Cirque de Solè

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This was something I had fun it was last summer. I think it was June 9 at the Lyons Centre in Kingston that being said I was going to see circus Soleil! That was when I noticed I was experiencing some thing that was the opposite of acquiring PTSD. I couldn't put my finger on it until I went to my therapist and she said that was a glimmer, a great moment! What I found the most interesting was the flipping around like they flipped and did their acrobatics and stuff but my favourite one really made me cry because it was very interesting. I reserve a girl who was suspended in air and was held by these massively round and perfectly round balloons that look like ping-pong balls those were very interesting. The idea of that made me wanna cry because it was so beautiful. My friend that I was crying after that worn it was so cute and beautiful. I couldn't help but cry and show my real emotions about real beauty and the human can create if it can put his mind to it!
That was also when I went to get a post care for circus away as I found this was the very interesting thing I said as a person if they had something on their five bucks, they set up postcard. It's still in my valuable drawer to this valuable drawer, where I keep my valuables! I'm not gonna tell you that that was before the balloons came as I had mentioned but at the first time I thought it was a guy who was floating around and then that was that said I found this very interesting and compelling!
I just wish they would've shown the girl floating on balloons on the actual the post card!
To be honest with me, it felt like a dream to be completely honest it didn't feel real, but I knew it was real!  I've never been so emotional about something I hate ie. balloons. But I saw if I can make balloons, beautiful, or the human mind to make balloons beautiful instead of aggravating I thought I was going to start being a little more bad ass and start going around being around balloons pretty soon I remember correctly that the balloon floating around balloons and 13 of them popped at the same time!  I may have flinched at first, but I didn't say heavy duty bad words I can tell you that much!
I think that was at 13 balloons  that were popping!  Yeah, I was in his arms and fell sorry for the airport. It fell safe for them my bad it was very interesting indeed, and I did not have experience that before my life I kind of kindness that makes you feel safer than an airport or your bad to be honest with you......that is a sign of true love!
But then the Rudberg was, I went to a birthday party and hearing kids screaming and balloons popping that was not very good for me. I think it was a kid screaming that got through to me and I ended up having to get the fuck out before I end up insane!   Let's just say that I heard these many times under the age of two and I didn't appreciate that and I certainly don't appreciate them now. Kind of drives me insane so I ended up having a mini flashback and I said I have to get the hell out of here that being said, I never really ended up getting my cupcake was kind of ticked me off but well, what can you do PTSD!

This is my balloons sometimes more bitter than sweet but when I came to surf to Soleil, it was more sweet and bitter


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