So I go to a therapist every so often because of my PTSD complex PTSD because that house wanted to help me the group wanted to help me get a little bit better. I don't blame them as I was feeling like crap this whole f*cking winter! I didn't feel like shovelling snow. I didn't feel like doing my cleaning job. I didn't feel like doing very much jack crap except sit on my ass and do nothing. It was kind of a depression I think and I was in a rut, I always wanted either a handstand drum or a tattoo one of the way, I was gonna get either way because I said you're in a rut you're going to go to Toronto and you're gonna plan a trip to Toronto, which was fine but then I ended up going on the decline on my health so I ended up having to go one day coming up to a psychiatrist because of certain shit that's going on. Also, I ended up going to a therapist who has this really so psychedelic changing timer cube that changes colour from green to yellow to red and I always know when it's red because I'm always involved with a story! And I don't like I see it green for one minute and that goes red the next because like I'm always telling these stories and memories whether they be good bad or the ugly or I might be saying about something about my life one of the first times I mentioned talking about my problems actual problems are shooting the sh*t was when I was queued to talk about my mother, my brothers and my aunt and all the other shitheads in my life so I ended up telling the therapist about basically everything that went on in my fucking life and nutshell!
Did I know this was going to start me on a journey of trying to regain positive memories, as well as write three memoirs about my life 35 years should be one thin memoir but instead it was three damn memoirs. That's how much events had happened in my life. I'm just mentioning the good stuff mostly the good stuff in this particular book but the first book I wrote under my name T.M. Tarantino, was the girl who should have been left at airport security, the girl who was the full moon, the girl who is the freedom!Those were my memoirs. I had to do three of them because I had a mouthful of say I still do to this day even about my memory just the short stories about my memories. I have a lot to say to be honest with you therapy. I decided to try to find my memories. Do those three memories which is the series called traumatized stargazing as well as I was able to learn to love writing again as I was in a rut! That being said this was the first honest memo. Usually when I did memoirs they were very well sugarcoated, except for the bullying and the human rights violations, but I was actually not sugarcoating my life in this, and the fact how I felt about that that being the case, I think I may have made some enemies in my relatives (no sweater off my back as they have caused me a lot of grief sometimes my mother and father but mostly extended family caused me to pull out my hair!) truth be told the first book the airport security one did not have very much nice things to say about my life. Second one had more nice things to say the third one had a lot better things to say and then I decided a few days ago I was going to start memory hunting and start coming up with my good memories that I know I had. I had a dig really deep for them.

Elena: my life stories (short stories) | book 1 | ✔️
Kurzgeschichten****not for the Watty's ***** Some emotional and spiritual and funny moments that happened in my life in short story formate will be sending Some of these off to chicken soup for the soul books! ( at least the ones without swearing of course). B...