Chapter 19

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"You accepted a kittypet into your Clan?" Thistlestar yowled angrily. "That hasn't been done since the time of the Ancient Clans!"
Ashstar flattened her ears. "She was shivering in the snow, alone. And she is catching on with Clan life easily." Ashstar retaliated. Thistlestar quieted. "As I was saying, Angelkit is moving into the Clan easily. She is learning our rituals and obeying Clan custom. She will make a fine warrior" Ashstar mewed happily. "We have two new apprentices with us here today as well," Ashstar went on.
Oh no! Everyone will know of Frostpaws incident!
"Two littermates were made apprentices a quarter-moon ago and they are turning into fine young warriors. Frostpaw and Wolfpaw."
Every cat looked in their direction. The few who had been there for Frostpaws episode gasped as they realized who it was they were dealing with. Most of them snickered.
"She's a natural OutClan cat"
"She would do well in our Clan"
"What a fierce cat, she's probably feared by her clanmates"
Wolfpaw gasped as small conversations spread around everywhere. Wolfpaw looked over at Frostpaw. She was shaking and her eyes were darting in all directions. Wolfpaw pressed close to her. This reminded Wolfpaw of when she had first come to the Gathering and she had fallen into the water. She didn't panic, she simply remembered Sandeyes words. And she saved herself like a hero. And then when she padded back onto the beach LightClan was throwing questioning things towards her. She shrugged it off and walked away.
"Hold on! I would like to say something of I may Ashstar!"a yowl rose up from the clamor. Wolfpaw looked back to see Jumppaw. She looked as arrogant as ever. She shot a glare in Frostpaws direction. Frostpaw returned her gaze with an icy look in her eyes. Wolfpaw also noticed a hint of fear.
"For all those of you that don't already know, Frostpaw does not like me the greatest. And when I was telling a fun story about her for laughs to other cats in her Clan, she took it the wrong way," Jumppaw paused and looked at Frostpaw. She was smirking now. I growled. Jumppaw looked back at Thistlestar. "She attacked me. She nearly killed me." Frostpaw looked petrified. Thistlestar threw an accusing glare at Ashstar.
"Do you know how to control your Clan? Poor Jumppaw was nearly killed by one of your apprentices. How would you punish such a monster?" he growled, his throat rumbling throughout the Gathering grounds.
Frostpaws eyes darkened. "I was not going to kill her!" she yowled. "She humiliated me in front several cats! From both OutClan and LightClan! She should be punished!" Frostpaw scoffed. She then bit her lip, realizing how dumb Jumppaws deed sounded compared to hers. Jumppaw smirked in satisfaction.
Thistlestar was fuming. "Ashstar, take your pathetic warriors home. This Gathering is over!" he growled through clenched teeth. Ashstars jaw dropped in shock. Then she locked eyes with Frostpaw. Her eyes were cold, ruthless. Frostpaw flattened her ears and then she turned tail and ran out of the clearing.
They're going to surely have a chat later tonight.
Ashstar raised her chin and yowled, "LightClan! We're leaving!" she leaped down from the branch. "Move out!" cats looked up at the announcement. They sighed heavily and padded out of the clearing. Wolfpaw noticed them throw glares in the direction Frostpaw had ran. Wolfpaw glanced at Briarpaw. He was hunched over, his eyes darting around as if in search for something.
Wolfpaw stood and padded towards him. He looked up at her and looked her in the eyes.
"What?" he asked confused. Wolfpaw narrowed her eyes. He looked at her quizzically and then smiled in a way as if something had just clicked inside his head. "Oh! I'm staying after to enjoy the quiet and calm."
Wolfpaw snorted, and turned then stormed off. If he didn't want to tell the truth then fine.


Frostpaw waited patiently next to her hiding bush. No cat knew that she had stayed behind just to spend time with Briarpaw. Frostpaw wasn't completely sure about his feelings towards her but she knew for sure how she felt about him.
