I was born in a warzone as I baby, a lot of triggering stuff happened to me before I was adopted into Canada by my parents, stuff I will not mention! Though it involved being the repeated victim of terrorism! When I was I. Canada I was always the kid who was mostly happy but had the chip of the shoulder (and attitude!). As I grow up the attitude was getting better and I was able to get along with other children......then 9/11 happened and it triggered memories that I have had since I was a baby! (Don't say that babies don't have a memory- they do)
When I saw the twin towers get crashed into and crumble I was devastated and terrified at these horrific scenes unfolding on the tv and in my mind! The PTSD symptoms slowly came up! First was the nightmares and the second was rage! Soon when I was 17 I was full blown depressed clinically! And was thinging of either ending my life man times (a bad idea) or to get help (better idea)....i choose to get help! Especially after memories of the warzone and being in catholic school we're getting too much for me. I was bullied in catholic school for my ethnicity and abilities as well as my PTSD. And it nearly ruined my life!
I was mostly coping on my own with my parents who alway drank at this point in their life! So I was on my own with my emotions!Things came to a head in 2020 when I was going through toxic stress at home but the only thing other then writing was the idea of moving out on my own accord as I was fed up with my parents drinking! Long gone were the good days of traveling and being spoiled! I had to leave for my sake! Though when I moved to my group home I decided to find creativity again in this case I downloaded wattpad and started writing! This was actually a good way to blow off some steam as you can live in your head but be social to others at the same time. I have been able to write since I could remeber the age of 4....the same thing with drawing! But know I use it as a form of recovery...the creativity! As I write and write I get better at my craft and then started designing my own tattoos and rekindled my love of drawing through getting tattoos!
Although my art and writing have improved to the point we're I can write 50,000 words on wattpad and do tattoo like art! I am slowly changing for the better! I am going to therapy! And I am on the mend because if the people in my group home and the first I made along the way as well as being stubborn and creative! I refuse to go back the way came into the group home which was a hot mess! Not I am stable and happy for the most part (except for the odd nightmare). I thing I will because if the positive side of tattoo designing, art and writing that I will hope to be tattoo artist and writer and hope to change peoples lives for the better! I am 35 years old and I changed everything, the way I see life and the way I spend time and money! (The money not too too important)
~T.M. Tarantino
Update: I heard I have a few more times at therapy and I am doing better for the most part! I must say that I can and will beat PTSD!

Elena: my life stories (short stories) | book 1 | ✔️
Cerita Pendek****not for the Watty's ***** Some emotional and spiritual and funny moments that happened in my life in short story formate will be sending Some of these off to chicken soup for the soul books! ( at least the ones without swearing of course). B...