a goal again.

After a few minutes, Draco appears from the clouds holding the golden snitch in his hand. Everyone in the team cheers and flies over to celebrate with him. A disappointed Potter also returns, his team comforted each other.

"And the winner is Slytherin!" The announcer yells.

When we got off our brooms, Theo and I grabbed Draco and threw him into the air. Blaise joined in before we could accidentally drop him.

"The party is still happening right?" Theo asks with a proud grin on his face.

We all nod. The sixth-year party was planned by Draco and me. It wasn't supposed to be a celebration party, but it might also be one. We found the room of requirement and decided it would be the perfect location for our secret late-night party. If Flinch found out we're dead meat, but what's a secret party without its risks? 

The Bet (Fatal Desire) | Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now