It's over

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"I'm sitting eyes wide open and I got one thing stuck in my mind. Wondering if I dodged a bullet or just lost the love of my life."

-I Don't Wanna Live Forever

Aurora POV

Tears slowly fell from my eyes as I wandered through the dark empty hallways. My sobs filled the quiet corridors as I returned to the Gryffindor tower. I keep my head down trying to hide the tear streaks on my cheeks from the fat lady. After muttering the password, I slowly stumble up the stairs.

It's over

It's really over

And it hurts like shit

I felt empty and hollow like my heart was shattered, broken into pieces, and taken out. I was lonely, helpless, heartbroken. Realization hits me:

I loved him.

I truly loved him.

For the first time in my life, I've ever genuinely loved someone-

And he broke my heart.

I fell to my knees as soon as I reached my floor. Leaning my head against the doorframe as I cried. Tears flowed uncontrollably as I wrapped my arms around my legs.

He played me

It was all a bet

It was all a lie

Suddenly, the door fell open. Hermione stepped out of our room. She gasps seeing me crying on the floor.

She quickly scrambled to pick me up "Oh gosh, what happened Aurora? I thought you went to give Mattheo back his handkerchief?"

I continued to sob as she brought me back into our dorm. She held my hand and led me back to my bed. I leaned my head against her shoulder as we sat on the bed.

"What happened? You know you can trust me, Rora, tell me what happened and I'll help you" Hermione wrapped her arms around my body, holding me in a tight hug.

"It- w-was a b-bet" I choked through my tears.

She wiped away my tears with her thumb "What bet?"

I sniffled "Matt- no, Riddle and his friends made a b-bet, to make me f-fall for him"

Hermione's eyes widened in shock. Tears rush out again "It was all a lie! He played me, played with my feelings! And I-I...fell for it! Like a stupid lovesick girl!" I sobbed into her chest.

She held me in her embrace as I cried harder. "You're not stupid Rora! Those boys are the stupid ones! I should go beat them up right now!" She yells angrily.

I shook my head "No, no don't, it's not worth it"

She huffed in anger "If those boys dare to show up in front of me, I won't hold back! How dare they hurt my best friend!" Hermione hugged me tightly and patted my head, trying to comfort me.

That night, after Hermione had fallen asleep. I got up and sat by the window, staring out into the midnight sky. I hugged my knees to my chest, sniffing back tears that were fighting to come out again.

Maybe it was meant to end like this.

Once a player, always a player.

I should've known-

To never trust Mattheo Marvolo Riddle.

-Time skip to the next morning-

The next day went by so quickly, I could hardly focus in class. I was spacing out while hanging out with my friends, and even skipping meals because I had no appetite. At dinner, Harry and Ron noticed my sudden change in mood and decided to ask about it.

"Aurora, are you alright? You seem a little upset." Harry asked while eating.

Ron chews on chicken legs "Yeah, something bothering you?"

I let out a sigh before telling them about what happened. They stare at me in shock after hearing about what Riddle did. Harry stood up in anger.

"Let me teach that asshole a lesson right now!" He said throwing down his chicken leg and was about to rush over to the Slytherin table.

I pulled him back down and shook my head "It's not worth it. I'm fine Harry, really"

I gave him a reassuring smile and held his hand. Despite my efforts, he saw through all the lies.

He sighed before saying "Go to the winter ball with me"

I dropped my fork and stopped eating "What?"

"Go to the ball with me, as my date," He said seriously.

I stare at him in confusion "Huh?"

"You heard me"

I scoff "Are you joking right now?"

He shook his head "No I'm not. It'll be fun, I rather not see you crying alone in your dorm. Plus, Ron and Hermione are going together"

I glanced over at the two in shock. Ron started choking on his food while Hermione was awkwardly drinking water.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I nudged Hermione with my elbow.

"Well, it only happened yesterday and I was going to tell you know after what happened it slipped my mind" She rubbed my shoulder apologetically.

"Alright then, I'll go with you, Harry. Let's have fun tomorrow!" I gave Harry a smile before standing up to leave.

As I headed out of the great hall, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to find Mattheo standing there awkwardly.

He scratched the nape of his neck, hesitant to speak. I simply glared at him and kept quiet. Angry footsteps rush towards us.

He opens his mouth to speak "Aurora I-"

His sentence is cut short by Harry, who punches him hard in the face. I gasp in shock.

Hermione pulls Harry back before he can do more damage.

"Don't you dare talk to her Riddle" Harry yells in rage.

Ron steps in front of me protectively "If you have anything to say, say it to us, not Aurora!"

Hermione steps right in front of Mattheo, pointing her wand at his face "If you show your face in front of her again, you'll regret it!"

I try to stop them from getting themselves in trouble "Guys, stop-"

"Potter, that was unreasonable to punch him!" Draco interferes.

Harry walks up to Malfoy rolling up his sleeves "I don't think so, after all that bastard played her! And you helped him with it, so maybe I should punch you too!"

Harry swings his fist, and Malfoy blocks the punch in his hand. Theodore steps in and pushes the two away from each other.

"Everyone calm down! Aurora we are truly sorry for all we've done. It was stupid and immature of us to make a bet and drag you into it" Theodore apologizes on behalf of the whole group.

Blaise shoots me an apologetic gaze before speaking up "Yeah, we're very sorry for acting like idiots. But it would be great if you gave Mattheo a chance to explain himself."

I cross my arms over my chest and scoff in amusement "Apology accepted, but that doesn't mean I forgive you a lot. And no, I will not speak to him, so fuck off!"

I flipped my middle finger at them and stormed back to my dorm, slamming the door shut.

Explain himself my ass.

That guy can go fuck himself.

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