Chapter 7

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Wolfkit leaped through the bush her and Frostkit were hiding under and bounded towards the closest tree.

"What in the name of StarClan-" Leafpelt began then stopped in bewilderment.

"Wolfkit?" Mosstripe yowled in confusion.

Maybe the fox won't notice me.

Too late, the fox was on her in an instant. Wolfkit took a risk and made a huge leap at the tree. She flew through the air. Wolfkits claws were a mouse-length away from the bark when she felt searing pain shoot up her tail. She jolted backwards for a heartbeat, then was flung onto the trunk of the tree. As she quickly sunk her claws into the tree, she looked back to see the foxes jaws around her tail.

"I don't think so kitty" he said, muffled by Wolfkits fluffy tail. "Your not going anywhere, not while I'm here"

"Then I guess I'll just have to get rid of you" Wolfkit retorted. For a moment the fox stood frozen, then he focused his attention back on Wolfkit.

"You may be able to play mind tricks on me cat," he replied. "But I can still kill you just as easily."

"Try me, and these are no tricks," Wolfkit looked the fox in the eyes. "At least not yet." For the first time the fox looked uncertain. Wolfkit took her chance, she looked back at the tree and ran up its trunk before flipping into a backflip and landing on the foxes back. Wolfkit heard fur ripping, then she felt extreme pain erupt from her tail. She let out a blood-curdling shriek and looked back at the fox to see a small chunk of her tail hanging limply from the foxes blood-stained jaws. He spat it out fiercely then locked eyes with Wolfkit.

"Play times over Mystery Tongue" he sneered.

Mystery Tongue?

"Not yet it's not" Wolfkit replied coldly. Fire burned in the foxes amber eyes.

"You worthless little rat!" He snarled. "When I'm done with you, you'll be nothing but a rotting carcass left to be stripped away by the buzzards!" Anger and rage boiled up in Wolfkit. Unsheathing her claws, she dug them into the foxes shoulders until blood oozed out like a river. He howled in pain and then his anger exploded.

"I've had it with your games!" He opened his jaws and snatched Wolfkit up and threw her against the trees roots. He looked into her eyes, his eyes aflame. "I'm going to kill you then use your decomposed bones as trophies!"he lifted a forepaw and pressed it on Wolfkit's chest until she couldn't breath. Wolfkit gasped for breath but to no avail. She wriggled around to get free but it was no use, she was no match for this fox. Her vision blurred and she was losing consciousness.

"Thanks to you, I'll now have something to drag my claws through

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"Thanks to you, I'll now have something to drag my claws through." the fox lifted his other paw for the killing blow but was stopped by a dark shape ramming into him. Wolfkit dropped on her stomach and gasped and wheezed as air flowed into her lungs while the fox and the newcomer battled it out. She looked up to see a dark tabby sinking his teeth in one of the foxes foreleg.


The fox stood shakily to his paws then bashed Sparkclaw in the side, sending him flying into a bramble bush. The fox glared at Wolfkit. "This isn't over," he said. "Next time, he won't be there to save you." He took one last glance at the bramble bush then half walked, half limped away until he was out of sight, oozing fresh blood in his wake.

Wolfkit clenched her teeth as she stood up and glanced around the clearing. Leafpelt was covered in wounds and Mosstripe was limping over to where Sparkclaw emerged from the undergrowth. Just then, Rainspot flew through his hole in the bracken and rushed to help Mosstripe while Splotchpaw tended to Leafpelt. Right as Sparkclaw crawled out of the bramble bush covered in barbs and thorns and padded over to Blackshades unconscious body and heaved him onto his back, Froskit came rushing through the bracken looked around the clearing.

When her eyes fell on Wolfkit, they lit up and she shrieked, "Wolfkit! Your ok!"

"Wolfkit?" Rainspot said questioningly, then all eyes fell on Wolfkit. "What are you doing here?"

"It doesn't matter," Mosstripe cut in. "What matters is that she's a hero."

"What?" Splotchpaw gawked.

"She saved us from the fox," Leafpelt added. "We were about ready to give up."

"And then Wolfkit appeared" Mosstripe finished.

"We must tell Ashstar" Rainspot said. She signaled with her tail for everyone to leave the blood-stained clearing and passed through the bracken. Everyone followed. Wolfkit took a shaky step forward and looked at Froskit.

"Wolfkit?" Frostkit questioned, looking back at Wolfkit. Wolfkit took another step then swayed on her paws and collapsed, then inky blackness swamped her vision.

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