This was one of the best haunts I've been to at the drive was I should say drive-through hunt where you end up seeing jigsaw from saw and all kinds of Creepies on TV set and you would end up seeing creepy figures walk around looking for a victim, but they were just actors. It was very interesting. I enjoyed it I want to twice, the role of the actors as well on me as well but then I ended up also remembering the first time I went there I had an ice cap before I went I remember that getting a little too hyper and involved with the festivities of the spooky season. I remember this correctly that some people were watering the lines if I was either having a PTSD flashback or if I was just excited about the whole deadwood Drive it turns out it was the ladder that I was more excited about going through something that people with normal mental illness couldn't go through without being screwed up and I ended up going through it smelling like a rose. They didn't like that very much!
Well, it turns out that the year was going to end up with big surprise November, I will tell you more about that on another chapter but anyways, I enjoy deadwood and it was very interesting. Second time around it got a little more intense with when I went the second year. It was very interesting and stuff and I was pretty spooky but again it didn't my mental health people warned me it would! I was with a group of friends because I can't drive because of PTSD but I enjoyed it!
Came to the other years after the Covid years deadwood started becoming a walk-through thing like Saunders farm, which was kind of a disappointment because I was always looking forward to going to deadwood and getting the sh*t scarred out of me! That was what I like the most was that sense of adventure that sense of adrenaline going through your veins instead of blood during the spooky season that is what I live for other than getting tattoos and piercings, and maybe visiting an odd city here or there.
That being said, I was very interested in seeing the spooky scenarios and stuff is very interesting. I remember hearing ringing around the Rosie park is full of Posey so many times that I still remember how to say in that creepy voice that is how fun and remarkable this one was , those Saunders has a special place in my place in my heart because you can walk through it and you were able to take pictures without getting tackled usually that was the other way around you get hack and then take the picture but in this case it wasn't the case because it was Covid at the time, it was a good introduction to both of these if you were, I'm not McCamey Manor I've heard horrible things about McCamey manner and wouldn't try to go there because yeah that one would be triggering for me as much as I can give you a $.25 worth on that one! I remember hearing about McKamey Manor on YouTube. It was pretty disturbing and it would be for most people. It was a little offputting for me, but not to the point where it was gonna keep me up at night but why would someone wanna create an extreme haunt when there's plenty of normal modern haunts was beyond me. I don't explain why there is almost g rated, and someone scares it and turns it into torture fest!
That is the only thing I don't like about Halloween , perverse something like a good hunt and turn it into something stupid!-T.M.

Elena: my life stories (short stories) | book 1 | ✔️
Kurzgeschichten****not for the Watty's ***** Some emotional and spiritual and funny moments that happened in my life in short story formate will be sending Some of these off to chicken soup for the soul books! ( at least the ones without swearing of course). B...