Chapter 20

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Wolfpaw stopped outside the camp and looked back. She didn't distinguish a white pelt out of the shadows following behind her fellow clanmates. Frostpaw had never come back, not that she would have wanted to though,  Ashstar was still going to have to punish her for fighting with Jumppaw and abruptly stopping the Gathering. Wolfpaw sighed and turned back towards camp. Paw steps. Thrumming across the beaten ground. Wolfpaws heart skipped a beat and she turned to see Frostpaw bounding up the hill to camp, her eye serious. What happened Wolfpaw mouthed. Frostpaw responded by thrusting her chin forward for Wolfpaw to follow as she bounded into the trees away from camp. And she did.
Wolfpaw stopped as Frostpaw slowed and faced her. "There's something it should've told you a long time ago that just got so much worse." she huffed.
"More secrets? Seriously?" Wolfpaw scoffed. Frostpaw flattened her ears.
"Yeah yeah, listen. While I went to get help for you when you were fighting that fox, I stumbled upon Sparkclaw. And do you know who he was talking to and what he was talking about? He was talking to Mousepelt about gathering all the kits from both clans." Wolfpaw opened her mouth to protest but Frostpaw silenced her. "I stayed behind with Briarpaw just now-" Wolfpaw rolled her eyes. "-And Sparkclaw and Mousepelt met up again. But there was a third cat, do you want to know who it was?"
"Sure, why not," Wolfpaw meowed sarcastically.
"Massacre," Wolfpaw gave her a confused look. "The cat who tried to kill us!" Frostpaw shrieked.
Wolfpaw became serious. "Really?"
"Yes. It turns out, him Mousepelt and Sparkclaw are planning to kidnap all the kits and apprentices in both clans and train them to make up a new clan!" Wolfpaw gasped. "And have revenge on the clans!"
"Wait, for what?" Wolfpaw pushed.
"I don't know, but they'll start in just a little over four months." Frostpaw explained.
"What? That's too soon!" Wolfpaw screeched. Frostpaw just nodded. "We have to warn Ashstar!"
"Are you crazy? We can't tell anyone!" Frostpaw countered. "We have to figure this out on our own."
"We're three apprentices, we can't do this alone. Can't we tell someone?"
"Not that I know of. But we need to make a plan and fast."

Wolfpaw waited outside of Ashstars den impatiently for Frostpaws return. She suddenly padded out of the cave and looked at Wolfpaw.
"Well?" Wolfpaw asked.
"I can't go to the next Gathering," Frostpaw explained.
"That's not so bad." Wolfpaw said positively. Frostpaw gave her a glare. Wolfpaw gulped. "Sorry."
"Any who, we need to meet up with Briarpaw somehow so we can discuss what we're going to do about the issue." Frostpaw whispered. Wolfpaw barked a laugh humorlessly.
"Can we not think to ourselves and come with our own plan then tell him later?" Wolfpaw countered. Frostpaw looked at the ground as she thought about it. Finally she looked back up at Wolfpaw with reluctance in her eyes.
"Alright Wolfpaw, we'll do it your way this time, but you can't criticize our relationship, okay?" Frostpaw meowed quietly, her blue eyes searching Wolfpaws.
Wolfpaw exhaled slowly. "Alright, alright." Wolfpaw huffed. "But your from different clans-" Frostpaw cut her off.
"Wolfpaw, listen to me. Briarpaw loves me and I love him. Just because we're different from different clans doesn't mean we can't be together." Frostpaw said sympathetically.
"Well, the code-"
"Wolfpaw! Briarpaw loves me, did I not make that clear?" Frostpaw mewed with sudden anger. Wolfpaw stepped back. "I love him, Wolfpaw. And he should be included in this because he experienced it no more then you or me! He wants to support this, as do I. So will you just accept that I love him?" Frostpaw whispered.
"Fine," Wolfpaw meowed and turned and padded away to the apprentices den and then curled up to sleep.

Wolfpaw was dreaming. She was running through the trees, her paws thrumming against the warm green-leaf ground. The heat of battles flowed through Wolfpaws veins as she threw herself into the fray. She was fighting a young tom, probably an apprentice. He looked familiar, yet Wolfpaw didn't know why. She pinned him easily and he spat in her face. She yowled in disgust and he slipped out from under her and darted away. She growled and turned to see Massacre, with his jaws clamped around Whitefoots throat. By the looks of it, he was already gone.
"I will avenge you, father," with that, Wolfpaw leaped at Massacre. She hit him so hard, that they both tumbled down the hill and disappeared from sight.
Wolfpaw woke with a start. She looked down to see Brownpaw sleeping next to her. She shifted a little to the right and laid her head on her paws. He opened his eyes and looked at her, then blushed.
"Sorry, I just, um. . .can I sleep with you?" he whispered.
"What for?" Wolfpaw asked quietly.
He locked eyes with her and Wolfpaw saw courage in his blue eyes. Then it was gone. He turned away. "Never mind, I'll sleep by myself." Before Wolfpaw could protest, Brownpaw stood up and walked a couple steps, layed down, turned on his side and began to snore. Wolfpaw looked at him miserably.
"He likes you, you know," A voice whispered in the distance. Wolfpaw whirled around and looked to see Dewpaw. "Everyone in the Clan can see it but you, apparently." Wolfpaw narrowed her eyes. "So, do you return his affections?"
"Um, I don't know yet. I haven't spent that much time around him. But it might work, someday." Wolfpaw didn't really believe that though, she had never really took an interest in him. They were just friends.
But he is kind of attractive.
"You think about it then while I get some sleep." Dewpaw mewed groggily and then dropped her head onto Birdpaws chest. Wolfpaw smiled and looked back to Brownpaw. He looked so alone, no one at his side. Sanding up, Wolfpaw walked in his direction until she was directly behind him. Crouching down, she curled up next to him. Immediately at her touch, his breathing came at ease and Wolfpaw laid her head on her paws again, thinking.
Could we really have a future together? Could we have kits? Does he really love me?
A million questions swam through Wolfpaws head and she felt kind of dazed. Slowly, she drifted off to sleep.

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