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"But I hate you, I really hate you. So much, I think it must be..."

-True Love (P!NK)

Aurora POV

I sprinted back to my dorm. No like literally sprinted, I'm not even exaggerating it. I ran without thinking.

Mattheo Riddle. What the hell was that?

I should hate him despise him even. After he insulted me and said all those hurtful things, I should feel the desire to murder him on the spot, not whatever this is! I can still feel the ghost of his touch. His strong arms wrapped around my waist as he threw us onto the ground, safe from the ball. The way he looked at me when I was on top of him. My lips parted and my heart raced as if my body was bewitched. I could feel his toned muscles beneath his clothes when my body was pressed against his.

Thankfully, I pulled myself away before I could do anything stupid. Again.

I threw myself onto my bed, face down, as soon as I reached my dorm. I frustratedly groaned into my pillow attracting Hermione's attention.

"What's wrong? I thought you went to confront that prick" She asked as she sat beside me.

I turned my head to look at her "I did, I threw the books at him, slapped him, and called him a conceited asshole." I told her

She smiled "Good job! That's my girl! But why are you acting this way?" She asked with a concerned expression.

I sigh "I think I've lost my mind"

Hermione raises her eyebrows "What do you mean?"

"What does it mean when all I can think of is being on top of him?" I asked

Her eyes widen in shock "Wait what? What happened?"

I told her all the details from the fighting to the quaffle incident. She started smirking as I finished my story.

"What?" I ask her.

She throws her head back and starts laughing "Oh god, you like him Aurora!"

I frown "What? I like him, that's bullshit!"

"What do you like the most about him?" Hermione asks.

"What, I don't like anything about him! What kind of question is that?" I shake my head.

Liar. You like his chestnut brown eyes, the way he holds you, his cocky but sexy smirk-

I throw a pillow at my face to stop those thoughts, even my heart's acting out as it starts beating faster just from the thought of Mattheo.

Hermione chuckles at my reaction "Alright, it's a final. You definitely like him"

I sit up "No! I do not! Never in a million years will I ever like him! Now get off my bed I'm sleeping!" I yell defensively.

She laughs as she lifts her arms in defeat and goes back to her bed.

I turn off the lights and shut my eyes. But I ended up replaying the scene and lying awake the entire evening.

Just great.

The next morning, I walked to the library during a free period while half asleep. Insomnia is getting the best of me. As I walked into the quiet library I quickly found a spot and took my books out to study.

I was pretty sure he wouldn't do any work after our huge argument yesterday. So I decided I would work extra hard and finish both of our work. But suddenly, footsteps approached my table. I looked up to see a tall figure standing right in front of me, leaning against the bookshelf with a cocky smirk.

Mattheo Riddle.

What the hell is he here for?

I glare at him before saying "I think I recall telling you not to show up in front of me ever-"

I stopped talking when he placed a bunch of papers on my desk. I picked up the papers and looked at what he wrote.

Wait is this the research I told him to do? Why is there so much? Did he do my part too?

I look at him in pure confusion. He grins and drags a chair from nearby and sits right next to me.

"I did all the work last night, satisfied?" He shoots me a smug smile.

I tilt my head, speechless.

He looks me straight in the eyes with an apologetic expression "Okay look, I'm sorry about what I said yesterday. I didn't mean any of it. I don't want to hurt your feelings. What I said about you is not true. You're one of the most hardworking people I've ever known and it's not fair on you if I don't work. I finished both of our research so we can work on the presentation now. Once again, I'm sorry, please forgive me, princess"

His apology sounds so sincere, my heart melts hearing his words. I look away from him trying not to show any emotions. He lifts my chin, turning my head to meet his gaze again.

Mattheo's eyes softened as they met mine "Aurora, I'm so sorry, please forgive me"

I nodded "I forgive you since you did so much work. How did you manage to finish all that in one night?"

His playfulness returned "Well, let's just say I had some help"

I raise my eyebrows "You asked your friends for help? Theodore, Blaise, and Draco willingly helped you do work?" I said in surprise.

He smirked "Technically I threatened them, but they still had a choice so we can say they willingly helped me."

I chuckle in amusement. A small smile slipped and Mattheo managed to catch it. I clear my throat to regain my composure.

"Smile more princess, you look pretty when you smile" He leaned in closer, our faces were all but a few inches apart.

A blush creeps up my cheeks. He chuckles when he notices. His hand reaches out and tucks a piece of loose hair behind my ear.

He leans in and whispers into my ear "I like it when you blush, it's cute" His lips graze my ear lightly.

My heart rate quickens as I realize how close he got. I pull away from him instinctively.

"Um, you know what, we can work again later. I need to go somewhere" I make up just so I can get away from him. I throw everything inside my bag before running away again.

You cannot fall into his trap, Aurora Black.

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