Chapter 27

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Wolfpaw wriggled her shoulders back and forth as she stared at her prey. It was a plump vole, snacking on a seed. It mumbled inaudible things that nipped Wolfpaws ears but she shrugged it off. She stalked forward slowly, carefully placing her paws. Then, she leapt. She landed square on top of the vole and swiftly killed it with a swipe of her claws. Mosstripe meowed proudly.
"Well done Wolfpaw. Keep this up and you'll have great success when your assessment comes up." Mosstripe said. Wolfpaw smiled. Then a yowl cut past Wolfpaws ears as Mosstripe leaped on top of her and pressed her back to the ground, completely catching Wolfpaw by surprise. "How will you react?" Mosstripe asked. "OutClan cats or rogues won't let you catch something they want without a fight. So if this was a real situation, what would you do?" Mosstripe tested her, licking her lips. Wolfpaw hissed and grasped Mosstripes paw in her mouth. Mosstripe tried to tug it away, put Wolfpaw gripped harder and threw her head back, launching Mosstripe in that direction. She landed with a grunt, signaling Wolfpaw. Leaping to her paws, she spun on her leapt onto Mosstripe and shoved a sheathed paw into her throat.
"How will you react?" Wolfpaw joked and then stepped off. Mosstripe. She smiled.
"Alright, your done for the day." Mosstripe purred. "Go catch something, as a token of my pride." Wolfpaw smiled and then trotted off. As she was sneaking up on a squirrel, paws crunching over dried grass caught Wolfpaw attention. Whipping her head around, Wolfpaw gasped in surprise as Brownpaw came bounding through the trees.
"Wolfpaw thank goodness! I've been looking for you!" Brownpaw huffed. "I passed my assessment today!"
"Really?" Wolfpaw said, shocked. Brownpaw nodded vigorously.
"I'm gonna be a warrior Wolfpaw, isn't that great?" Brownpaw went on. Wolfpaw couldn't contain her joy.
"Oh Brownpaw, I'm so happy for you! Your gonna be a warrior!" she yowled. He smiled sheepishly. "Who's your mentor again?" Wolfpaw asked curiously.
"Smokeheart," he replied.
Wolfpaw smiled.
"So, how are his kits? I still haven't seen them." Brownpaw said.
"I don't know, why don't we go see?" Wolfpaw suggested. Brownpaws eyebrows rose. "C'mon, it'll be fun!"
"I'm not good around kits," he said nervously. Wolfpaw rolled her eyes. "No, trust me! I just don't mix with kits."
"Is that really it, or are you scared to see them?" Wolfpaw challenged. Brownpaw swallowed. "Oh, come on!" Wolfpaw bounded up the slope in front of her and glanced at Brownpaw. He hadn't moved. She sauntered back down to him.
"Wolfpaw, there's someone behind you!" he said suddenly, making Wolfpaw cry out in alarm, pivoting to face her attacker. O her surprise, no one was there. He chuckled. "I'm kidding, you don't need to be afraid," he joked. Wolfpaw raised a paw and shoved him. He went down with an oof!
"-So, your clan still has all the apprentices and kits from the last four moons?" a tom said quietly in the distance. Brownpaws eyes widened. He looked at Wolfpaw and opened his mouth but she shushed him with a paw.
"We need to follow them, it'll help in our plan." Wolfpaw whispered and then began to stealthily crawl towards Mousepelts voice. Brownpaw copied and followed. When the voices sounded as if they were right next to them, Wolfpaw and Brownpaw glanced over the hedge in front of them and saw Sparkclaw and Mousepelt in a clearing.
"So, do you think Massacre found a good place for camp?" Mousepelt asked Sparkclaw timidly. Sparkclaw turned his blue-green gaze towards him.
"Of course he did! He's our leader! And when he shows up, we can talk details." Sparkclaw snapped. Mousepelt swallowed. Wolfpaw looked at Brownpaw.
"We need to go, now." she whispered. Brownpaw knitted his brows together.
"Well, what have we here?" a recognizable voice growled. Wolfpaw look behind Brownpaw to see Massacre pad into the light, his green eyes sparkling. "Two kits spying on my most trusted ally's? This simply will not do." Massacre said sweetly.
"How about we kill you and never hear the end of it!" Brownpaw snarled.
Massacre chuckled. "Believe me my friend, you'll be hearing nothing at the bottom of the lake." he chided. Brownpaw gasped as Massacre took two swift strides and caught him in his jaws and began bounding down towards the lake, taking the lead as Wolfpaw followed behind.
"Put him down Massacre!" Wolfpaw shouted. The silver tabby just laughed and pounded harder. Wolfpaw grit her teeth and pressed after him. Suddenly, he dropped Brownpaw and pivoted sharply. He then leapt straight at Wolfpaw, knocking her down.
"Get off of me!" Wolfpaw screeched.
Massacre licked his lips. "You're going to go for a little swim, Wolfpaw." he growled.
"Let go of me!" Wolfpaw exclaimed.
"Say good night, kit! Greet StarClan for me!" Massacre yowled, then he swung Wolfpaw around then bashed her head against a rock on shore of the lake.

Wolfpaw opened her eyes and looked around. Shockingly, she didn't see any starry-pelted cats anywhere.
I'm still alive?
She noticed Brownpaw out cold lying on her flank. Wolfpaw looked up to see Massacre dragging both her and Brownpaw by all four of their paws; There was a series of knots tying them all together made of some thick, white vine. Wolfpaw sniffed the rope tentatively then drew back in disgust. It reeked of Twolegs. Glancing behind her, Wolfpaw noticed boulders tied to the end of the vines.
"Brownpaw, Brownpaw!" Wolfpaw whispered in the toms ear. "Brownpaw, wake up! Please!" Wolfpaw begged worriedly. Brownpaws ear twitched then he opened his eyes.
"Why are we whispering?" he asked quietly. Wolfpaw pointed with her chin towards their enemy. "Wait, how am I not dead?" Brownpaw wondered.
Wolfpaw shrugged. "I don't know, but I have a bad feeling we're not supposed to be awake." she whispered and Brownpaw glanced at Massacre.
How long have we been out?
Suddenly, Massacre dropped the knotted Twoleg vine and padded away some distance.
"C'mon, let's go while we can-" Brownpaw started and then was cut off as they heard rustling. Massacre reappeared, and started dragging them again. The tree line broke and Wolfpaw saw they were heading for a cliff.
Oh no! He is going to kill us!
Wolfpaw looked at Brownpaw as his eyes widened. He started to struggle.
"Brownpaw, stop!" Wolfpaw whispered fiercely. Massacre snapped his head around at the commotion.
"What!? How are you awake? That gash should've had you asleep long enough till I dropped you into the deepest part of the lake!" Massacre snarled. Wolfpaw gasped. How would they escape? "Oh well, you still won't be able to get the knots undone by the time you'll fall unconscious." Massacre started dragging them faster.
"Help! Help!" Wolfpaw yowled.
Massacre slapped a paw over her muzzle. Shut up!" he growled. But it didn't matter, he had already dragged them to the edge. He smiled wickedly at them once he realized how close their doom was. "I guess no ones going to come to your rescue after all. Well, see you around lovebirds." Massacre chuckled then pushed the boulders over the edge. Wolfpaw and Brownpaw screamed as they fell towards their watery death.


How's that for a cliffhanger? Don't worry though, I'll be working on the next chapter today! Enjoy!

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