Epilogue #2

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand. I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover"


Aurora POV

- 1 year later -

After seven long years, we are finally graduating today. As I pack up all my belongings, I suddenly feel nostalgic. I'll miss this place I've called home all my teenage years. The memories I have in Hogwarts are mostly happy, pleasant memories. Most of them include my amazing group of friends and the love of my life. I smile as I clear the photos on my desk.

The one on the very left was from our first year when Hermione and I shared a dorm for the very first time. We clicked immediately and have become inseparable over the years. Then in the middle was a group photo of me, Hermione, Harry, and Ron from our fourth year, which was taken during the Quidditch World Cup. I remember all of us fawning over Victor Krum, I chuckle at the hilarious memories. Finally on the very right of my desk was a recently taken photo of me and Mattheo. We were throwing snowballs at each other and laughing hysterically.

"Knock, knock"

I turned my head to the window, which was where the sound came from. It was an owl delivering a letter. I quickly opened the windows and grabbed the envelope. I knew exactly what the letter was for.

The NEWTS exam results.

I rip open the letter with sweaty palms. My nervous fingers slowly open to the results page.

Charms- O

Potions- E

Transfiguration- O

Defense Against the Dart Arts- O

Care for Magical Creatures- E

"Oh my god, oh my god!" I squealed in joy and jumped around the room in excitement.

I did it! I did it! I can become an Auror and make my family proud!

The swings open revealing an overjoyed Hermione.

"I did it!" I exclaim as I run into her arms pulling her into a tight hug.

"Me too! Our hard work finally paid off!" Hermione screams in joy.

Ron and Harry also step into the room, however, their expressions aren't exactly cheerful.

"How did you guys do?" I asked them with a smile.

Harry scratches the nape of his neck with an awkward smile "Um well, I passed everything but potions, not bad I guess"

Ron shrugs "I passed Transfiguration and defense against the dark arts, good enough I guess"

Hermione chuckles "Hey that's not bad, considering that you two spent most of our study sessions sleeping instead of actually studying."

I laugh "Yeah, I'm sure your grades are good enough to get a decent job. Anyways, we should focus on the good stuff! Like our graduation party!"

Harry and Ron's faces light up in excitement, while Hermione sighs, "Now that we're almost leaving, it feels almost bittersweet. I'll miss Hogwarts and having class with you guys every day."

Ron scoffs "I don't agree with the last but... I can't believe I'm saying this but I'll actually miss Hogwarts"

Harry glances at his watch "Speaking about missing stuff, I think we're about to miss Dumbledore's speech if we don't hurry down to the great hall."

We quickly throw on our robes before sprinting down the steps. Thankfully we made it just in time. As I took a seat beside my friends, I caught a glimpse of a familiar pair of brown eyes staring at me from across the room. I looked back at Mattheo and gave him a warm smile. Nervousness was written all over his face as he struggled to hide his tense expressions. Before I could ask him anything Dumbledore started speaking.

"Another year has gone by in the blink of an eye. Surely we've all worked hard to achieve our goals this school year. There are many impressive OWLS and NEWTS results from our students this year. Please give a round of applause to our fifth and seventh-year students."

The entire student cohort claps. A few excited screams could also be heard.

Dumbledore hushes us before continuing "I would like to say how proud I am of all of you sitting here today, not only have you all grown in knowledge, but you've also grown as a person. Finally, I would like to say goodbye to our 7th year one last time. Goodbye and good luck on your journey after Hogwarts. Have a great summer break, you are all dismissed."

The whole room roars in excitement as everyone throws their caps into the air. The lower-year students start leaving the great hall, leaving only the seventh year behind. I hug all of my friends and even a few of my teachers, including Professor McGonagall. Finally, I reach the opposite side of the room, once I spot Mattheo I rush into his arms. I squeal as he lifts my feet off the ground and spins us around.

I lean my head against his chest clinging to his body. "Can't believe it's all over, I'll miss spending time with you every day"

"Me too, but we can still be together every day" He leans in and kisses the top of my head.

I smiled against his chest but I couldn't help but feel everyone's eyes on us. Theodore keeps glancing over, Blaise keeps staring at the clock impatient and Draco just smirks mischievously.

"What's going on? Why are your friends staring at us weirdly?" I chuckle.

Mattheo pulls away from me, taking a deep breath "Well, I've been thinking about this for a while now. No one has ever made me feel happy, fulfilled, and loved like you do. You make me whole, without you, I feel empty, like some part of me is missing. Whenever I think about who I want to spend the rest of my life with, only one person pops up in my mind. And that's you."

He pulls a velvet box out of his pocket, and inside the box is a glowing diamond ring. "Aurora Black, there's no one else I would rather spend my life with, will you make me the happiest man alive by marrying me?"

His three friends cast a spell, fireworks explode in the room showing the words: Will you marry me?

Tears swell in my eyes as I nod quickly. "Yes, yes! I'll marry you!"

He lets out a sigh of relief, smiling brightly before sliding the ring onto my finger.

"I love you, princess" He whispers before cupping my cheeks and claiming my lips.

I wrap my arms around his waist pulling him closer for a deep kiss. I smiled against his lips, it was passionate and loving, and the proposal was perfection just like what I'd been dreaming of since I was a little girl.

We pull apart are stare into each other's eyes. Butterflies flutter in my stomach whenever he looks at me like I'm the only person he cares about in the world. That's when I realized I was completely and utterly in love with this man.

He's my future husband, my greatest supporter, and my only love.

Mattheo intertwines our fingers before turning to face everyone.

"Let me introduce you to my wife" He beams in joy.

"Not yet" I scrunch my nose and laugh.

He leans in and holds my waist "How about we get married right now?"

I wrap my arms around his neck "You're joking"

He shakes his head "Nothing about you is ever a joke"

"I love you Mattheo" I press a gentle kiss on his lips.

Mattheo tugs me closer tightening his grip on my waist "I love you more Aurora"

Then we lean in simultaneously, sealing our proposal with a final kiss.

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