Chapter 16

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Wolfpaw narrowed her eyes as she sniffed for the scent of prey. Her ears swiveled as she tried to catch a little sound as well. Then she heard it. A soft crunching sound. Wolfpaw looked up and glanced into the clearing she was hunting in. About a few fox-lengths ahead of her was a small vole, eating away at a shriveled grass blade. Wolfpaw looked slightly to the side and saw a patch of grass.
Interesting choice of food.
Slowly crouching as Mosstripe had instructed her who was only a few cat-lengths into the bushes behind her, inspecting her every move, Wolfpaw edged closer. When she was a fox-length away from the vole, a squeaky sort of whispering floated towards her ears:
"-Ah, this will feed the colony for days! I cannot believe I stumbled upon this grass field!" the vole squeaked cheerfully. Wolfpaw gasped.
How can I understand this vole? It just doesn't make any-
Then Wolfpaw remembered. She shook out her fur and narrowed her eyes again. But the vole was really distracting, prey speaking and Wolfpaw hearing all of it!
"What do I do now? Go home and tells family I's found a grass stalk?" the vole narrowed his eyes in thought. "I know! I eat this here stalk and then go back and tells family I found a field of grass! We'll survive leaf-bare! He he he!" he said in triumph and began to pad away. Wolfpaw gasped and launched herself at the vole, making lots of noise in the process. The vole looked up at her as she cannoned through the air.
He screamed. "Flying predator! Run for help!" Holding the blade of grass in his small muzzle, the vole bounded just out of Wolfpaws outstretched paws and disappeared down a dark hole. Wolfpaw tumbled to the ground in a heap of fur and then followed to a stop. She looked around vaguely. Her head was spinning. She looked up as she heard approaching paw steps. She looked into Mosstripes keen green eyes as they stared down at her own.
"What was that?" Mosstripe demanded.
"I-I don't know. I was doing everything you told me-" Wolfpaw protested, defending herself.
"And then it all fell apart" Mosstripe finished,cutting her off. Wolfpaw looked down at her paws feeling her face begin to flush. Mosstripe sighed.
"Let's try it again."
As if in cue, Wolfpaw caught a scent. Padding out of the clearing, she saw it, a mouse. The mouse looked her direction. Wolfpaw suddenly realized she was upwind.
"I smell cat" the mouse said, tensing,
Rushing worriedly, Wolfpaw wiggled her rump and leaped at the large mouse. It looked up and saw her coming, it's eyes widening.
"Predator! Run! Run for life!" it squeaked and scurried away. Woflpaws white paws closed around empty air. She had missed again.
"What's the problem Wolfpaw?" Mosstripe asked, padded up to her flank. "Is there something your not telling me?" Mosstripe had worry showing in her eyes. Wolfpaw looked at her reluctantly.
"We need to see Ashstar."

Wolfpaw padded into Ashstars den and called out for her. A soft "come in" greeted her. Wolfpaw slowly padded into the dark den.
"Ah, Wolfpaw. What brings you here?" Ashstar asked when she could see Wolfpaw.
"I want to tell Mosstripe I can understand other animals" Wolfpaw said simply. Ashstars ears pricked in curiosity.
"Why?" she asked. Wolfpaw bowed her head.
"Because I'm having trouble hunting. I can hear the prey" Wolfpaw answered. Ashstar nodded.
"Alright, let her in" Ashstar mewed. Wolfpaw realized she was holding her breath and quickly let it out as in a relieved sigh.
She turned around and yowled, "Mosstripe! You can come in-" Mosstripe cut her off as she hurried into the den. She had scooted into the den before had Wolfpaw even finished her sentence. Mosstripe looked excited and ruffled. She must have been waiting nearby outside somewhere.
"Alright Wolfpaw, what's wrong with you hunting?" Mosstripe asked questioningly. She looked at Ashstar. "Is there something I should know?" Ashstar dipped her head to Wolfpaw in a signal for her to speak. Wolfpaw turned to her mentor.
"Mosstripe, are you sure you want to hear the truth?" Wolfpaw asked her. Mosstripes green eyes hardened.
"I'm your mentor, I need to know if your having trouble" she confirmed. Wolfpaw turned to Ashstar as if to ask 'the whole thing?' She nodded solemnly. Wolfpaw turned back to face Mosstripe.
"Alright, Mosstripe. This is the truth, when I was born Ashstar was given a prophecy from Firestar saying that I would save the clans and that I could speak in different tongues." Wolfpaw explained. She looked into her mentors face for any sign of an emotion but her face stayed in a stern gaze.
Finally, she asked, "And that means?"
"Mosstripe, I can understand other animals" Wolfpaw mewed. Mosstripe made no sign that she'd heard what her apprentice just uttered but her eyes shifted to look at Ashstar.
"Why didn't you tell me?" she snarled to her leader. "I'm her mentor. I deserve to know about her problems" Wolfpaw flinched. Mosstripe spat out the last words as of she had just bit into a piece crow-food. She looked at Wolfpaw. Wolfpaw expected to see menace in her eyes but instead was sympathy.
"I'm sorry you thought you had to hide this from me. But don't worry, I'll help you through it." Mosstripe mewed warmly.
Ashstar looked completely bewildered. When she got her voice back again, she meowed sternly, "Mosstripe! How dare you talk to your leader like that. You respect me and the Clan and you need to show it!"
Mosstripe whirled to face her. "You didn't tell me, her mentor, about her gift and that she was having trouble!" Mosstripe threw back, forgetting Wolfpaw was there.
"I didn't know she was having trouble! She didn't tell me! I'm not her mother!" Ashstar yowled.
"Does her mother even know?" Mosstripe hissed.
"Do you expect me to know? How in the name of StarClan do you think-"
Wolfpaw had had enough. She realized what she needed to do now. "Stop it!" she yowled. Both she-cats immediately stopped and faced the apprentice.
"Wolfpaw, I'm sorry-" Ashstar began.
"No! Just stop! I'm grateful you want to help me but I realize now that I need to do this on my own" Wolfpaw mewed pridefully.
Mosstripe looked at her. "Wolfpaw, are you sure?" she asked.
Wolfpaw nodded. "You can still instruct me, but I need to figure out the prey part myself" Mosstripe held her gaze then nodded reluctantly. Wolfpaw smiled then padded up to her mentor. Mosstripe looked down at her with sad eyes. Wolfpaw returned her look and nuzzled into her soft belly fur. Mosstripe purred and licked her head.
"Alright Wolfpaw, that's enough practice for today, go pick something off the fresh-kill pile. You've earned it" Mosstripe meowed warmly. Wolfpaw dipped her head to Ashstar and padded out of the underground den with Mosstripe on her heals.

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