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| DESS |

Destiny's phone buzzed on the nightstand, pulling her out of a deep sleep

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Destiny's phone buzzed on the nightstand, pulling her out of a deep sleep. She reached for it, squinting at the bright screen. It was a message from Jayda:
"Girls' day today! Be ready by 10! xoxo"

Dess smiled. A day out with Jayda was exactly what she needed. She rolled out of bed and headed for the shower, the warm water waking her up and washing the remnants of sleep.

She chose a calm outfit; A pink tank top with White pants, her Christian dior sneakers and her Louis Vuitton bag

She chose a calm outfit; A pink tank top with White pants, her Christian dior sneakers and her Louis Vuitton bag

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About 20 minutes later, a car horn honked outside. Dess grabbed her bag and rushed out the door, grinning when she saw Jayda waving from the driver's seat of her G-wagon.

"Hey Boo" Jayda spoke, smiling "Hey Girl" Dess replied, sliding into the passenger seat. "what's the plan?"

"First stop, Our favorite restaurant for lunch" Jayda said, " Then a little shopping, and later... i've got a surprise". Dess raised an eyebrow. " A surprise?, Should i be scared ? Jayda laughed, shaking her head. "Trust me your going to love it"

The restaurant was busy when they arrived, but jayda still managed to get their favorite corner booth. They ordered their usuals and settled into a comfortable conversation.

"So, what's been going on with you? Jayda asked, taking a sip of her drink

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"So, what's been going on with you? Jayda asked, taking a sip of her drink. "I haven't really been hearing for you lately". Dess sighed, stirring her drink. "i've just been really focused on my music and i've been staying to myself". " How has the music been going so far" Jayda asked. "it's been good i'm working on a new song, i think it's going to be a hit" Dess spoke. " that's good i want to hear it soon. Jayda spoke.

After lunch, They hit the shops, trying on clothes and looking at bags just laughing and catching up. Dess and Jayda both had an eye for fashion and kept picking out clothes for each other. They purchased some of the things they tried on.

As the afternoon sun began to dip, Jayda led Dess to a small boutique. Inside, the racks were filled with party dresses and heels lined the walls.

"What do you think?" Jayda asked, excited

Dess looked around, confused. "It's nice, but why are we here ?"

Jayda grinned mischievously. "Because tonight, we're going out to the club! We need to get out plus i heard about this new club all the rappers be there girl." Dess hesitated, she wasn't really a party girl she liked being at home. "Maybe one night can't hurt" They tried on multiple dresses until they found the right one.

As they checked out, Jayda winked at Dess. "Tonight is going to be fun, trust me you won't regret it." Dess couldn't help but feel a trill of excitement wander in her body. Maybe a night out was just what she needed to shake off the stress and remember how to have fun.

Jayda dropped Dess off back at home and they went there separate ways.

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