First book club :)

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My first book club experience was the idea of reading half-bads in white regalia that being said it was a very interesting book. I was able to get a lot out of it before I went to the book club when the book club meeting started we ended up deep diving the book in our own mind. why didn't we like it? Why we like it? Why didn't we finish it stuff like that? It was very interesting. I was able to find that I was able to relate not just by reading the book, but hearing the questions about Cody Caetano's childhood that I was able to relay more about him than anything else other than Romeo Dallaire! That being said, I don't really relate to very many people because of my ass burgers when it comes to reading of a different stories, but if they can be smart enough to write a book or smart enough to have PTSD and yes, I will be able to relate to them in a very deep manner to the point where as well yes this kind of thing did happened to me as well!
There was talk about generational trauma, the kind of thing that talks about where there's an abuse cycle that continues on generation sometimes people break it by saying no I'm not gonna drink. No I'm not gonna lay my hand on a woman or a child. That being said that's very interesting. My generational trauma would be swearing , as my father used to be a swearing son of a b*tch as well as a drinker at times I didn't want to be a fucking alcoholic because I know what disappointments are gonna be like what the anger is gonna be towards me and the level of it and stuff like that so why should I inflict irreparable damage to my brain and body just so someone can hate me!
That was my break, generational trauma. I said I just didn't want to do it because I know my kids are going to get pissed off as well as my body and I didn't not wanna shorten my life anymore than it already is darling when I go anyways I was able to relate to that, although I was more privileged as far as living conditions were concerned I still remember the fucking drinking that being said I mentioned that a lot in the Book club and it was very interesting. It's very interesting to have a therapy centred around a book. You're able to talk about the person writing the book as well as you're able to talk about the book and maybe maybe share some experiences about what the book made you remember in other words that help me jog a lot of bad memories that was a good thing about the book. I enjoyed a lot of the book. I also relate to being a half.-bad!  I can relate to the buckle as the buckle in the knee that causes you to know that you're gonna be in big trouble and that the dehumanization of repeaters is whether I'd be in the criminal justice system or either in other peoples eyes well that is kind of stupid to me as well the humanization of repeat offenders is not what I want to see when they have only learned that behaviour and their life that being said I have been one of those where I repeatedly pull pulled pranks and got enough school award off the bullies and teachers, that being said, I remember a lot about my childhood that was more half-bad style except for travelling almost around the world world!


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