Chapter 1

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Wolfkit bundled into Frostkit as they play-fought. We're going to be appprentices in two moons! Wolfkit and Frostkit rolled over and over until Wolfkit was on top of Frostkit who was splayed out with her back to the nursery floor. Wolfkit leaned in close to Frostkit's white ear.

"Admit it, I'm a better warrior than you!" she huffed.

"You are a better warrior than me" Frostkit weezed.

"Hmm..." satisfied with her response, Wolfkit loosened up a little. Taking the opportunity, Frostkit wriggled out from under Wolfkit and pivoted to face her. Ducking low to the ground, she leaped up and landed on Wolfkit's back.

"Who's better now? Huh?" Frostkit mocked and pressed down, forcing the breath out of Wolfkit.

"I want to play-fight too!" mewed Dewkit.

"Okay" Wolfkit rasped as Frostkit let her up. "See if Birdkit wants to play"

"I will!" she exclaimed. Turning around and kicking up dust, Dewkit ran to the back of the den.

"C'mon, let's go" Frostkit encouraged cocking her head left. Running with bird-like speed, the pair raced each other to the back of the den to see Birdkit and Dewkit deep in an argument.

"Please Birdkit! We're play fighting!" Dewkit begged.

"No!" BIrdkit spat. "I don't play kit-games anymore, and neither should you!"

"What does he mean Dewkit?" Wolfkit asked. Dewkit shuffled her paws.

Frostkit took a step closer. "Dewkit?" she mewed, concern glowing in her eyes.

"I, see-" Dewkit began.

"Birdkit and Dewkit aare becoming apprentices" Dawntail explained, cutting off Dewkit.

"What?" Frostkit exclaimed.

Since when were they six moons old?

"But y-you can't!" Frostkit stuttered. "Who are we gonna play with-"

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the glowingrock for a Clan meeting!" Ashstar boomed from outside the nursery.

"C'mon you two," Whistlepelt mewed, padding up to Wolfkit and Frostkit and lassoed them in her tail. "It's time for the ceremony."

"Wait!" wailed Frostkit, flailing her paws.

"Pipe down!" Whistlepelt growled. Frostkit snapped her jaws shut and reluctantly padded out. Wolfkit leaped over her mother's striped tail and glanced around for somewhere to listen. She padded over to Honeyclaw and sat down as Frostkit followed.

"My heart is filled with confidence when I see so many strong and loyal cats, but I have some ceremonies to start" she mewed warmly. She glanced down, "Blackpaw, come forward" she beckoned. As black as a starless night, the young tom strutted to the front of the crowd.

he's such a show off! Stupid furball!

"I, Ashstar, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand your noble code, and I commend him to you in his turn." she looked Blackpaw straight in the eyes. "Blackpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?"

He nodded. "I do"

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Blackpaw, from this point on, you will be known as Blackshade. LightClan honors you for your strength and endurance." Leaping down, Ashstar padded up to the tom and rested her head on Blackshade's head and he licked her shoulder.

Whitefoot rose to his paws and yowled, "Blackshade! Blackshade!" to the skies. After all, he was his mentor.

"Blackshade! Blackshade!" everyone else joined in, in a choir of voices.

As Blackshade wondered back to the crowd, Ashstar continued, "Birdkit, Dewkit, come," she meowed. The two kits bounded up to the bottom of the glowingrock and stared at Ashstar.

"These two kits have reached their sixth moon and we welcome them to be oncoming apprentices" Ashstar meowed. She gazed down at Birdkit and chanted, "From this day forward, until he has earned his warrior name, this apprentice will be called Birdpaw" Ashstar glanced around the crowd. "Darkface, LightClan thanks you for all your speed and intelligence you've given to this Clan. May you pass down all that you know to this apprentice." Darkface made no intention to show that he'd heard what his leader had said as Ashstar turned to Dewkit and began her ceremony with Honeyclaw being her mentor.

Wolfkit turned to Frostkit and whispered, "He doesn't seem too pleased about his apprentice-Hey?" she realized Frostkit was padding away. "Where are you going?"

Frostkit stopped and glanced back. "Making dirt" she said through clenched teeth and continued on, storming away. Wolfkit shrugged to herself and continued watching the ceremony.

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