Frostpaws ears perked as she caught voices and looked up to see Wolfpaw chatting with Brownpaw. Wolfpaw didn't notice it but Brownpaw was staring intently at her, her words flooding through his ears. he liked her, that was for sure but Wolfpaw didn't notice. She thought of him as a friend, as did everyone else. Wolfpaw leaped onto the fallen log and Brownpaw followed. Then they were gone.
"I see you kept your promise," a voice mewed from behind Frostpaw, making her jump. Briarpaw flinched. "Sorry" he whispered apologetically. Frostpaw smiled and stop up.
There's no need to be sorry." she whispered back.
"So now that we're here," Braiarpaw meowed then stopped his sentence. He licked her cheeks and her brown nose, his breath tickling her skin. Frostpaw layers her head on his chest, her breathing in step with his. Briarpaw licked up and down her cheeks and neck and Frostpaw loved every minute of it.
Briarpaw?" she asked.
"Yes?" he paused to listen.
"Do you love me?"
Briarpaw didn't answer for some time and Frostpaws heart dropped.
"Yes, I love you Frostpaw." he mewed finally. "I do." Frostpaw purred.
After what seemed like hertbeats passed Briarpaw stopped licking Frostpaw and stood up.
"We'd better go" he said.
"Alright," Frostsw replied a little dazed. Briarpaw paw padded out onto the beach and turned around. Frostpaw followed and stopped short.
"What do you want to do? Climb the log or have me carry you across?"
Frostpaw avoided his gaze. "I'd rather do neither."
"We don't have much of a choice," Briarpaw said sympathetically. Frostpaw forced a sigh and padded up next to him. he crouched down. "Climb on my back, I'll carry you across." Frostpaw clambered onto his back and wrapped her forepaws around his neck. He purred.
"Your enjoying this, aren't you?" Frostpaw meowed. Briarpaw chuckled and stood up. Frostpaw gripped tighter.
"Ready?" he asked.
"Sure," Frostpaw replied.
"Alright then." Briarpaw took a great breath - as did Frostpaw - and pushed off the rocky bottom. Frostpaw closed her eyes as the water closed around her head and concealed her.
Frostpaw opened her eyes to see hundreds of green underwater plants swaying beneath the waves. She'd never seen so much beauty in her entire life. She looked down at Briarpaw to see him walking along the shore, her weight pushing him down. Frostpaw sighed to herself inside and nearly let go of Briarpaw as he suddenly swam up to the surface. She was grateful because her lungs were just beginning to scream for air. She broke the surface and Briarpaw came swimming up after her, stretching his neck to reach. Then he took another breath and ducked back in. Frostpaw quickly grabbed a breath and was pulled in as well.
Frostpaw reopened her eyes and looked down to see more and more green underwater life, and she loved it. It was a rainbow of greens, some dark while others were lighter. Frostpaw was so caught up in its beauty that she didn't even realize she was above water again. Briarpaw padded up the shore and Frostpaw leaped off his back then shook out her pelt, splashing Briarpaw.
"So, you seemed to enjoy it down there. Would you do that again?" Briarpaw asked.
Frostpaw looked at him with playfulness in her blue eyes. "No," she mewed. Briarpaw dropped his gaze in mock disappointment. Frostpaw was about to laugh but she was cut short as voices erupted from the trees.
Briarpaw turned to face Frostpaw. "Hurry, get back in the water!" he whispered fiercely. Frostpaw nodded and reached up her forepaws but Briarpaw swiped them away. "No time! They'll get here any moment!" Briarpaw began nudging Frostpaw towards the water.
"You know I can't swim!"
"No time!" Briarpaw repeated, and then shoved her one last time. Frostpaw quickly sucked in a breath as she tumbled into the icy water. She opened her eyes and looked up. Briarpaw was nowhere to be seen. In panic, Frostpaw began frantically swinging her forepaws and hind legs around but to no avail.
