Chapter XXII: Shiv Shakti

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I was astonished when he apologized to me for that day because it is unlikely of him to be sorry for his actions. I couldn't hold my astonishment for longer as the moment of his knuckles on my cheek made me forget all. As soon as the power returned, I brought my hand back from his hold and feeling overwhelmed by many emotions, I decided to just go home.

"I agree with you. I think you'd make a better sarpanch than me," I heard him say as I began walking towards my house.

"Huh?" I turned around standing at some distance from him and frowned in confusion when he said that. It took me a while to register his words but when I did, I palmed my face in embarrassment.

"Please don't tell me you saw all that," I mumbled hiding my face in my hands. I slowly removed my hands to face him who was standing there with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. He nodded confirming that he did in fact see everything. I rubbed the back of my neck giving him a nervous smile and he began taking steps in my direction.

Today is the day you die Ketaki.

"Forgive me sahib," I said hurriedly and ran away from there before he could catch me. I heard him laugh from behind and it made me laugh too. It felt strange to be laughing with him yet fulfilling. Where was the hate that was the beginning of all this?

**Trigger warning**

I kept walking on the empty streets of the village when I heard someone whistle. Turning around, I found Kallan and his friends standing there. Ignoring them, I began pacing towards my house when he came and stood in front of me blocking my way. I tried to change my direction when one of his friends blocked my way again. I soon found myself surrounded by four of them.

"Kallan let me go," I bellowed.

"You slapped me the other day, right?" He said moving closer to me. "I haven't forgotten that." He moved his hand over his cheek where I had slapped him, reminding me of that day.

I took few steps back but soon collided with one of the men who was standing behind me. When Kallan neared me a bit more, I pushed him away and began running towards the house.

"Catch her," I heard him yell to his friends and they began running after me. I stumbled upon a stone in my way and landed on the ground. They all halted near me and took predatory steps towards me. I crawled back on the ground when one of them harshly picked me up holding my hair.

"Aaahhhh," I screamed out in pain, and he tightened his grip on my hair. I tried to push him away but struggled to get out of his hold. He tore the sleave of my blouse making tears leak out of my eyes. Kallan neared me and took off my dupatta. My heart began to race thinking of all the unwanted consequences. He soon released my hair, but Kallan held my arm tightly and threw me onto the ground. I landed on the footsteps of a house but to my luck I spotted a sickle on the balcony. I kept looking at him who was nearing me with every step and I slyly moved my hand against the ground to grab that sickle. As soon as he neared me, I swung the sickle in the air slashing his arm. Blood gushed out from his bicep, and he placed his hand over it to cover it. I stood up from the stairs with the sickle in my hand and advanced towards the others. They began taking steps back getting somewhat afraid.

The wind that was blowing suddenly increased its intensity sending dust into the air and I could hear the rustling of dry leaves. I cleaned off the tears that had dampened my face and ferociously neared them with nothing but fearlessness in my eyes. 

Kallan was groaning in pain now and I attacked his other arm. The blood soaked his shirt and it added fuel to the fire that I was feeling. 

"You dared to touch me with your dirty hands Kallan," saying this I moved the sickle in the air and cut his hand.

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