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Chapter 221 Despicable Path

When Zi Feng saw such a big man rushing towards him, he quickly kicked the other person off the stage cleanly.

"Ah!" The disciple fell to the ground before he could react.

However, Chen Yuanshan did not stop this behavior. He pushed his weaker teammates to the opposite side one after another. Seeing that the time of an incense stick was about to pass, as long as he delayed the time, he would not be eliminated.

"Who is that person? He is so despicable."

"Judging from his attire, he seems to be a disciple of the Tianyang Sect of Fufeng Continent."

"I heard that the disciples of Tianyang Sect started to be picky about their residence as soon as they arrived at Changle Sect. Now they have done such a despicable thing. Do you think it was their leader's instruction? As the saying goes, if the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked. I think there is some truth to this."

The disciples below the stage all noticed the situation on the No. 20 ring and started discussing it one after another.

Chen Lei, the sect leader, had a dark face. With his level of cultivation, he naturally heard the discussions of the disciples from various sects. He could only keep drinking tea to hide his unhappiness.

"Alas, if the upper beam is not straight, the lower beams will be crooked too. What these young disciples say is really interesting." Chu Xu drank tea leisurely.

"Time is up, the competition is over!"

As the last disciple who was thrown towards Zi Feng and others was kicked off the stage, the incense stick of time ended and the referee announced the end of the competition.

Chen Yuanshan's heart finally settled down. Ignoring the resentful looks of the disciples who had just been used by him, he walked off the stage with a relaxed and happy pace.

Chen Yuanshan had made it clear before that the people he used were all disciples from families with only a few elite backgrounds. Even if they hated him, they couldn't cause any trouble.

Ning Yunyun, who had already returned to her seat, was still a little dazed. She didn't even make a move, and she easily passed the second round of the competition? You know, this is the Qingfeng Competition, why is it like a joke?

No wonder her elder brother asked her to follow Gu Qingan. Could she be a lucky star? Ning Yunyun looked deeply at the smart girl who was almost the same age as herself, and became more and more convinced of her thoughts.

"Qingan, this Qingfeng competition is so boring. I didn't even make any moves, but I easily advanced to the finals." Song Minglin felt extremely bored and complained to several of his friends with a gloomy look.

"Oh, it's really boring." Jin Zi agreed while gnawing on a chicken leg.

Although he said so, when they looked at Jin Zi's happy face, they really couldn't see any disappointment in him.

Gu Qingan also felt that it was a joke, as he won the second round effortlessly.

"Foodie!" Song Minglin said unhappily.

"But~ I'm a little hungry, Xiaopang, give me a chicken leg too." Song Minglin touched her stomach. She was indeed hungry after walking around on the stage looking for people to fight.

"Here~" Jin Zi took out four big chicken legs and handed them to Song Minglin, Gu Qingan, Luo Xinghe and Wang Xier respectively.

"Xiaopang, your Luofeng Sect cafeteria is pretty good." Gu Qingan took a bite of the tender chicken leg and praised.

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