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Chapter 421 Soul Transfer Spell

Gu Qingan hadn't yet recovered from her elder brother's sacrifice, and when she heard Youmo say this, she was immediately terrified.

"What's the price?" Di Jing asked calmly with a faint expression.

The space crack was filled with deep silence, and Youmo fell into a brief silence.

A moment later, two marks emitting black light shot out from the space crack and instantly sank into the fields of Di Jing and Gu Siming.

"Di Jing! Big brother!" Gu Qingan exclaimed, but no one heard it this time.

What is that mark? Will it harm Di Jing and his elder brother's health? Gu Qingan became uneasy.

"What just entered your bodies was the Soul Transferring Curse." Youmo's voice was empty and distant. "You are all under the spell of Soul Transferring Curse. From now on, half of the netherworld power absorbed by Di Jing will automatically be transferred to Gu Siming."

"Half..." Gu Qingan murmured.

Still, still, the result is better than I expected.

Gu Qingan was relieved for only a moment, as the lazy and distant voice came from the space crack again.

"Not only that, nine out of ten of the pain that Gu Siming suffers will be transferred to Di Jing."

What! Nine!

Everyone looked solemn. Di Jing had to give up half of his strength and had to bear Gu Siming's pain. Could his body bear it?

Gu Qingan clenched his fists, extremely frightened.

"Brother, Di Jing, no! Don't agree to it!"

Gu Qingan circled around them, calling out to them, but it was all in vain.

"Okay~" ​​Di Jing was not afraid at all, his eyes never left the white light in the air.

As long as An'er can be reborn, what does the soul-transferring spell matter? Even if it costs his life, he would be happy to do it.

Gu Qingan stared at Di Jing in a daze, feeling mixed emotions.

"Di Jing...Di Jing..." Gu Qingan repeated Di Jing's name and was distracted for a moment.

Qi Yu, with complicated eyes, looked quietly at Di Jing, whose expression was indifferent. His lips moved, but in the end he said nothing.

"Jing boy, there is nothing I can do. It is not easy to find the most satisfactory successor, but he is so weak.

To grow up, it still requires a long and arduous training.

If he died during the training, wouldn't my efforts be in vain?" Youming explained to Di Jing, his tone somewhat helpless.

Di Jing knew You Mo's worries, so he was willing to bear the pain that Gu Siming would suffer in the future.

Moreover... he was also afraid that if Gu Siming really died, An'er would be sad in the future.

In the following time, Gu Qingan witnessed with his own eyes that Gu Siming was lifted into the space crack by a mysterious and powerful force.

After Gu Siming's figure completely disappeared, the ball of light suspended in the air also floated into the crack, and then the space crack closed.

After a fluctuation in space, the sky returned to its clear blue sky, as if what had just happened was just a dream.

But Gu Qingan knew that it was not a dream, it was real.

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