How do they do it so well?
Frostpaw gave one last kick then looked down. There was no ground. Frostpaw began to close her eyes when someone's jaws clamped around her scruff.
Frostpaw looked up to see Briarpaw dragging her up to the surface. Then, he stopped. Frostpaw swiped at his flank to grab his attention. He looked down at her and she gave him a questioning glance. He pointed to the surface with his forepaw. Frostpaw understood. They were hiding underneath so they could get away from the voices. She looked up at the surface to see two shadowy figures crossing the fallen log. Then a third. Then they were gone. Frostpaw nudged Briarpaw and he kicked upwards. Frostpaw gasped gratefully as they broke the surface to warm sweet air. She clung onto Briarpaw as he pulled her to land.
"We should see what they're doing," he commented once they could walk along the beach. Frostpaw noticed they were on the island's shore instead of the other.
"Okay," she agreed hesitantly. Briarpaw dipped his head and padded towards there voices. Frostpaw followed.
Once they got in the clearing, Frostpaw strained the see who the newcomers were. She gasped as she recognized the two visitors. It was none other then Sparkclaw and Mousepelt. But where was the third cat? Frostpaw scanned the scene. A tabby was crouching in the shadows. A silver tabby with green eyes.
"So, Mousepelt, I'm assuming you did what you were told and got a count of the kits in your clan?" Sparkclaw asked.
"What's going in?" Briarpaw whispered. Frostpaw looked at him and shrugged.
"Y-yes, there are two kits in my clan."
"There's not anymore?" Sparkclaw asked, a snarl creeping into his mew.
"The others have reached their sixth moon, so there's only Maplekit and Jaykit." Mousepelt went on.
Sparkclaw sighed, his claws scraping in the soil. "How old are they?" he asked.
"Almost three moons."
Sparkclaw looked at the ground with narrowed eyes. "Okay, it'll be harder to get them to come with us but it'll have to do. Has anyone discov-"
"Let's get this straight, OutClan only has two kits? How is that supposed to make up a whole other clan? Sparkclaw, I expect your clan to have more?" The newcomer had padded out of the shadows.
"Ah, Massacre, you made it. Yes, my clan has three kits." Sparkclaw said nervously.
"Three and two? Five? Five! That is not a good amount to make a whole new clan. What about apprentices?" Massacre asked. Briarpaw and Frostpaw looked at each other, then back at the trio.
"Well, my clan has four kits but one of them used to be a kittypet." Sparkclaw mewed. His suddenly eyes widened and he looked at Massacre who was now fuming.
"Have you forgotten that I used to be a kittypet? Just because I used to live that life doesn't mean the kit can grow out of it and become vicious." Massacre hissed. Sparkclaw gulped then dipped his head.
"I'm sorry Massacre. But my clan also has six apprentices." Sparkclaw mewed.
Briarpaw looked at Frostpaw. "They're planning to make a new clan by taking apprentices and kits?" he said to himself more then Frostpaw.
"And how about your clan Mousepelt?" Massacre went on. Briarpaw looked back to the clearing.
"We have ten your greatness." Mousepelt mewed nervously. Snakes eyes sparkled.
"Ten and six apprentices and four and two kits. How many does that make?" Massacre paused in thought. He smiled. "Twenty-two. Now that's a Clan."
Sparkclaw purred and Mousepelt closed his eyes victoriously.
"Alright. It's going to take a while to make a camp and train our new clanmates. While I find and build what I can for the camp, you two will gather the cats we need in four moons, can you do that?" Massacre asked. Sparkclaw and Mousepelt nodded. "Alright, we'll meet this half moon and talk progress. Until we meet again we will be known as VengeaceClan!" With that, Massacre turned and bounded off into the trees.
Frostpaw stood up and looked at Briarpaw. His eyes were a mix between sadness and fear and anger. "We have to go," he said. Frostpaw nodded and they ran through the trees away from the plotting cats.

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