In August 2000 I ended up having a sleepover party, which there was nothing wrong with that. I had all my friends dress up as planets and I was able to pull another all nighter and stuff like that. You're wondering why I call this over the rainbow but anyways I was doing the all nighter to my friends and stuff and then I know it at the corner of my eye and the solarium of my house, my childhood home at the time kid you're not what looked like a demonic version of Egyptian mommy I was pretty certain it was there! This is tough Ol Elena, and this thing rendered me to tears, I don't know why, but it did and I was a frightened for my own spiritual safety. Now I'm not one for religious things, like demons , the devil, that is more of a Christian thing for other people to enjoy, but it was not mine but then there what the hell was this damn thing wasn't there I remember because that thing was there and I was afraid it was gonna attack me or scratch me I don't know where the hell that came from but I may have just answered myself by saying the word hell!
So I alerted my friend Kaitlyn about this particular situation. She ended up saying face lay down face and I will hum you a song! I was always one from music because that was the same year. I got my first cd player so I've always been interested in music. that being said, I was very interested in hearing what song she had to say she sang over the rainbow not the Israel, whatever his name is song but the actual over the rainbow from the Wizard of Oz movie first, she sang it and then she humped and the next thing out I fell asleep. I fell safe enough to do so that was!
I remember hearing somewhere over the rainbow
That being said, it was very interesting that I would go and later on in my guitar lessons when I had a guitar teacher, she mentioned something about the song somewhere over the rainbow. I thought I was a Wizard of Oz song, but the other guy I knew pronounce his last name. But I am only level one and Hawaiian that being said I don't know how to spell is the last name or even pronounce it something or another!
I told my teacher this about the girl having a use this song to comfort me when I was in that as I put it at the time I remember that year 2000 I ended up waking up the next day. The thing wasn't there anymore this Cryptid or whatever you wanna call it wasn't there anymore , so I was starting to wonder about my sanity. This is 11 years old, but everyone else too whenever I went down to go to sleep and be comforted by a song that being said where the hell did that damn thing come from? It certainly was not from my imagination was it from doing too many all nighters with my friends I didn't know, but it was pretty damn freaky, and the only thing that could keep me saying that night or even from reaming if that thing were to attack me was a song!-T.M.

Elena: my life stories (short stories) | book 1 | ✔️
Cerita Pendek****not for the Watty's ***** Some emotional and spiritual and funny moments that happened in my life in short story formate will be sending Some of these off to chicken soup for the soul books! ( at least the ones without swearing of course). B...