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"Charlotte look out!" Reece shouted.

Before Charlotte could turn to face her attacker it had launched itself towards her. She desperately tried to reach for her knife as she felt the zombie graze her legs. Before it could get a hold on her Reece fired his gun, fifteen times.

The monster roared in a fit of rage before its body went limp at her feet. Charlotte fell backwards slightly and panted in shock.

"Are you okay?!" He asked his voice razor sharp with concern as he approached her, he observed her looking for any potential injuries.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, just give me a second." She wiped her hand across her forehead and waited for her heart to steady.

Reece looked at her, his eyebrow creased with worry.

She inhaled deeply and then she began to laugh. His expression turned from worry to complete confusion.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked dumbfounded.

Charlotte shook her head as her laugh subsided. "Just thinking about how that zombie could of got to me, how that could of been it and I would of died on a mission with you."

His mouth gaped slightly, "Okay firstly ouch? Secondly fuck you I could of let that zombie eat you."

She smiled and smacked his shoulder before stepping past him, "Yeah you probably could of but you didn't which proves you love me really."

She heard Reece scoff as she pried open the last remaining door in that hallway. It rattled slightly in frustration before giving way.

Inside was a large operating room she peered through cautiously it was too dark to properly make out anything. She reached for her torch before switching it on and checking inside.

"It's clear." She said before stepping in and looking around.

"Fabulous." Reece sighed his voice dripping with sarcasm.

The floor was scattered with empty syringes, it looked like another group had already raided this hospital.

They'd checked most of the rooms in the whole building and they'd only managed to gather certain supplies, it wasn't nearly enough but it would make do for a little while.

Albeit their hesitation they searched in every corner for anything that may serve a use to them and their group.

"Ahah!" Reece called in triumph. Charlotte looked over from the cupboard she had been searching.

He lifted up two first aid kits.

Her face lit up. "Are they?"

"Fully stocked?" He interrupted, "Yes, yes they are."

"Yes! Good work! Now let's get the fuck out of here." She exclaimed.


After a long journey they finally made it back to the safe house. The safe house was a large building with lots of rooms where their group stayed.

The house had belonged to Rodger and is in his name which means that it also belongs to his children, Reece and Autumn. With Rodger being elsewhere the house was empty. A perfect opportunity for grouping.

It was also very secluded. The sort of place you'd have to be looking for to find.

As they approached the front of the house the door swung open, Marjorie ran out to Reece immediately, flinging her arms around him.

"Oh my god! You were gone for longer than usual! You had my hair turning grey!" She cried hugging him tighter. Reece stroked her hair and whispered apologies.

Charlotte smiled at their interaction before she continued to walk, she stepped inside the house and shrugged off her boots, sighing heavily. She was exhausted.

The house was somewhat quiet. She could hear warm voices from different parts of the house.

She decided to head for the shower, she climbed the first two flights of stairs and made her way to the large bathroom.

There were several bathrooms throughout the house however this one had the biggest shower.

At least she could thank Rodger for his taste.

She passed the living area on the way and spotted Autumn and Winter sitting together at the table, laughing together privately. It was rare to see Autumn so happy, Charlotte quickly glanced away in fear of ruining their moment.

Finally she reached the bathroom, she began to open the door until a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind. She almost flinched before the realisation settled.

"Hi sweetheart." A voice murmured into her hair.

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