Let me just say that my mother was not always the flawed wall when she was and I had portrayed her in the past block that being said yes, she did have her flaws as she was only human and not an iPad, smartphones nor pc! Instead, she was just a human, but she had her flaws as I said, you don't expect her to be a world renowned piece of technology being said, I do remember one thing that she did a couple of things actually one was that I was having a severe temper tantrum I think I was four or five years old at the time it was pretty bad the temper tantrum instead of going to the corner, she took me to the dollar store to get me some watercolors. I was looking at the rings but anyways I was looking at the watercolours her at the same time the first time I actually say that I actually created something was with those watercolors. If I remember correctly, I was water colouring the Power Rangers, mighty morphing Power Rangers and the palm trees that I saw in Dominican Republic. That was something I remember fondly the watercolours had given me a good power that I never thought I would have if I have bought them a power of creativity, the power to change the world, if I want to which I do.
I was going through different colours and seeing what they do and it was very interesting and then when I was finished with watercolours of course I want to get some more before I end up knowing about an allowance and then I remember one time when she was taking me to the dollar store. This is a dollar store the memory I saw my first iridescent rang was a metal rang out. Silver plated rang and it was very interesting so I wanted one. I got one put it on my. I believe it was my left middle finger seems to be beyond my middle fingers but anyways, that being said, I ended up learning about jewellery not just about watercolors, I watercolor, the jewelry, as well as the other stuff that I watered coloured but then I also wanted to being obsessed with this is the first time I ever was obsessed about anything other than the water colour is being said I would be going back not just for watercolours for more iridescent rings as well!
Although I could not wear the rings in school, because school is a pain in the ass! I was able to wear them any other time that being said, I was known as Saturn at some cases in school, because of the amount of rings that I had I was literally stacking them over my fingers and stuff. It was kind of interesting if I wasn't being famous for being did human version of the ring, planet Saturn that being said, I was very interested in art, and was well known for that steel lamp to this day, where I do artwork. When I did art, I found that this was a good outlet for my frustration, as well as my whatever else I could've been feeling whatever emotion. This was my way of communicating to my parents even though I was able to talk and talk well!
As I was going through artistic stuff, artistic stuff, because my mother initially gave me those watercolors. I started wondering what else can I create then the librarian came in and do the school one time start reading books to us that's when I thought maybe I could try riding when I learned to write I was in kindergarten at the time I remember that that was one thing that I wanted to do was writing and there I am now also, I've been able to do a lot of different outlets for creativity all because of these watercolours that my mother had given me as a child especially at the height of my creativity will be at Halloween when I do my make up, but then again I am also now adult I can actually do my make up any time a day, except midnight as I'm asleep, in the morning I starting to do my make up and then I am actually happy that I did finding out that I am using water-based makeup is not different from the watercolors. My mother gave me so long ago about 30 or 31 years ago, it was very odd that she would give me these watercolours after I had such a bad behavior, that shocked me that showed compassion that I never thought I would see in my life at that time that being said it was very interesting indeed, and I continue to create because it's more of a way of compassion or self compassion to me!Fast-forward till now, one of my friends gave me an apple pen that being said, that was the equivalent of my mother, giving me the watercolours to go not over, so I went nuts and I was able to create things more efficiently than I would anywhere else or with anything else that being said it was very interesting indeed to create things with my iPad. It only works with my iPad as it does as it's an apple pen!
When I realize that the same thing happened to me 30 years ago about the watercolors, the same thing happened with the apple pen and I found that I found more of an outlet or enhance the outlet that my mother had allowed me to use in the first place after my first initial temper tantrum as far as that temper tantrum is concerned, I don't know if it was a actual temper tantrum, or if it was PTSD related at the time it was kind of interesting indeed to see where this will lead this creativity. Now I want to be a tattoo artist which is something I've been wanting to do since I was 12 I design my own tattoos. I don't do my own piercings, but I design my own tattoos for the professional to do. I dye my own hair and that basically that also also I am very creative with my writing these days I'd rather be the Quentin Tarantino of riding instead of just!-T.M.

Elena: my life stories (short stories) | book 1 | ✔️
Historia Corta****not for the Watty's ***** Some emotional and spiritual and funny moments that happened in my life in short story formate will be sending Some of these off to chicken soup for the soul books! ( at least the ones without swearing of course). B...