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"Usually I hold the power with both my hands tied behind my back. But look at how things changed cause now you're the train and I'm tied to the track"


Mattheo POV

A few days passed by quickly. I've noticed Aurora was actively trying to avoid me. Whenever I walked into the room she would turn away and talk to her friends. When I try to talk to her she runs away or makes up an excuse. Little did she know, I'm not a patient man nor am I a quitter.

Finally, it was charms class and I got to sit next to her. As I walked towards my seat, I could see her shifting uncomfortably in her seat. I grabbed my chair and sat down. I noticed she moved her chair to the very end of her side of the desk. I reached out pulling her chair closer to mine. She let out a quiet yelp as she felt her chair move.

I slid my arm onto the back of her chair, and completely turned my body to face her.

"Why are you avoiding me, princess?" I ask her

She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear "W-what do you mean? I'm not avoiding you" She laughs awkwardly.

I smirk "Has anyone ever told you, you're a terrible liar, Aurora?"

Her ears slowly turned red and I chuckled at her reaction. "I-I'm not lying. Shove off, Riddle" She said before turning her body away from me to work.

I grin in victory, I wanted to pester her more but decided it would be better to finish our work first and let her off the hook for now.

When the class was coming to an end, she packed her bag immediately just as usual, and sprinted out of the classroom. Unlike before I dash after her, I catch up to her as soon as she reaches the door.

"Wait for me princess," I tell her with my hands holding on to her wrist.

Aurora looks up at me with a glare "Let go Mattheo!"

She tried to pull away but I only tightened my grip around her. I pulled her outside to the courtyard.

I sigh "Why are you avoiding me?"

She scoffs "I am not, how many times do I have to tell you!" She tries to deny it.

I place both of my hands on her shoulder "You are, stop lying." I told her sternly.

Her big round eyes stare into mine, just as I am about to ask her again, raindrops start pouring from the sky. I look up at the sky with a big smile on my face. I've always loved the rain, back when I was a kid, Mom and I would play in the rain all the time. The rain always washed away all of my worries. I glance over at the girl trying to pull me back to where there's a roof.

"Are you insane Mattheo? We'll get wet if we keep standing here!" Aurora yells before running back to the hallways and keeps waving for me to go with her.

I simply laughed and stayed put where I was, letting the rain soak through my clothes.

She panickedly yelled "Get over here! You're all wet!"

I shook my head "Come join me in the rain princess!" I screamed over the loud raindrops.

She hesitated for a moment before running into the rain. I walked over to her.

"Don't you feel relaxed under the rain?" I grin.

She finally lets out a genuine smile "I guess you're right"

I watch her silky brunette hair become drenched in the rain. The delicate raindrops slowly falling down her soft fair skin is truly a heavenly sight. I smile as I see her eyes struggling to stay open as water slowly trickles down her long eyelashes. Her wet lips slightly parting drove me crazy, and I struggled to keep my hands to myself.

I stepped closer and held onto her waist. Her eyes widen in surprise. "Dance with me, Aurora Black," I say in a low voice.

We slowly dance under the heavy rain. We laugh when we keep slipping and almost falling. I lifted her up and spun her around, and she squealed in joy. I took off my robe as it became too heavy for me to walk in, leaving on only my soaked white shirt. I notice Aurora stealing glances at my toned body.

"Like what you're seeing?" I smirk.

She blushed and turned away "No! You're such a narcissist"

I undo my tie and threw that aside as well. "Didn't I tell you, you're a terrible liar" I shoot her a smug smile.

"Fine! I like what I'm seeing, what about it!" She yelled before covering her face in embarrassment.

I smirk in delight "Aurora Black, do you like me?"

I undo another button on my shirt as I await her answer.

Please say yes.

For some reason, I wanted her to say yes not just because of the bet, but because of something...more.

She swallowed nervously before hesitantly saying "Maybe, I-I don't know"

Maybe? That's not what I wanted to hear.

"It was a yes or no question, princess. Do you like me, yes or no?" I ask her again.

My heart races as I anticipate her response.

She closed her eyes before saying it quickly "Yes, I like you!"

The corners of my mouth lift. A rush of joy takes over me. Without a second thought, I leaned forward and smashed my lips against hers. I devour her lips like a hungry man. My finger threaded through her hair tilting her head up to deepen the kiss. It was fiery, passionate, and desperate. My other arm wrapped around her waist tightly, hoping to close any distance left between us. Her arms grabbed onto my shirt tightly as she pulled me closer. Her lips were warm and soft. They slowly parted, letting my tongue slide inside. Our bodies pressed against each other heatedly, breathing heavily as our lips danced together.

She pulled away when we started running out of breath. We stared deeply into each other's eyes as we breathed heavily trying to catch our breaths.

Oh gosh, the things I'm willing to do if I could claim her lips again.

I cannot imagine her lips on anyone else but mine. And won't let that happen.

This girl will be my downfall.

The Bet (Fatal Desire) | Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now