Chapter 29

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"I, Ashstar, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand your noble code, and I commend him to you in his turn." The black she-cat glanced at Brownpaw. "Brownpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?"
He nodded vigorously. "I do,"
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Brownpaw, from this point on, you will be known as Brownpelt. LightClan honors you for your speed and hunting skills." Leaping down, Ashstar padded up to the tom and rested her head on Brownpelt's head. He licked her black shoulder.
Frostpaw and Wolfpaw stood up. "Brownpelt! Brownpelt!" they chanted, and soon the rest of the clan joined in.
"Brownpelt! Brownpelt!"
"Brownpelt! Brownpelt!"
Frostpaw looked at Wolfpaw as she bounded up to Brownpelt and rubbed noses. Frostpaw blinked sadly.
I wish I could have that with Briarpaw.
Suddenly, Brownpelt and Wolfpaw came bounding her way.
"We have an idea to add to our plan so we need to meet up with Briarpaw," they whispered in unison. Frostpaw couldn't contain her excitement.
"Really?" she asked. They nodded. "Let's go!" Frostpaw exclaimed. Brownpelt was walking out of the thorn entrance as Wolfpaw padded up to Frostpaws side.
"Thanks again for saving our pelts down there." she said gratefully. It was the day after Frostpaw and Briarpaw had miraculously saved Wolfpaw and Brownpelt from drowning. As soon as Ocean had revived them, they went back to camp and acted as if nothing happened. Then they had Brownpelt's ceremony. Now they had to fetch Briarpaw for the details of a brink in their plan. Frostpaw walked along behind Wolfpaw as she whispered to Brownpelt. As they did, Frostpaw got lost in the scenery. The trees were brimming with blossoms of white and cherry-pink. Frostpaw inhaled their tantalizing fragrance deeply. She was loving her first spring so far: the snow was gone and the air was warm. Soon they reached border.
"C'mon, let's go!" Wolfpaw exclaimed. Brownpelt leaped over the border and slunk through the tall grass. Wolfpaw leapt after him. Frostpaw glanced around and finally jumped over the border. As she stalked through the grass, Frostpaw thought of what they could possibly add to their well thought out plan. Change it completely maybe? Ask her to do something different? Frostpaw didn't have the slightest clue. Soon she padded up next to Brownpelt and Wolfpaw.
"So, how are going to get Briarpaw out of his clan unnoticed?" Frostpaw asked.
"We won't. We're going to go close enough to their camp so Briarpaw sees us." Wolfpaw explained.
"And if his clanmates see us?" Frostpaw urged.
"Oh they will, there's no doubt. But we have a plan. Remember that cave we found close to Oceans place?" Brownpelt asked. Frostpaw nodded. "We're gonna hide in there so they don't find us."
Frostpaw got an idea. "What if we make that our meeting place?" she suggested.
"That's what we were thinking." Brownpelt said. Wolfpaw nodded and pressed her head against Brownpelt muzzle. He purred along with Wolfpaw. Frostpaw looked away and pulled ahead.

Frostpaw looked down into the camp searching for a familiar brown and black pelt. Wolfpaw and Brownpelt were next to her searching as well.
C'mon Briarpaw? Where are you?
"I found him!" Brownpelt whispered.
"Where?" Frostpaw asked.
"Down there! Near that den that looks like the nursery." Brownpelt whispered. Frostpaw followed his gaze to see Briarpaw hefting sticks along the walls of the den. A small calico kit was circling his legs, her green eyes bright. Frostpaw melted at the sight of Briarpaw's muscular biceps, rippling beneath his shiny pelt.
"How do we get his attention?" Wolfpaw asked.
"We can't without the clan noticing first. We just wait and hope." Brownpelt replied. Frostpaw didn't think this was a great plan.
"When do you think he'll notice-" Frostpaw began but a yowl cut her off.
"Hey! You three! What are you doing in our territory?" Yowled the OutClan deputy, Blossomfall. Frostpaw growled. Before she and Wolfpaw were born, Blossomfall was a loyal LightClan cat. But because she was so thirsty for battle, she was exiled and eventually joined OutClan. That's one reason why OutClan got its name, it's made up of rogues, exiles and loners. Outcasts. Blossomfall's outburst grabbed the attention of all of the cats in sight. Realizing she had an audience, Blossomfall smiled. "LightClan scum."
Frostpaw gasped. How dare she?
"Look! It's the kit who tried to kill me!" Yowled a horribly familiar cat. Frostpaw moved her glare to Jumppaw. Her fluffy black-splotched pelt glimmering in the sun. Frostpaw curled her lips up in a snarl but Wolfpaw placed a paw in front of her.
