I was told that Saunders farm was supposed to be the scariest thing anyone could go through, but I went through it like a breeze or a knife through butter that being said I enjoyed myself immensely I had many pictures of the time at Saundra's farm though I wish I kept them, but I didn't cause I'm a bit of a knucklehead but anyways I remember everyone else being afraid of Saunders farm but I was like the photo journal that had a war zone just going around taking pictures of everything nonchalantly! it was kind of something that should've been triggering to me according to other people wasn't triggering at all. I found this very interesting indeed and I found that I love the spooky season. I've always had. I've been to many different haunted houses and many different creepy places that meant a good scare scare button those cases was very good!
It was well put together, and I enjoyed every moment of it the particular places in Saunders farm sometimes resembled Chechnya in the nineties, don't get me wrong. I am all about peace, but in this case, this is a good way to settle scores with old demons as I was born in award zone that being said, let's see I end up seeing a lot of creepy looking people and a lot of eerie stuff I remember a lot of, fast rides waggon rides that were very interesting and I kept taking pictures when everyone else was petrified. I remember that, as if it was yesterday, I still have one picture in my mind of a dilapidate and old building that they use to spook people at the time it was during Covid so they couldn't come up and spook you, like they usually do I guess that's why it was easier to take pictures then!
I was enjoying myself. It was the first time I ever went to Saunders farm and I would say this exactly if I ever found their Facebook pages that I would recommend Saunders farm to anyone who is in the knee of a healthy, good scare....halloween therapy as I would call it as it is very interesting to go through this. I remember all the other people in the group other than me and well everyone else was pretty much petrified and wussies!
I didn't blame them. Some of the things were a little unsettling, but as I said, I knew it was in good fun. I know the difference between make up lipstick fake blood from the real law that being said the idea that you can use make up to spook people is pretty interesting. You don't have to go around , doing authentic (like actual gore) to get a rise out of people instead I think that makeup does a trick and can spook anyone for fun if you want to for healthy scare that being said I really enjoyed my time. Remember, what was it about around 11 or 10 o'clock at night stopped at Tim Hortons. Got an ice cap and ended up going crazy enjoying the night the next morning I woke up. I never had a nightmare from the farm like anyone else, but for some odd reason, my left earlobe decided to split the two earlobes because I was wearing these stupid stupid triangle shaped gauges and I have one that is malformed that being said I'm not too worried about it. I'm still alive. I think it makes me feel special and makes me who I am in the first place. Remember, I am all about authenticity, but not to the point where you're going to freak people out when I ended up waking up the next morning with that splitting ear lobe I got some reactions but I said be quiet. It's just an earlobe or (well three)! not very many people would be very accepting about a split or many people would be going to the doctor or a plastic surgeon because I know how this world works. That is beauty related, not intellectual related. I could've cared less about that year to be honest with you and I still do to this day it's what I think is on the inside that counts matters and the experiences we go through that are more important than, the damn split earlobe! Come on there are more important things that that are actually life and death! And a split earlobe isn't one of them.....I just wish my damn doctor would get over it as fast as I did!but no! She blaintly said plastic surgery.....and rebuttal with a f*ck you!-T.M.

Elena: my life stories (short stories) | book 1 | ✔️
Short Story****not for the Watty's ***** Some emotional and spiritual and funny moments that happened in my life in short story formate will be sending Some of these off to chicken soup for the soul books! ( at least the ones without swearing of course). B...