This trip this trip to London Ontario. I hated more than someone telling me a goddamn lie, that being said, this was the actual pinnacle of I hate this! I ended up going to London Ontario to see my cousin Kevin, which was fine and his parents their house was damn well dilapidated and livable. They had a dog that would bite at your hair and stuff like that so I don't even know why I'm talking about this. It was a memory, but it was when I was transitioning from fourth grade to fifth grade and let me tell you I couldn't stand this trip, I couldn't stand having a sleep on the floor being at risk of being bitten by this f*cking dog and other stuff it was kind of aggravating to be honest with you. I'm sorry for the swearing, but as I said, I hated this more than a lie........ dishonesty brutal dishonesty is something I cannot stand worth a passion if you're gonna tell little stories, you may as well tell them on Wattpad or on paper because you don't go around, sh*tting up other peoples lives with your stories!
But there was one good thing about this visit other than seeing how other people live people who are obviously we soft than me. I don't know why they didn't do something about the house renovated or put the dog down cause I'm pretty sure it had rabies. I don't usually say that but rabies, it's a wonder my brain and go to Swiss cheese as well because I'm pretty sure the dog bit me that being said I'd rather not deal with dogs and I can go down this rabbit hole all I want but anyways the one good thing about this freaking visit was we went into the night market and London Ontario that was the place and we ended up seeing some cool stuff there was some star lanterns that were made of thick, thick, thick thick paper they were like you put a light in them and they would light up the whole room and they were a star and they had all these designs cut into them and show was very interesting that got me very interesting star lanterns as a call. I think that's what they are usually called. They're very gypsy like I shouldn't say that word but you know what I mean they're very worms and whimsy and stuff like that so I wanted to get one, but at the time they were too expensive!
I got home, I saw Ana and nils had one in their living room window so end up asking them for my 11th birthday for a star lantern exactly like theirs for what you asked for because I ended up getting one exactly like it for my 11th birthday and I remember almost being in tears because I wanted one for my room to be beside my bed. I know that sounds like a fire hazard, but that's beside the point, my father had ideas of hanging it up near my fish tank, which was not very a good idea, but and it turned into a fire hazard over the years because of that act I still want to get one, but they are astronomically expensive this time but anyways this one visit to London Ontario I hate that with a pass tell you because the house was falling apart. The dog had rabies kid didn't have any good toys are being said why did I even bother going there except for the fact that my parents were going there and at the time I couldn't handle being alone with myself I guess I was damned or damned damned if you do damned if you don't........ the people were nice uncle and aunt as well my cousin, I only saw the one time in my life that one time I wish they sped up their house!-T.M.

Elena: my life stories (short stories) | book 1 | ✔️
Historia Corta****not for the Watty's ***** Some emotional and spiritual and funny moments that happened in my life in short story formate will be sending Some of these off to chicken soup for the soul books! ( at least the ones without swearing of course). B...