"Don't, we need to run, now!" Wolfpaw said fiercely and leaped over the bush. Brownpelt nodded to Frostpaw and leapt after her. Frostpaw gulped and chased after them.
"Falcontail! Coldflight! After them!" Blossomfall yowled from behind the trio. Frostpaw swallowed and pushed harder.
"Where's Briarpaw!?" Frostpaw asked Wolfpaw when she'd caught up to her.
"I don't know, but he needs to get here fast!" Wolfpaw responded, pounding over the terrain.
"Where in StarClan is he? Were almost to the edge of the woods!" Brownpelt teethed.
"What in the name of StarClan were you thinking!?" Came an angered mew. Frostpaw looked over he shoulder to see Briarpaw coming down the slope towards them. "If any of my clan sees me with you, I'm crow-food." Briarpaw hissed.
"We have an idea to add to the plan." Brownpelt explained. "It's urgent and we think it'll change a lot."
"Well it'd better be good. Where are we going?" Briarpaw asked.
"To the cave we saw after Ocean helped us." Wolfpaw said.
"Water again? Most of this group has almost died trying to save each others tails." Briarpaw scoffed. "I swear, soon were gonna grow gills."
Wolfpaw avoided his gaze and looked forward again. "Get used to it Briarpaw, it's gonna be our meeting place. Water's your new best friend."
Briarpaw growled in his throat but didn't give a sharpe remark. Finally they broke the tree line and looked around. No cats were coming but in the distance, you could hear faint paw falls.
"C'mon, we've got to go, now!" Wolfpaw snapped, and leapt off the cliff. Brownpelt jumped after her.
Briarpaw looked at Frostpaw. "Are you all right? Can you do this?"
Frostpaw smirked. "Did I not just save my sisters pelt yesterday?" Frostpaw challenged.
"You got me there," Briarpaw laughed.
"Find them!" erupted an angry growl.
"Thistlestar must see the border-crossing flea-bags!" yowled a tom. They sounded shockingly close. Frostpaw cringed.
"We have to go." Briarpaw said and leaped off the cliff. Frostpaw glanced back then leapt off as well. As she hit the water, Frostpaw glanced down and saw Briarpaw swimming towards the hole in the rock. As quickly as she could, Frostpaw followed until she sat outside the entrance. She looked back to see a small animal plunge into the water. Staring, Frostpaw watched as the animal struggled then with a shock, Frostpaw realized it was a kit! Stroking frantically, Frostpaw got closer then recognized the kit with a jolt: it was the kit playing with Briarpaw. Getting steadily closer Frostpaw could see that the kits mouth was wide open and you could see the whites of her eyes. She stopped squirming as she noticed Frostpaw. Reaching her, Frostpaw closed the mouth of the kit and grasped her scruff in her mouth and swam down to the hole once more. As Frostpaw's lung began to clench for want of breath, she broke the surface of the cave. Gasping and coughing, Frostpaw gently placed the kit on the ground. He chest was rising so Frostpaw gently pressed on it. Water cacaded out of her mouth. She looked up at Frostpaw and her eyes widened.
"Your that cat that was just in our territory!" The kits smooth voice was high-pitched with fear as she tried to stand up but failed.
"Don't try to move, I just saved you from drowning. My names Frostpaw, are you alright?" Frostpaw asked the kit.
She blinked her green eyes. "Yes, how do you know how to swim? Are you half-fish?" the kit asked spookily.
Frostpaw let out a mrrow of laughter. "No, I just learned how to swim with the help of my friends." Frostpaw explained. She stood up. "C'mon, your here so I might as well tell the group." Frostpaw picked up the kit by her scruff and began walking towards the sound of her friends voices.
"There you are? Where have you been?" Wolfpaw asked as Frostpaw walked into the groups vision. Briarpaw gasped.
"Maplekit!" He exclaimed. Standing up, he raced towards the kit and stared her in the eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"I saw you leave camp. I wondered where you went." Maplekit said matter-of-factly.
"And?" Briarpaw pressed.
"She fell into the lake." Frostpaw finished.
"What?" he exclaimed, staring at Frostpaw sternly.
"That's why I was late. I looked back and saw her fall in so I rescued her." Frostpaw explained.
"Speaking of water, thanks for saving my pelt yesterday Briarpaw. I never thanked you." Brownpelt cut in.
Briarpaw turned to face him. "Your welcome Brownpaw."
"It's actually Brownpelt now." he confirmed.
"Oh, congratulations." Briarpaw said kindly. Brownpelt dipped his head, embarrassed.
"Alright, can we discuss why we're down here now? Maplekit shouldn't be here anyway." Briarpaw said, getting to the point. Maplekit gave him a confused grin.
