Chapter 13

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Frostpaw bounced around Dapplepelts legs as they walked through the bare forest.
I cant believe I'm doing my first, actual hunting practice!
"So what do I need to do to catch something?" Frostpaw asked, even though she had a pretty good idea of it already.
"Frostpaw, I know you caught that mouse when you snuck out of camp when you were a kit" she mewed to her as if reading her thoughts.
Frostpaw stopped walking and looked at her. "Really?" she asked. Dapplepelt nodded smiling. Frostpaw flattened her ears in embarrassment.
"Okay. Just stalk something and I'll correct you if I need to" Dapplepelt meowed warmly. Frostpaw nodded and put her muzzle to the snowy ground to get a scent. She moved around until a scent hit her.
A vole!
She looked up and padded in the direction of the trail the vole had left. She padded some ways until she saw a big, plump vole sitting on a tree stump eating a seed.
This is going to be tricky.
Frostpaw crouched down and slowly moved forward, not making a sound. She was a fox-length from the mouse and soon to be a tail-length. She was getting closer, and then she was at the place she felt was best. She propped herself up a little bit to see if the vole was still there. It was. She crouched back down and closed her eyes. She opened her eyes and pushed off her hind legs and flew on top of the stump, tackling the vole by the element of surprise. They fell off the stump and Frostpaw had the vole in her paws. She looked down at it and was about to kill it when it slipped out of her grasp and bounded over to a hole a few cat-lengths away.
"No!" Frostpaw yowled and gave chase. She caught up to the vole in heartbeats but the hole was getting close. She dared a flying leap, and pushed off her legs. She landed right on the vole before it could make it into the hole. Frostpaw quickly killed it with a bite to the neck so it wouldn't escape again. She picked up her fresh-kill and turned around to see Dapplepelt staring down at her. Her eyes were proud.
"Frostpaw, that was magnificent!" she praised. Frostpaw smiled and closed her eyes. "Okay, I don't have a shadow of doubt that you won't miss any prey you find, so tell you what, how would you like to hunt all on your own and I hunt on my own? Then we meet at the Ancient Oak and compare our catches?" she explained.
Frostpaw smiled. "I would love to!" she mewed excited, accepting the challenge.
Dapplepelt laughed. "Alright, meet you there!" she meowed and bounded away. Frostpaw smiled and bounded the other way, towards the Ancient Oak.

Frostpaw padded through the trees towards her and Dapplepelts meeting place. While they hunted, Frostpaw had caught her vole, a finch, a sparrow, two mice and a thrush. She had quite a mouthful but that didn't stop her. She wanted to show Dapplepelt her catches. When Frostpaw got to the Ancient Oak, she buried her fresh-kill then sat down. She looked for Dapplepelt but she never came. Frostpaw waited and waited. Nothing.
Great StarClan she's slow!
Frostpaw started grooming herself then heard a twig snap. She looked up, her eyes and ears alert. The fox Wolfpaw had fought came padding through the trees glumly, then he saw her. His eyes widened the he curled his lip. He growled something but Frostpaw was not her sister, she couldn't understand him. He looked at her then took a step closer. Frostpaw took a step back. He started walking towards her.
He's gonna kill me.
"Dapplepelt!" Frostpaw yowled. No answer. "Help! A fox is after me!" still nothing. He started to run. Frostpaw gasped then turned tail and bounded away from the threat. Frostpaw swerved around trees and bushes to to get away from the fox, but he would not tire. He kept coming, and he was catching up to her. Frostpaw looked around for something then hope flared inside of her as she saw a withered bramble bush. She leaped inside and hissed as barbs scraped her thick pelt. The fox stopped at the bushes outside and looked at Frostpaw. He raised a paw and clawed through the bush, nearly clawing Frostpaw in the process. Frostpaw looked back and started clawing through the bush, burrs raking her pelt as she did so.
I've got to get out of here!
When Frostpaw emerged from the brambles, she took off into the trees. The fox was on her again immediately. Frostpaw was running out of options: she was losing wakefulness. She started to recognize trees and bushes.
Why is this so familiar?
Frostpaw didn't let her thoughs stop her though, she kept on. Frostpaw broke the treeline and was running on white sand. She gasped.
Oh no!
Frostpaw was nearing the ice. She tried swerving to change direction but slipped in the mud. Frostpaw shrieked as she lost her footing and landed on the ice, sliding away from solid ground. She was spinning farther away from shore, and the fox. She was about twenty fox-lengths from the beach as she came to a stop. Frostpaw lifted her head to see the fox growl something and then stalked off, his head down. Frostpaw didn't move. She would never move or she would fall into the water and she knew what would happen next. She would sink to her death. For heartbeats she sat there, not moving a muscle, but she was beginning to get cold. She was shivering out of her fur. Just then Frostpaw heard rustling and looked up to see Wolfpaw standing on shore.
"Wolfpaw!" she cried.
Wolfpaws eyes were huge. "What are you doing out there?" she called to Frostpaw.
"The fox you fought chased me out here then I slipped and well, you can figure out the rest" she explained to Wolfpaw. Wolfpaws paws were glued to the sand. "W-what am I supposed to do? Sandeye was right! I should've learned to swim when I had the chance!" she wailed. Frostpaw looked in her direction.
"What?!" she yowled. Wolfpaw looked at her.
"Some nights ago i had a dream and this cat named Sandeye came to me and told me to swim. I never learned to though! I'm sorry!" Wolfpaw apologized. Frostpaw closed her eyes.
"Wolfpaw, there's something I need to tell you," Frostpaw mewed. She reopened her eyes and looked at Wolfpaw. "I knew this was going to happen."
"What?" Wolfpaw yowled.
"Not exactly. I just kept having dreams about it, and that's why I was worried all the time. I didn't know what to think." Frostpaw explained. Wolfpaw nodded in understanding.
"Then come on, we need to get back to camp before anyone realizes we're gone!" Wolfpaw mewed. Frostpaw looked miserably at her littermate.
"But I can't! If I get up, the ice will crack and I'll fall in the water, I can't swim!" Frostpaw yowled.
"Then crawl, you'll be fine. I'll even come on the ice with you." Wolfpaw meowed sympathetically and padded slowly onto the ice. "See, nothing to it." Frostpaw looked at her sister as she slowly padded over.
Looks safe enough.
"Alright, I'll do it" she mewed with a little more energy.
"Great, now come to me" Wolfpaw said, who was now two fox-lengths away from Frostpaw. Frostpaw slowly stood up and looked around. No cracks. She crouched down and took a paw step. Nothing. She took two more. Still nothing. Frostpaw stood up fully and began to walk briskly.
"Not too fast," Wolfpaw warned. Frostpaw slowed down and looked at Wolfpaw intently.
"I'm gonna make it," she whispered to herself. She was a fox-length away from Wolfpaw when a heart-stoppingly recognizable sound cut through the air. She looked down as cracks spread out around her like a spiderweb. She stopped walking and looked at Wolfpaw. Frostpaw gasped, seeing that the cracks had made it all the way to Wolfpaw. She stood stiffly. Frostpaw started to panic.
"Wolfpaw," she whimpered. "What do I do?" she wailed. Wolfpaw looked up at her.
"Don't move!" she wailed. You could see white rimming her blue irises. Frostpaw crouched down and moved all of her feet into her chest and flank. Then the ice collapsed.
"Frostpaw!" Wolfpaw yowled but was then drowned out as Frostpaw splashed into the freezing, black water.

