Vision from my ancestor (10th grade)

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This one was very interesting. It was a dream more of a vision from my ancestors only at the time I didn't realize they were my ancestors because I did not do the DNA test my father let the cat out of the bag, but anyways, I was told to decorate my body with tattoos and piercings modest amount of piercings, but copious amounts tattoos and if I did, I would as well as gauging my ears I would find that I would have something revealed to me that no one else have experienced. I thought I had first it was just a dream, but then I started looking at peoples gauged ears and started wondering what would it be like? If I started stretching my ears that being said, I started the journey of bodyguard and it was a spiritual journey more or less because of that vision I had that I would end up writing my story on my body for one thing I started piercing myself with those and I'm sorry to say this, but those Amazon piercing kits where you pierce yourself as a professional only you don't do that in real life that being said I would not recommend doing that I remember piercing myself constantly, and I ended up with nine facial piercings yes nine facial piercings God knows how many if you include my ears that were already punctured that being said that was the beginning of my body art journey only I did not farewell with the Amazon piercing kit as I ended up, trying to pierce my medusa my Cupid bow and ended up with a mini staff and now people might disagree with me on this, but it was a mini staff infection and it was asinine, and I couldn't stand it to be honest with you. I would not do that again, and I vowed that if I ever got another piercing or if if I do tattoos that they would be done by some other person, who knows what the hell they were doing!
Obviously, I have been revealed what I needed to be revealed, but the journey is still not over. My body is still a bit of a blank canvas being said what was told was that if I go and forgive people about their mistakes I know this sounds Christian, but it's not it's an all whatever Philosophy thing that if you can forgive that your most likely going to enter a paradise in the afterlife or spirit world and it turns out I found out that I was a bit of shaman, specially, after I got my DNA tested, and it nearly touched the land bridge. That being said, I found that interesting.  Some of my ethnic groups were the forerunners of body, art, body piercings body modifications, and tattoos. That being said I take in my tattoos. I have a swearing water molecule because I just don't like water to be honest with you. I don't like drinking. I don't like being around it unless it's heated..... no swimming pool, which is not very fun for me! That being said, I made the water molecule in my tattoo swear I also have a Jupiter for my mother that was a tribute tattoo for my mother. Sometimes she deserves it sometimes she doesn't but it's there. I have two; on both my middle fingers because I lied to flip people off who like to tell me that KILL myself! That being said, I also have a big dipper and also I have a spider eye on my right bosom - in a very G rated place not exactly on my bosom! That being said I actually enjoy getting tattoos. It's kind of an addiction but a happy addiction like it elevates you if you let it then can be a bit of an addiction if real addiction if you don't respect it enough and I find that a lot of people don't respect, tattoos and piercings, and I find that the forerunners of the tattoos and piercings my ancestors included would be spitting in the graves, as this was a multi ethnic conglomerate that was invented thousand and thousands of years ago that being said it includes my ancestor, so please try to respect, tattoos and piercings. I find that to me, tattoos and piercings represent body positivity, and wanting to be who you are as a person on the inside instead of dotting  around with diets and god knows what!
At least with tattoos and piercings, you don't end up in the psych ward. Let's put it that way where is diet and God knows what you end up in the psych ward that being said I know that from reading chicken soup for the soul books so I chose body positivity to be an alt girl and I wanted to be unique instead of like everyone else isn't that a crime no, it isn't? Also I wanted to reconnect with my ancestors and the only way to do that sometimes it's true piercing or tattoo. That being said I remember a lot of money going into that and I remember it was a good investment. I would do it again proudly!


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