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Chapter 341: Coming to Qingzhou

After Luo Yue, Zhao Qingyu and others left, Meng Ying and Gu Yan also wanted to say goodbye.

"Xiao Qingan, Brother Yan is about to be promoted, and I will take him to the Ouyang family's blessed land with rich spiritual energy to practice.

If you pass by Leizhou in the future, you must come to see us." Mengying said to Gu Qingan reluctantly.

"Okay, I will." Gu Qingan nodded like a chick pecking at rice, with the fire of gossip burning in his eyes.

Mengying is so devoted to her uncle that she even wants to take him to the Ouyang family's blessed land to practice. These blessed lands of the Ouyang family are not accessible to ordinary people, right?

I wonder if my uncle has any special feelings for Mengying? Gu Qingan thought silently.

"What are you thinking about?" Gu Yan asked when he saw his niece's strange look.

"Hehe~ It's nothing, nothing." Gu Qingan said guiltily.

After Gu Yan and Meng Ying left, Gu Qingan also said goodbye to Murong Feng and left Wanzhou City.

Gu Qingan, Song Minglin, Wang Xier, Jin Zi and Luo Xinghe rode on Apeng's broad back and flew for ten days before arriving in Qingzhou.

"The Tianlin Continent is really vast. Brother Apeng has been flying at full speed for so many days." Song Minglin said with emotion.

You must know that Apeng is a super beast. When he was in the Wuji Continent, he did not dare to fly at full speed because he was afraid of the spatial laws of the Wuji Continent. But now it is different in the Tianlin Continent.

"Yeah, I almost became a fool in the air." Jin Zi also agreed.

The reason why Gu Qingan and his family came to Qingzhou was because Mu Ruyan's master's school was located in Lingxiu Mountain in Qingzhou.

"We have to pass through Qingzhou City and fly for another three days, then we will reach Lingxiu Mountain." Apeng has now transformed into a human form.

"Will Senior Mu be in Lingxiu Mountain?" Song Minglin asked doubtfully.

"We don't know, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up. Even if Master is not here, maybe we can get some clues?" Gu Qingan said after considering for a moment.

Di Jing told her that her master's soul did not go to the underworld, so she still had hope of survival.

Mu Ruyan disappeared without a trace in the self-destructing airflow. Could it be that she was rescued by her master? After having this guess, Gu Qingan must go to Lingxiu Mountain to find out.

However, Apeng had told her that the location of Lingxiu Mountain was very secretive, and without Mu Ruyan's guidance, even he would not be able to find the entrance.

This is also the reason why Apeng has not been to Lingxiu Mountain in the past three years.

Mu Ruyan's master's identity is very mysterious and he often disappears without a trace. Even if we are lucky enough to enter Lingxiu Mountain this time, we may not be able to meet him.

Gu Qingan and his companions entered Qingzhou City before sunset and looked for a suitable inn to stay in.

Except for Gu Qingan, the others had no money from Tianlin Continent. In order to save money, they could only come to the door of a smaller inn.

"Alas, I can't move forward without money." Jin Zi touched his bald neck and sighed helplessly.

Once upon a time, he spent money lavishly and enjoyed a life of luxury in Wuji Continent, but now...

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