Wolfpaw stared in shock as Frostpaw disappeared into the black sheet of water.
I can't do this!
Wolfpaw started to panic.
"Don't panic, I will help you" some cat mewed in Wolfpaws ear.
"Yes, it is I. You must help Frostpaw." he mewed.
But how!
"Just pretend your running through the forest. Move your legs in forward motions and let me guide you" Sandeye meowed.
Are you sure?
"That's all there is to it, are you ready?" Sandeye asked.
"Then go!" Sandeye yowled and then the ice collapsed under Wolfpaw.
Wolfpaw nearly opened her mouth out of shock as the cold water soaked though her pelt. She was in water! Wolfpaw flailed her paws but nothing worked, she was sinking.
Let me help you.
Move your paws in front of you and paddle up.
Wolfpaw looked up. The surface was a tail-length above her. Wolfpaw moved her legs and swam up.
I'm doing it!
Keep at it!
Wolfpaw swam harder until she broke the surface. She gasped and sputtered around in the water and clawed at the ice. She dug her claws in the ice to stay above water.
Go to her!
Wolfpaw took a great breath and dove back in the water. Wolfpaw opened her eyes. She nearly lost her oxygen in fear. Her blood turned to ice. Where was Frostpaw! Wolfpaw looked around and swam farther down. She swam below Frostpaws hole and looked down. She saw her! She was flailing her paws in all directions. Then she saw Wolfpaw. She opened her mouth and bubbles floated our of her mouth. She slapped her paws over her mouth and looked at Wolfpaw. There was a pleading look in her eyes. Wolfpaw swam down towards her. Frostpaw tried to stay in place but no matter what she tried, she sunk. Her eyes were starting to droop as well.
No Frostpaw, hold it in!
Frostpaw looked at Wolfpaw again and then opened her mouth and bubbles erupted from her muzzle.
Wolfpaw swam harder to get to Frostpaw. She reached her and opened her mouth and closed her jaws onto Frostpaws scruff and pulled her upwards. She weighed a lot because of her wet pelt but Wolfpaw didn't stop but she was beginning to tire.

 She weighed a lot because of her wet pelt but Wolfpaw didn't stop but she was beginning to tire

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I don't know how long I can keep this up.
Wolfpaw struggled and swam with all her might. The surface was a fox-length above her. Wolfpaw was starting to run out of breath, but she was now a tail-length away from the surface.
Come on!
Wolfpaw gave one last kick then broke the surface. She gasped and flailed around in the water for a minute then set Frostpaw on the not so cracked ice. Wolfpaw sunk her claws in the ice and was about to pull herself up as well, but she just didn't have it in her. She lost her grip and slid off the ice and sunk back into water. She didn't move around, she just let herself sink. To Wolfpaw, the water felt comforting, she felt like she was being cradled. Wolfpaw opened her eyes and looked up at the surface.
Swim Wolfpaw!
I can't Sandeye.
Don't talk like that! Save yourself!
I can't.
Wolfpaw! Come on! Don't give up! Wolfpaw! Wolfpaw. . .
But Wolfpaw had stopped listening. She closed her eyes and finally fell into unconsciousness.

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