Chapter XXIV: Insaaf

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"Whatever he did was not right," someone spoke from the crowd.

"But Ketaki shouldn't have done that. That's not how a woman should act," I heard another man's voice.

"Haan haan, he is not able to use his hands now," few others said in agreeance. I was standing amongst all the villagers in the panchayat along with chacha ji by my side. I couldn't help but wrap his shawl around me again as I had to face several allegations and disrespectful comments from the crowd. I was standing with my head bowed down and clutched onto his shawl at the front that gave me a sense of courage to hear these painful words. I'm sure it didn't go unnoticed by him.

"I've heard enough from you all," I heard his loud voice that made everyone go quiet. "You are given the right to speak but it does not make you eligible to say such ill things about her. Whatever Kallan and his friends did was a sin, and I will ensure that they get the punishment they deserve. They would not even think twice before looking in the direction of a woman."

"Sarkaar," I heard chacha ji's shaky voice. All this while, my gaze was lowered to the ground. Some tears escaped my eyes and I saw them get mixed with the dust.

"My child deserves justice sarkaar. Who will marry her now?" He said and I heard the crowd began to chatter.

"Who will marry such tainted girl?" I heard someone whisper amongst the crowd that only added to my agony.


I was infuriated hearing everyone's harsh words towards her. How can they be so heartless towards someone who is in the dire need of comfort at this time?

"My child deserves justice sarkaar. Who will marry her now?" Hari kaka spoke.

Fisting my hands to control my emotions, I said "Whatever happened, it does not change the fact that she is still the same Ketaki as before. She has grown amongst you all and you all know her better than me, then why such cruelty towards her? How is this society supposed to grow when people like you exist who always blame the victim?"

I paused for a moment, dreading to say the next words.

"Is there anyone who would like to marry her?" I said gripping the armrest of the sofa as my gaze moved towards her. She instantly lifted her head up and her eyes met mine. For a moment, it felt as if she was asking me why I said those words through her moist eyes. My grip tightened on the armrest looking at her whose hands were clutching my shawl tightly. Silence took over for some time and no one volunteered.

"IS THERE ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO MARRY HER?" I yelled, slamming my hand over the armrest and saw few of them shivered at their place.

"I will," I heard a voice and saw a man standing up from his place between the crowd. I frowned looking at him as he looked familiar. I released my frown when I remembered that he was the same person who was saying disrespectful things about her the other day, and I slapped him in return. I fisted my hands in anger and standing up from my place, I neared him. Holding his shirt, I dragged him out of the crowd.

"How dare you say that?" Saying this, I punched him, and he landed on the ground. Picking him up from his shirt, I straightened him up and threw another punch on his face.

"How did you even think that huh?" I slapped him and his face had turned red by now. "Someone who can't respect her, does not deserve to marry her," I bellowed punching him again. I didn't know what this anger was about. Was it the fact that he disrespected her or was it because he agreed to marry her or both?

"Sarkaar, please give me chance," he said joining his hands in front of me. "I know I was impolite towards her, but I want to rectify my mistake by marrying her and keeping her happy."

Those words just added to my anger, but I looked at Ketaki who was watching all this, and I closed my eyes to consume my rage. I left his shirt with a jerk and exhaling heavily, I sat back down.

"What is your say on this Ketaki?" I asked feeling a piercing sensation with every word I spoke.

"Sahi—" she was about to say something, but her uncle interrupted.

"We accept this sarkaar. Chetan is willing to marry my daughter what more I can ask for?" His words slashed my heart for some reason.

"Chacha ji I don't wan—" she was trying to speak but kaka held her hand tightly that prevented her from speaking any further.

"I want to hear it from you Ketaki," I said. I don't know why I was hoping for her to say no.

"I accept it sahib," she said in a low voice lowering her head again.


The wrath was evident in his eyes. I couldn't understand why he was so infuriated when Chetan agreed to marry me. To be honest, it made me angry too, but I was in no state to speak up for myself given the situation.

"What is your say on this Ketaki?" He asked and my heart screamed a 'no'. I don't know if that no was me denying Chetan or me denying marrying anyone seeing him in front of me.

Gathering some courage, I began speaking, but was cut off by chacha ji and he announced that he accepts this proposal. When I tried to refuse it, he held my hand that made me look up at him. His eyes had collected tears, and I could see the plead of a father in them. I knew I would be left a burden on him if I denied Chetan today and no one would accept me as their wife. This was the harsh reality of this village.

"I accept it sahib," I said painfully and not being able to meet his eyes anymore, I lowered my head.

"It is decided then, Ketaki will be getting married to Chetan as per all the rituals," he said in a stern voice making me fist his shawl in agony. I don't know why I wanted him to say no. I heard everyone bursting into gossips again at his decision.

Chacha ji held my hand and he began walking in front of me towards our house. I pulled on his hand to make him halt. I looked up at him and found him already looking at me.

"Shaadi mein zaroor aana," I said with a heavy heart, and he nodded lightly.

(Please do attend the wedding)

Chacha ji held my hand the entire way back and as we reached home, I saw daadi sitting on the mat in the living room.

"Aa gayi muh kaala karva ke?" She said and leaving chacha ji's hand, I went towards my room.

(Have you returned after incurring disgrace?)

"Her alliance has been fixed with Chetan," I heard him say and it felt unbearable.

"Chalo jaan chhutegi hamari," she replied.

(Good riddance.)

I sat against the wall just staring the opposite wall. I had shed enough tears and now it felt pointless to cry anymore. 

"Bachi," I heard chacha ji and my eyes that were void of any emotion moved to him. He came and sat next to me against the wall, and I placed my head over his shoulder.

"I do not want to marry him chacha ji," I muttered somewhat hoping that he wouldn't hear me and somewhat hoping that he would.

"I know I'm asking a lot from you but it's time that you get married. Not because you are a burden on me, but because you need a partner who can become your support and love you. I want to see you settled in life before I die so that when I meet your parents, I can tell them how happy their daughter is," he said as his voice began to break in between.

"Do you think he'd be able to love me just like bauji loved amma? Enough to fight everyone and endure everyone's hatred just to be with her?" I asked, and he pecked my crown.

"If I am being honest bachi, I don't know. Loving someone takes courage and not everyone has that. All I can do is send you off with my blessings and hope that he is able to give you everything that I couldn't," he said and lifting my head up from his shoulder I looked at him with much love and nodded.

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