My mother

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When I went to see my mom my brother said first no technology but I snuck the technology into the nursing home so I can get some last pictures of my mother I know that sounds Google but he was the only person that actually believed and who I was. That'll be in the third book which I'll tell you about my orientation later on. I was going to bring the baseball and a Sharpie marker cuz I was going to get her signature but then I found out she was in so much excruciating pain that I had it for the first time in my life Forge a signature. It was the only time I ever had a forge my mother's signature I never had to do it for legal or school documents I just did it to so I can have it on my baseball and I put in Brackets mom. So now I know that she is now on my baseball memorialized on Shelf. But that isn't the only thing I did for my mother few months back when I saw this coming I got a tattoo of Jupiter with a Mandela design on it. And it was placed on my left bicep where it can be prominent and seen if anything I will be able to see that she's still with me even though she will not. This was my way of saying I love you in advance of her passing she had so many blood clots in her life it wasn't even funny I'm not even making this a joke it was she had more blood clots than she had birthdays and had to be put on blood thinners. I corresponded with my mother almost everyday if I could I would tell her right now that I went on to the biggest writing competition in the world but instead I think she already knows because because of her now stable condition as a spirit. You're going to wonder why I'm going to say this. You can be medically dead but you cannot be truly dead I don't believe in atheism or religion but I do believe in spiritualism and the Supernatural and paranormal where the spirit will go back to the universe and you can contact it more or less like you can contact any random person or the person you want on Facebook there is actual scientific evidence of this. And I am a clairvoyant unusual to think but anyway I am clairvoyant. I'll tell you this story right now is one time I was writing for the waters or trying to but was ending up losing many times or not getting what I wanted which was to be on the waters but instead I was noticed a lot but anyway I ended up writing a story about General Choi hung he the founder of Taekwondo, and one of his students who was turned into one of the Comfort Wise by the Yakuza. Then I decided after writing this book that I ended up walking up the Korean Comfort wives and ended up finding out that they were enslaved by the Japanese mafia.   When I realize this I realize that I was also a clairvoyant because I was never taught about the Korean comfort wise in World War II but found out anyway through the idea of clairvoyant.  . I'm Washburn channelling other peoples energies that were from the past that were already deceased. Anyway I ended up knowing that I have had past lives and I have remembered them for well since of the age of four. I've been able to remember my password lives and stuff anyway back to my mother I ended up talking to her trying to tell her that I well well that I wasn't the best daughter in the world because of my behaviour is my PTSD more or less but I told her that I still love her and that she'll continue on in my life even though she may be going out yes I did say that while this was happening my friend and it up also videotaping every word I said. So I can remember her. Things about her that were very good about her or she would recognize me and she would also except me for who I am I could be like Ted Bundy and she would except me for who I am not that I want to be like Ted Bundy but it's just a saying that he's except me for who I am no matter what. So I ended going out to coffee that day I remember that day very clearly that I had to go to the dentist because I have to bastard wisdom teeth or three bastard wisdom teeth they need to be taken out and I had to go for a consultation then I want to see my mother and then I end up getting coffee and a doughnut. I didn't think she was gonna die this month but this month if she did it when I found out it was just a pain in my arse. Meeting ass it was so annoying I hate the Grim Reaper so much for warriors done to my mother. More on there in the next chapter I'll tell you that soon enough I ended up going to my brothers place and that's where I found out where and what happened to my mother. I still remember that day as it was yesterday we went to the bookstore and stuff I'm not gonna spoil it the rest of the story but I have to tell you what the concept is first of all I am in share care with my group home that means my brother Brian has half custody of me and the other is a group home and I visit him once a month for a week visit. And I ended up getting a Lotta good things from him like a picture of Gnash as well as many books and a ring that I bought myself.   It was gold stone the stone in the ring was gold stone it was a stone that I love very much since I was a kid since I was 11 years old. Fun facts about the gold stone Gold stone is a very beautiful stone but it is good for building confidence happiness and even stomach upset to arthritis and joint injury is very good stone I use every stone and jewellery I have as a healing stone unless it's fake then I don't use it. I find that I use stones a lot or of crystals a lot to help me help with my PTSD or help me with whatever situation in this case it popped up when I needed it the most that usually happens with stones. When I was with my friend Shawna on time I ended up going to go to a crystal shop and one stone I can't remember what it was called though supposed to help you forget and or let go certain things in past lives something I still haven't been able to do by anyway I was drawn to that stone it was an orange and yellow red stone look like it was crackling by wasn't I don't know what it was but anyway that's usually how it is I have always been attracted to certain stones that have been helping me through life. I'm gonna need more stones one or a crystals when I go through this in the coming weeks or days at least this is why I buy stones they attract me I don't attract them.

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