"Of course, moving on." Wolfpaw started. She cleared her throat. "So, you know how Massacre tried to kill us yesterday?"
"I've been trying to forget but it's kind of hard since everyone keeps bringing it up." Brownpelt growled.
"So, Brownpelt and I have been thinking. Massacre didn't see us being rescued, so, he doesn't know we're alive." Wolfpaw went on. "So now, that gives us an advantage. He doesn't know we survived, so we could further proceed with this plan. While Briarpaw pretends to be loyal, he could sneak out some nights and tell us what he knows. Eventually our plan will come together to bring down the new clan."
"That's my whole plan. What did you add to it that was so important?" Frostpaw asked.
"Like I said, Massacre thinks we're dead so this gives us an advantage. How? Because we'll be giving the information to our leader once the plan is complete. Massacre won't even know what's coming."
Another pause.
"This could actually work." Briarpaw said.
"Alright. Then it's settled, we know what we're doing. Alright everyone, we can go." Wolfpaw concluded. She stood up and started walking back thought the tunnel. Frostpaw looked at Briarpaw. He was looking at the floor, hi his own thoughts.
"Briarpaw? You okay?" she asked.
He snapped his head up. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Let's get out of this cave." Briarpaw stood and paused. Frostpaw padded over to Briarpaw and gave him a lick on the nose.
"It'll be alright, I promise." she said comfortingly.
Maplekit looked at Frostpaw. "Are you two, in love?" Sh asked.
"Yes, we are." Briarpaw nodded.
"That goes against the warrior code! Thistlestar will be mad when he finds out about this." Maplekit said. Frostpaw swallowed.
Briarpaw bent his head so he was Maplekits height. "Can you make me a promise?" She nodded timidly. "This has to be a secret between us. Understand? No cat can know that I love a very pretty she-cat from another clan, can you do that for me Maplekit?" Briarpaw asked.
Maplekit thought it over. "Yes. I'll keep your secret Briarpaw. I promise to never tell any cat, ever." Maplekit promised.
"That's what I wanted to hear." Briarpaw said then picked Maplekit up by her scruff and started after Brownpelt.
When they arrived at the pool, Maplekit started whining.
"What is it?" Briarpaw asked, setting her down.
"I'm scared. I don't want to drown again." Maplekit cried. "I want the white cat to take me back."
Briarpaw looked at Frostpaw and smiled. "You want Frostpaw to take you back?" Maplekit nodded. "Alright then, go to her." Maplekit nodded agin the sheepishly padded over to Frostpaw.
"Will you help me out of this cave?" She asked.
"Of course." Frostpaw answered.
"But I want you to do it after everyone leaves." Maplekit asked. Frostpaw looked at her companions. They nodded and dipped into the pool, swimming away up to the surface.
Frostpaw grasped Maplekit's scruff in her mouth and placed two forepaws into the pool. "Okay Maplekit, I need you to take the biggest breath you've ever taken, can you do that?" Maplekit nodded nervously. "Alright, I'll count to three. One . . . Two . . -"
"Could you count to five?" The kit asked. Frostpaw chuckled.
"Of course, and when we're out there, don't be afraid to open your eyes. It really quite pretty. Alright, are you ready?" Frostpaw gently asked again. Maplekit nodded.
"Alright, One . . . Two . . . Three . . . Four . . . Five. Take a deep breath Maplekit." Maplekit obeyed and sucked in a great breath. Frostpaw did as well and plunged into the water.
Frostpaw opened her eyes and swam down through the tunnel, briskly stroking. She glanced down at Maplekit to see her eyes squeezed shut, cheeks full of air. Frostpaw gently tapped her ear and Maplekit cracked open her green eyes. Immediately, her demeanor changed. Maplekit looked around in all directions, amazed at the underwater beauty. Frostpaw focused on getting to the surface quickly. Soon Maplekit would need air. As Frostpawglsnced back down at Maplekit, she noticed her staring at her longingly.
She likes me.
Frostpaw smiled down at her and looked back at the surface. They emerged through the water and Maplekit gasped dramatically.
"You doing alright?" Frostpaw asked, muffled but the kits fur.
"That was fun! Let's do it again!" Maplekit exclaimed. Frostpaw chuckled and began swimming to shore.

As Frostpaw padded through the thorn entrance behind Wolfpaw, immediately something was wrong. All the queens were frantically looking around the camp. Frostpaw knit her brows together. What was going on.
After the chaos had subsided a little, Leafpelt ran to the center and of camp and yowled a bloodcurdling cry, "Angelkit has gone missing!"

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